Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 824: 824: Yancheng, I'm back (1)

Lin Qiuhan on the side was spinning boringly in Ning Huanxin's room.

The siblings are really alike, they deserve to be from the same father and the same mother.

Sometimes, looking at Ning Huanxin and feeling her breath, Lin Qiuhan would be in a trance.

When Lin Qiuhan recovered, Ning Huanxin had already recorded everything she wanted to say, and then took out the memory card and put it in the player.

"Sister Qiuhan, trouble you!"

"Haixin, why are you polite with me."

Lin Qiuhan smiled slightly, although it was a very boring and naive behavior, even Lin Qiuhan wanted to despise Gu Xiao's IQ.


This may be what Gu Dashao is happiest and most willing to do.

Lin Qiuhan felt very attractive when he waited so dumbly and listened to the recording dumbly.

Well, Lin Qiuhan feels that his IQ has recently gone offline.

"Haixin, then I will go back. Since you are going out, take a good rest. I wish you a good journey. By the way... I also hope that your family can be reunited happily."

"Thank you."

Ning Huanxin sent Lin Qiuhan away, and the whole person was relaxed.

Going back.

Whether it was the time when I was drifting outside, or the time when I came to Yanjing.

Everything seems to be in a dream.

Ning Huanxin looked at the white jade ring on her hand, and subconsciously raised her hand to touch the red lotus mark on her arm.

All of this reminds myself that this is not a dream.

Ning Huanxin sighed and smiled.

"Yan Cheng, I'm Ning Huanxin... are back!"


Holding a brand new bathrobe, he went to the bathroom and took a comfortable bath. After coming out, Ning Huanxin threw himself directly on the big bed, pulling over the quilt and closing his eyes comfortably.

This night, Ning Huanxin slept very securely and at ease.

The next day, early in the morning, she woke up refreshed.

No way, I'm going home, I really can't sleep with excitement.

Ning Huanxin went downstairs and ran two laps before it was too bright. Even so, she was still full of energy, as if she could use endless energy.

After taking a bite of breakfast at the breakfast shop downstairs, Ning Huanxin returned to the thirteenth floor. After passing by the gate of 1302, Ning Huanxin couldn't help but pause.

She doesn't know how Li Huafei and Jian Yunyi are now in Longzhou.

What I say now is also a member of the three unsuspecting cases. Although I had said that it was a non-staff personnel and had free movement, Ning Huan still called Li Huafei after thinking about it.

Although it was early, Li Huafei also got up a long time ago, and immediately connected Ning Huanxin's call.

"Haixin, have something to do with me so early?"

"Sister Li, I'm going out today. I'm going back to my hometown. I'll tell you. I'll probably go back for six or seven days."

Ning Huanxin really didn't plan the schedule in detail for the return trip, but Jiang Lixing told Ning Huanxin that he specially set aside a week's schedule, so the two people's itinerary was also anxious and could be arranged slowly.

"Oh, that's it, I see, you have fun."

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Li Huafei's tone on the phone was light.

"Well, thank Sister Li, Sister Li, how is your place? Did Li Luoshi say anything?"

Ning Huanxin was still thinking about Li Luoshi.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's question about Li Luoshi, Li Huafei sighed: "That girl has a tight mouth, and she didn't say anything when she got to three places. We are also thinking of ways recently. Although her memory has been deleted, we I want to use phantoms or powerful hypnotism to dig out the memories deep in her brain, hoping to gain something."

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