Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 876: 876: Strange things in the villa (2)

"No, I can."

Yue Xinyi suddenly raised her head and glanced at Ning Huanxin, and continued to speak: "After this incident, in order to be at ease, my dad also asked a Taoist monk to come over again, and specially invited a famous Fengshui master from Yanjing to come over, but The master said that this place is a treasure of geomantic omen, and there is no evil spirit, but my dad was still worried, so he spent some money to buy a magical artifact of Zhensha and placed it in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel. Rest assured in Hoi An, who knows that there are more and more weird things in this resort. Just after everything in the resort was built, my father took a few partners and many relatives and friends to eat here. It was everyone. Celebrate, who knows... just that night my cousin fell into the water and almost drowned."

After talking a lot in one breath, Yue Xinyi finally paused, her eyes complicated.

Hearing what Yue Xinyi said, Ning Huanxin's eyes suddenly flashed: "Your cousin? Isn't it Yin Han?"

Ning Huanxin remembered that Yin Han and Yue Xinyi were relatives, her cousins, but she didn't know how many cousins ​​Yue Xinyi had.

Upon hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Yue Xinyi raised her head and glanced at Ning Huanxin, then nodded immediately.

"Yes, it was Cousin Yin Han. According to his memory, he drank too much that day and felt a little headache, so he went out to get some breath. He wandered around in the resort by himself, and then he reached the lake and was suddenly pushed by a huge force. Going down, he can be sure that there is no one around at the time. Originally, he could swim, but he drank too much alcohol that day and was top-heavy. He could only wrestle in the water indiscriminately. Fortunately, my aunt was worried that he went out to find him, so he picked it up. It's a life back."

Didn't expect Yin Han to be a victim too?

Ning Huan frowned. If Yin Han hadn't lied, then he was indeed pushed into the water by unnatural forces.

This is worth pondering.

"and after?"

Ning Huanxin took the opportunity to ask.

"Later... the cousin was sent to the hospital. Fortunately, there was nothing serious. But he resisted the resort and said that he would not come again. Many relatives in the family also thought this was a wicked matter. Those partners are also Since then, they have stopped investing in my father. They said when the supernatural incident in the villa was completely resolved and when they would consider continuing to invest. Otherwise, they would immediately withdraw their capital and stop losses appropriately."

Yue Xinyi sighed.

"Xinyi, take a sip of tea first and rest for a while."

At this time, Xu Liwei at the side handed Yue Xinyi a cup of tea very intimately.


Yue Xinyi turned her head to look at Xu Liwei, and immediately showed a faint smile.

The two are really well matched and sweet. Fortunately, Ning Huanxin already has Jiang Lixing, otherwise, she will definitely be hurt by tons on the spot.

In contrast, our student tyrant Tang is very calm. As a single dog, he completely ignores the two who are sprinkling dog food on the side. Instead, he is holding a notebook and recording at the same time. Those words that Yue Xinyi said.

It seems that Xueba Tang is really prepared for everything and has a serious and rigorous attitude.

At this time, Yue Xinyi took a sip of tea, and she seemed to be in a better mood. She looked at Ning Huanxin and said again: "Actually, the strange things in the resort are not just these. It turns out that there are so many staff members my father invited. I encountered some strange and terrible things, so everyone resigned."

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