Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1643: 1643: Fanwai: Self-reliance Jiang Sanshao (3)

Lin Chu felt that he was wronged. He did more than others, earned less than others, and lived in gossip and rumors all day.


She is doing very well now, her life is very stable, and she is full of energy every day!

For these, we must thank Ning Huanxin, Jiang Lixing, Jiang Liran, and even Cui Can.

Thinking of this, Lin Chu raised her lips and smiled. She sorted out her files, turned and left the president's office.

Seeing Lin Chu's figure coming out of the president's room, Lisa in the secretary's room immediately rushed over with small steps.

"Sister Chu Chu, Sister Chu Chu, how did the boss go? He won't be angry with me? I don't know that woman she is..."

Lisa doesn't want to be unemployed. Dingtian Entertainment's salary is very high, and the boss doesn't do business all day long. As a secretary, she has no workload at all. She doesn't want to hand over people to such a good job of leisure and money.

"I know what's going on."

Lin Shu raised his hand, handed some materials to Lisa, and then ordered: "These are the cancellation lists for this issue. Give them to the Personnel Department and the Finance Department so that they can settle the settlement. As for the female artist, I will release it to the outside world. The wind tells me that Dingtian Entertainment wants to block her!"


block? Is it so awesome?

Although Dingtian Entertainment is just a new company in the entertainment industry and Jiang Liran left the Jiang family to establish himself, but he did not break away from the Jiang family. He is still a member of the Jiang family, so other companies and peers, even the media To give Dingtian Entertainment some face, no one wants to really offend the big tree of the Jiang family.

Therefore, this is really blocked, it is not a joke.

"That... Sister Chu Chu... didn't the female artist have dinner with the boss? Why suddenly..."

Lisa asked in a low voice. She also read the gossip magazine and wrote that the female artist and Jiang Liran had a meal and vacation together. There are pictures and the truth. After that, she made an exception to let the woman enter the boss's office. Who could have imagined that this style of painting changed suddenly!

Is it a breakup? Love becomes hate?

"Lisa, the boss, we'd better not be involved as a subordinate, besides... don't look at reports from the outside, the boss has nothing to do with that infamous female artist!"

There are too many people who want to be famous and crazy these days.

The female artist has her own public relations planning team behind her, and Lin Chu is really familiar with them.

Some days ago, Jiang Liran went on vacation, and he was really not alone, but the person who was on vacation with Jiang Liran was definitely not the third-rate female artist.

Of course, Lin Chu felt that he didn't need to explain to anyone about these things. Everyone should perform their duties, as long as they are doing their own thing well!

"From today, for at least a week, the boss will not come to work. All the company's decision-making documents will be delivered to my office in accordance with the rules, and my assistant will contact you!"

After giving Lisa a few words again, Lin Chu turned and left without looking back, leaving Lisa alone with a dazed expression on her face.

At this time, the other people in the secretary's room immediately gathered around and talked about it--

"Director Lin is getting better and better!"

"Yes, it seems that the boss is taken by her!"

"What a miscalculation! So the boss likes sister and brother love?!"

Lin Chu:...

I haven't gone far yet, can you please keep your voice down? The secretariat is indeed the most gossip and bloodthirsty place in a company, no one!

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