Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1607: 1607: Big Wedding (2)

"Let's not use force on such a good day today. Let's talk about what conditions are required."

Jiang Lixing stared at Qiao Xuejun and Xie Yudie in front of him, and he had achieved the consciousness that he would agree no matter what conditions they offered.

These years, it is not easy to marry a wife!

"What conditions?"

Upon hearing Jiang Lixing's words, Xie Yudie and Qiao Xuejun looked at each other, and the two women squinted their eyes and smiled cunningly.

"It is said that the actor Chiang can be both literary and martial, decathlon, I am afraid that we will not trouble you with any topic."

Qiao Xuejun blinked, and suddenly smiled at Jiang Lixing: "Today, on behalf of our sister group, I will show compassion, and I will definitely not embarrass you, the bridegroom official!"

"Yes, we still want to ask you to cover us in the future, but don't dare to embarrass you."

Xie Yudie suddenly took out a few red cards on the side: "Come on, draw a card!"

Draw a card?

Jiang Lixing was stunned for a moment, used his own spiritual power to sense it, and his complexion immediately became a little complicated.

"Well, don't hesitate, don't pick."

Seeing Jiang Lixing's expression very wonderful, Qiao Xuejun on the side naturally knew that Jiang Lixing was using his spiritual power to sense the content on the back of the card.

Actually, how could she not guard him?

However, it doesn't matter which one he chooses.

"Now, just this one."

Qiao Xuejun simply took one and handed it to Jiang Lixing.

"what is it?"

"Master, what is the problem?"

Everyone behind him was very curious. Zhang Nian was the closest to Jiang Lixing. He looked down slightly, and he could just see the content on the red card--

In ten local dialects, sing a song and dance moves.

The name of the song "Little Girl Picking Mushrooms"

Why is the name of this song so strange? Zhang Nian didn't know anything about the world and didn't even know that this was a famous children's song.

"Ahem, are you ready? Your best man club will also dance together."

Xie Yudie was talking on the side while taking out his phone, ready for the video mode, such a great scene must be recorded, this is definitely an out-of-print video, a lifetime series!

The black lines on Jiang Lixing's face--

If you sing a nursery rhyme, you can sing a nursery rhyme, and you still have to sing and dance, in ten dialects?

And...you have to use your mobile phone to record the scene?

This is what wicked question came up!

This time Jiang Lixing has truly learned, and the "powerful" of these women has become.

In fact, King Jiang would rather be beaten by those women! He definitely doesn't need spiritual power to protect his body!


"Good time is coming soon."

As the initiator, Qiao Xuejun looked at the time and couldn't help but urged: "Are you sure you are ready? Do you want to pick up the bride? Hurry up and get ready! I'm going to play the accompaniment!"

"it is good."

Jiang Lixing on the side took a deep breath and nodded at Qiao Xuejun: "Let's start!"

While talking, he showed the card to the men behind him: "Don't forget to jump with me."


Can we go to Gu Xiao temporarily now?

I don't want to be an internet celebrity!

In order for King Jiang to marry a daughter-in-law, everyone seems to be desperate!


"It's so lively outside."

At this time, Xia Zhenzhen and the others heard the sound of singing and dancing outside in the room, and they couldn't help but become curious, because at first, Xie Yudie and Qiao Xuejun whispered sneakily and didn't tell them that they prepared. What is the problem.

Now it seems that the topic is not too difficult?

[Six changes are over. From tomorrow, Fanwai will update 4 chapters every day, one-time update in the early morning. In addition, there will be an explosion update later, and the specific time will be notified in advance. 】

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