Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1642: 1642: Fan Wai: Self-reliance Jiang Sanshao (2)

"This, wow, baby face, so cute! Eh, this xiong is so big, so white, and this..."

"Boss, we choose artists, not qing and people!"

Jiang Liran couldn't help muttering to himself while looking at the information.

As soon as Lin Chu raised his hand, his entire palm was pressed on top of those documents.

"Okay, okay, you are the artiste director, you have the final say."

Jiang Liran curled his lips: "However, isn't our company planning to prepare for the annual drama recently? I remember that at the last meeting you said that this annual drama is to bring the old and the new, and let the famous celebrities bring some newcomers. You cancel the contract at once. What a newcomer, are there enough actors for our annual drama?"

Although Jiang Sanshao is a famous dude, he has really done something in recent years.

You see, he listens very carefully to every meeting.

Well, although that's all.

"So the boss still remembers these things."

Hearing Jiang Liran's words, Lin Chu raised his eyes and glanced at him, and then continued coldly: "The boss doesn't have to worry about this. I have already selected the candidate, and it is in the folder below."


Jiang Liran didn't open the folder below, but looked at Lin Chu with a smile: "Sister Chu Chu, I don't worry about you doing things. I'll leave it to you. You can just let it go. I will spend the money and you will be responsible for making money for me. , Hahahaha."

Lin Chu:...

Why are all the surnames Jiang? Why is there such a big difference between you and the youngest?


"Now the official business is over."

The expression on Lin Chu's face suddenly became milder. She raised her wrist and looked at her watch. She smiled and said to Jiang Liran: "It's almost lunch break. I have an appointment with Cui Can for dinner. Do you want to come, boss?"

"Oh, no."

Jiang Liran shook his head: "Sister Chu Chu, what's the date today?"

"May 31, what's wrong? What do you want?"

Lin Chu glanced at Jiang Liran curiously. Entertainment companies are different from other companies. Their main business is not cultivating artists or receiving some film and television series, or some film and television productions, commercial endorsements, etc. These are usually Lin Chu's hands. Arranged, she is here with the salary of the artist director, but she has to do the work of the entire company, the boss's work is all done by her.

Therefore, on weekdays, Jiang Sanshao doesn't know how many immortals there are. He is simply the richest idler in Yanjing.

This guy is chic and unrestrained every day, and he probably didn't know what year tonight is.

So, suddenly seeing Jiang Liran caring about the date, Lin Chu asked so curiously—

There is something tricky!

"Tomorrow is June 1st!"

Hearing Lin Chu’s words, Jiang Liran suddenly sighed: "Sister Chu Chu, I have something to do next week. I may not be able to come to the company for a week. If you have something, you can help me handle it. Also, if you can’t handle it, you Just go to Cui Can, Brother Can can handle everything."

With that said, Jiang Liran hurriedly stood up and left with his suit jacket.

"I'm leaving, don't think about me, don't call me if you have anything!"

Lin Chu...

It's really the first time she has seen this kind of hand-handling shopkeeper!

What can happen on June 1st?

Does he still celebrate Children's Day!

Don’t this three youngsters know that the whole company is talking about rumors, saying that he is the artist director after pulling the back door, and that he has a leg with the boss, otherwise, how could all the company’s decision-making be done by a part-time worker like himself? Just made a decision?

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