Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1606: 1606: Big Wedding (1)

New Year's Eve, saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, is a traditional Chinese festival for thousands of years.

This day of every year is an extraordinary day for the reunion of thousands of families, and today, the entire Yuhai Mountain is immersed in joy.

Today is the day when Young Master Gu Xiao gets married, and it is also the day when Miss Ning Huanxin gets married.

Because the Gu family had already sent invitations, all the major families and schools in the Profound Gate sent envoys.

Among these families, the Yun family and the Ling family are the most eye-catching, because other families only sent elders or elite disciples, while the Yun family was the head of the family and brought many elite disciples.

And the Ling family was not too much, not only the patriarch Ling came, but also Miss Ling Leyuan also dressed up.

People from other families saw this scene with different faces-

The Yun family and the Ling family are also one of the four major families. They should be on the same level as the Gu family. Why are they so concerned about the happy event of the Gu family?

Doesn't this posture seem to just come for a wedding drink?

"Patriarch Yun, I didn't expect you to come too!"

When Patriarch Ling saw the Yun family, he focused slightly, smiled and said hello.

Hearing the words of Clan Chief Ling, Clan Chief Yun smiled slightly and said without evasiveness: "Our Yun family and Gu family have formed an alliance for a long time. The Gu Yun family is one family. Today, the Gu family has such a big happy event, how can I? Don’t you come here in person? It’s Patriarch Ling, are you busy with other matters in your family this New Year’s Eve?"

The Yun family was really surprised when Clan Chief Ling would come.

In fact, this was all due to Ling Leyuan and others. After she and "Gu Huan" had a trial, she looked at Gu family with admiration. Later, she was killed by Jiang Lixing again. She knew that she could not be Jiang Lixing's opponent in this life, and Ling Leyuan also felt When the Gu family was strong and mysterious, she immediately contacted her father and told him everything she knew.

The father and daughter have studied for a long time and feel that their attitude towards Gu's family must be changed. They must not become Gu's enemies, but should become Gu's good friends.

Therefore, this time when the Gu family held a happy event, Clan Chief Ling would come personally. He did not expect that the Yun family would have such a big battle, but this time it also strengthened his determination to form an alliance with the Gu family forever.

The two old foxes looked at each other and smiled, and got together to chat about the family, while the other sects and families were in a trance at this moment, and some of them had already contacted important figures in their family immediately and began to provide the latest information.


Marriage is a major event in a person's life. The wedding dress Ning Huanxin is wearing today was specially tailored by Jiang Lixing.

This wedding dress is not a traditional wedding dress, but a combination of Chinese and Western styles, which is very special.

The hem of the wedding dress is a layered wedding dress with fine workmanship, and the upper part of the wedding dress incorporates oriental classical elements, with exquisite traditional embroidery.

Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin came up with the design plan for this wedding dress, drew the drawings, and then hired an international master to sew it by hand.

From the design, to the cutting, and finally to the finished product, Ning Huanxin watched it personally. At this time, wearing this wedding dress, it feels very different.


The entire Gu's house is very lively at this moment, and Ning Huanxin is sitting in her room, Xia Zhenzhen, Shen Han, Wei Shuangshuang, Mo Xiao are all here.

Jiang Lixing, who came to pick up his bride, took Wu Yi, Zhang Nian, and Mo Yu, and was stopped outside by Qiao Xuejun and Xie Yudie.

Jiang Lixing had learned the fighting power of these two people. One was Ning Huanxin's good sister in the past life, and the other was her good best friend in this life.

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