Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 914: 914: Hidden Secrets (2)

It turns out that human life can be so small in the face of interests.

"Is that all there?"

At this time, Jiang Liran on the side asked Ji Yuyang again.

Now even Jiang Liran can feel it, the secret buried in this holiday villa is definitely not just this one.

"and also."

Ji Yuyang looked at Jiang Liran: "It's the hot spring on the mountain."


Both of them looked at Ji Yuyang in a daze.

Ji Yuyang looked embarrassed: "When we visited, everything was very good and smooth. The water quality of the hot spring has also been evaluated with the most authoritative evaluation, but just after we started construction, we found that the hot spring was about to dry up!"


Now Jiang Liran's face finally changed a bit--

Nima, I spent a billion, you show me this?


Ning Huanxin smiled and comforted Jiang Liran.

"Ji Yuyang, you are so courageous, even Jiang Sanshao dare to deceive, are you Tianyuan Group afraid of bankruptcy?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Ji Yuyang's eyes flashed behind his glasses.

"Crisis and interests have always coexisted. If we don't sell the resort, we will still go bankrupt! And now that we have recovered the funds, even if we rescue the company, although we are not right to deceive the three young masters, we are also very sincere. "

With that said, Ji Yuyang suddenly pulled out one of the documents that he had just handed to Jiang Liran and turned a few pages.

"The three young masters are aloof, so I think we won't be able to see us ants. This is our company's supplementary agreement. Just give us three months. When our company runs smoothly and the loan comes down, our boss is willing to pay to invest in this vacation again. Villa, and don’t want any shares or interests!"

Yue Qingbo is also a person who can do great things. Since he even dared to lie to the Third Young Master of the Jiang family, what else would he dare not?

"good very good."

Jiang Liran stared, "But you think you can pay a little bit? This master is not rare at all. So what's the matter with the hot spring?"

Jiang Liran seemed to care more about the hot spring in the resort.

Hearing his words, Ji Yuyang's eyes were complicated: "In fact, we don’t know exactly what happened. On the second day after we discovered the bones, there was no spring water in the hot spring suddenly. Later we found an expert, although A few days later, the hot spring water came out again, but the experts said that the hot spring was almost exhausted!"

"There are dead bodies on the mountain, and the hot springs are going to be exhausted. Your business is really risky."

Ning Huanxin sat aside and suddenly smiled and said, "So, you take these two points to negotiate terms with the villagers and reduce their compensation. They are not allowed to speak out, right?"


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Ji Yuyang was taken aback, gave her a surprised look, but nodded slightly.

"Yes, our company will naturally not do business at a loss, and the villagers don't expect the money in their hands to fly away."

The people in Hongcun are old and weak, women and children, with little knowledge. As long as they scare them, they will naturally obey.

Tianyuan Group took a fancy to this point and negotiated with the villagers, saying that they had murders here and that the hot springs were also false. This is a commercial fraud, which not only involves losing money, but also going to jail!

Not to mention the villagers, even the village chief Du Jiutian was also frightened. In the end, the villagers didn't get the five million stated in the contract at first, and the family only received 100,000 compensation and signed a confidentiality agreement.

Of course, for some people, one hundred thousand is not bad. After all, if the Tianyuan Group exposes everything, they will not get a penny if the project goes on business here.

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