Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 913: 913: Hidden Secrets (1)

Jiang Liran is still very good at putting on airs and scaring people.

Of course, he doesn't scare people, and others will be afraid of the Jiang family behind him.


Hearing Jiang Liran's words, Ji Yuyang suddenly took off his glasses, rubbed the bridge of his nose, and then slowly put them back on, whispering in a low tone.

"Presumably Ms. Yue has already talked to the Third Young Master and Ms. Ning. Before the construction of the resort, there were many cemeteries on this mountain, all of which were relatives of the villagers. At the beginning, we spent money to remove all of these cemeteries and do After a French ceremony to save the dead, we started to break ground afterwards."

Anyone who does engineering knows that before breaking the ground, you must make sure that it is safe and not to cause any dirt.


When Ji Yuyang said this, he concentrated his attention, and his tone became lower and lower: "However, after the start of construction, something happened...We even dug out a lot of bones on the mountain!"


Hearing what Ji Yuyang said, not only Ning Huanxin, but Jiang Liran was also stunned!

Bones? Could it be... human bones?

Didn’t it mean that all the graves were moved away?

Could it be...

"Those bones are human?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly asked anxiously.

"Well, yes, we found someone to piece it together, it should be the bones of three people."

Ji Yuyang glanced at Ning Huanxin and Jiang Liran at this time: "At that time, our group had invested a lot of money and signed a contract. At this time, we could only be driven from the shelves by ducks, and we did not want to tell the story of the unknown skeletons on the mountain. , Because the three skeletal bones did not die normally, and some of the skulls still had obvious marks on them. It seemed... they were murdered and abandoned!"


Ning Huan narrowed his eyes, "Your boss is so courageous, isn't this going to the police?"

"In the face of interests, some principles and bottom lines do not exist."

Ji Yuyang was true. He continued to whisper: "I was responsible for this matter at the time. I contacted village chief Du Jiutian to find out with him whether there were any murders in the village. After all, the traffic in Hongcun was not well developed. There are mountains on three sides. Very few people have come here before. It is impossible for someone to kill someone outside and come to them to abandon their bodies!"

"What did Du Jiutian say?"

Ning Huanxin asked, but in fact she already had a guess in her heart.

"Du Jiutian denied it. He said that no one had disappeared or been killed in the village, and he also found other people in the village. I asked many villagers at the time and they all agreed with me. I looked at the village and found that the population in the village was small, and the houses were there. Only one yard at the end of the village was vacant for many years. It was said that it was bought by an outsider, but after a long time, the outsider's family moved out! "

The one Ji Yuyang was talking about was the home of preserved eggs.

"that's it?"

Ning Huanxin smiled and looked at Ji Yuyang: "Maybe that outdoor person was killed, but the people in the village don't know?"

"I have also inquired about the family in detail. It is said that it is a family of three with a six-year-old boy, but the three skeletons we found are all adults."

Ji Yuyang raised his eyes and looked at Ning Huanxin: "Since I'm here, I won't hide anything anymore. We are not police. We don't want to know who was killed. We are not in the mood to know who the murderer is and we are businessmen. , Just want to pursue profit."

If someone finds out that there has been a homicide here, it is a trivial matter that the project will be shelved indefinitely, and it is known to the outside that this is a fierce place, then where will the rich and the rich come here for vacation?

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