Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 875: 875: Strange Things in the Villa (1)

Standing outside the gate of the resort villa, Ning Huanxin did not walk in the first time, but stood still and closed his eyes slowly.

She quietly operated the aura in her body, and when she opened her eyes again, her eyes were particularly bright.

She used psychic techniques, but unfortunately...

Everything in front of me is still the same.

No ghosts appeared in this resort, at least for now, no ghosts haunt the gate.


At this moment, Ning Huanxin turned his head and looked at Yue Xinyi: "Now can you tell me what happened?"


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Yue Xinyi nodded, but she seemed to have a shadow of the resort, standing outside the door with a complicated expression.

"Let's go, go in and find a place to talk!"

Xu Liwei who was on the side spoke softly, and Yue Xinyi took a deep breath and walked in first with him.

Ning Huanxin and Tang Jiyao both followed behind them. As soon as they entered the resort, Ning Huanxin felt that the aura in this villa was very strong.

But it was not ghost and evil spirits, but a very strong magnetic field aura. This aura should be the aura left by Yue Qingbo's finding someone to practice the evil spirit here.

"Hey, let's go to the lounge first, and I will tell you slowly."

Yue Xinyi seemed to be familiar with this place, and took a few people directly to a private lounge of the Resort Hotel. The entire resort is very large and empty. Now there are very few people working here.

"Miss Yue, a few guests, have tea!"

The person responsible for pouring tea for several people was a middle-aged woman in her forties. Although she was wearing resort uniforms, it was difficult to hide the vicissitudes of her face and the roughness of her hands.

"Thank you."

Ning Huanxin took the teacup and nodded.

"Sister Huang, thanks for your hard work, you should go out first."

Yue Xinyi suddenly spoke softly at this time.

"Yes, Miss Yue."

Sister Huang nodded and retreated out respectfully.

In the whole lounge, there were only four of them left. At this moment, Yue Xinyi finally spoke slowly.

"Huanxin, I don’t know how to tell you about this matter. When my father bought this mountain, there were actually some solitary graves on this mountain. Some old people in the village were buried here after they died because of the development of the resort. , And the surrounding environment should be sorted out. If guests see that there are lone graves near this villa, how unlucky! So my father gave some extra money to let the villagers move their graves and find them The master is here to supervise the practice."

Speaking of this, Yue Xinyi has a complicated expression: "The resort officially started after the villagers moved their graves. Everything went smoothly at the beginning. Until this summer, the project was completed, and at the end of the project, it was released. In the first accident, an engineering technician died on the top floor of the resort hotel. At that time, the entire villa had not been installed with an elevator, but he died on the top floor of the 24th floor, and he did not have any Any wound, the whole person lies on the roof, as if asleep."

Speaking of this, Yue Xinyi felt cold in her back.

"This incident was later suppressed by my dad spending money, but the workers began to circulate secretly that the place was not clean. It must have been when the grave was moved before the construction started, which angered those ghosts who had been sleeping for many years. "


Seeing that Yue Xinyi's face was not good, Ning Huanxin immediately said, "Why don't you take a break and wait until you want to talk? I can first take a look at the environment in the resort."

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