Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 825: 825: Yancheng, I'm back (2)

"To be so troublesome?"

Hearing what Li Huafei said, Ning Huanxin hesitated for a moment. Ning Huanxin didn't know what to say about the other puppet master.

And what the purpose of that person was, now Ning Huanxin hadn't figured it out yet, she thought about it and still didn't tell Li Huafei about the black gift box and the mysterious puppeteer.

Ning Huanxin didn't want to startle the snake, and she always felt that that person would contact her again in the future.

The more you contact, the greater your chance of finding him.

The two chatted a few more words, and Ning Huanxin hung up the phone.


The ticket back to Yancheng was booked by Cui Can. It was a ticket at 12 noon. The city center of Yanjing was still a little far away from the international airport, so Jiang Lixing came to pick up Ning Huanxin after ten.

As soon as Ning Huanxin got into the car, she saw a few boxes on the back seats. The packaging was very beautiful.

"This is what you prepared?"

Ning Huanxin didn't see Jiang Lixing buying more things yesterday. Could it be that he had prepared it long ago?

"Well, I prepared it for my uncles and aunts. Actually... after a long time, I don't know if they like it or not."

Jiang Lixing whispered while driving.

"Have you been prepared for a long time?"

Hearing Jiang Lixing's words, Ning Huanxin smiled: "So you value it so much! Don't worry, they will like it. If you don't like it, you have to like it."


Seeing Ning Huanxin rarely show such a willful posture, Jiang Lixing couldn't help laughing.

He likes to see her confident and self-willed.


The journey from Yanjing was very smooth. When they arrived at the airport, two people boarded the plane smoothly. Lunch was provided on the noon flight, but Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing had nothing to eat. Maybe it was too exciting.

Ning Huanxin is so excited because he is going home.

And Jiang Lixing was a little nervous because he went to visit his future father-in-law for the first time in this life.

Because they were in the first-class cabin, there were very few passengers in the cabin, and no one noticed the identity of Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin. They were beautiful little stewardesses. They looked at two more people, and then Jiang Lixing looked up coldly. After taking a look, the little stewardess immediately left without a word in fright.

Ning Huanxin:...

So, is this high-cold image of Emperor Chiang established like this?

When the plane landed slowly at Yancheng Airport, Ning Huan couldn't help but gently held Jiang Lixing's big hand, and the two subconsciously glanced at each other and smiled tacitly.

finally arrived at home.

After getting off the plane, Ning Huanxin put on a peaked cap, and Jiang Lixing also put on sunglasses and a hat this time. After all, the two of them did not want to be disturbed by anyone on this trip.

Ning Huanxin didn't tell Ning Huawei in advance the time of his trip to Yancheng this time, just to surprise him and Gu Qianliang.

The couple knew that Ning Huanxin was back with her boyfriend today, but the girl just refused to reveal the time, and the couple was helpless, so they had to push everything away, and they both waited obediently at home.

Ning's Villa is the largest and most luxurious villa in a group of beautiful villas in the east of Yan City.

Although it is incomparable with the top giants in Yuhaishan, in the boundary of Yancheng, who doesn't know Ning Bancheng?

The Ning family in Yancheng is a real super local tyrant. No one knows how much Ning Huawei has. There are rumors that his wealth is enough to buy half of Yancheng. That's why Ning Bancheng is called the nickname.

However, these are just false names.

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