Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1603: 1603: Truth or Dare

What excitement is Truth or Dare!

Ning Huanxin was speechless when she heard Xie Yudie's words, while Jiang Lixing still smiled faintly.

"Okay, whatever you like!"

Seeing Jiang Lixing's cooperation, Xie Yudie was immediately happy.

"Let's spin the plate, the pattern on the plate, whoever faces it, loses!"

Xie Yudie smiled: "I'll come first!"

She is the most experienced in playing this game.

Sure enough, Jiang Lixing lost in the first round.

"The truth."

Jiang Lixing made the choice without hesitation.

"Okay, let me ask you a question, how many women have you liked in your life, what are their names?"

Xie Yudie asked seriously, everyone was looking at Jiang Lixing at this time.

"Don't lie, you have to answer us by touching your conscience, God is watching!" At the end, Xie Yudie didn't forget the vowed warning.

Jiang Lixing:...

"I have only loved one woman in my life, and her name is Ning Huanxin."

While Jiang Lixing said, he looked at Ning Huanxin tenderly.

"it is good!"

Wu Yi on the side immediately took the opportunity to booze!

The game continued, but Jiang Lixing was the one who lost in the second round.

"This time I will ask."

Wu Yi looked eager to try: "Mr. Jiang, can you tell me, when did you like Xiao Huanxin?"

"From the first time I saw her, one glance... a thousand years."

Jiang Lixing continued to answer seriously.


Why don't this game be renamed to Jiang Yingdi to teach you a fancy show of love and dog abuse?

"I suddenly don't want to play this game."

Xu Changan whispered helplessly on the side--

Jiang Lixing, dare you say you didn't lose on purpose?

What is your integrity!

Jiang Lixing: What is morality? Can you eat it?


Although playing Truth or Dare was successfully abused by Actor Jiang, the few people still had a good time together. They played until the middle of the night, and several people went directly to the guest room to rest.

Jiang Lixing didn't rest so early. He took Ning Huanxin to the balcony on the top floor of the hall again, overlooking the night view of Yanjing.

"Do you have anything to do before getting married?"

Jiang Lixing embraced Ning Huan's heart from behind, and suddenly asked gently.


Ning Huanxin blinked: "Should I have a single party?"

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Lixing smiled, and gently helped Ning Huanxin caress the hair that was tossed by the night wind.

Three thousand years ago, Ning Huanxin was expelled from the immortal clan. Today, three thousand years later, if she and Jiang Lixing get married and have a room, Jiang Lixing’s bloodline of the demon clan will inspire Ning Huanxin’s loose seal, all her memories and cultivation. Will come back.

At that time, the fairy clan will also come to the door, right?

Of course, she can also go to the immortal clan in advance, I believe that whether it is Jian Yunyi or Qiao Xuejun, they all know where the immortal emperor is.

The former fairy emperor Yifang was the biological father of Fairy Qingxin.

"If he wanted to show up, he would have appeared long ago, and if he wanted to stop it, he would have stopped long ago. Since he refuses to appear, why should I go to him?"

It is better not to meet.

After Ning Huanxin recovered part of her memory, she thought of many things and wanted to understand many things.

The original expulsion may not have been for today's fulfillment.

Now that they both made a decision and knew what they wanted, there is no need to see each other now.

"Okay, just do everything you like."

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Lixing nodded, and looked at a certain place in Yanjing, where there was an unusually powerful aura that ordinary people could not perceive.

That familiar breath belongs to that person.

It seems that they may really meet each other, it is better not to meet.

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