Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 916: 916: Use the wrong method

Seeing that Ning Huanxin seemed to care about this matter, Ji Yuyang thought for a while and said again: "If Miss Ning wants to know more details about this matter, as well as information about the deceased, I am very willing to provide you with it. Yes, I can email you."


Ning Huan thought for a while, and then told Ji Yuyang his email account.

Ji Yuyang is a secretary and has a good memory. He doesn't need to find a pen to write it down. As long as Ning Huanxin says it again, he will remember clearly.


Ning Huanxin stopped Ji Yuyang again at this time: "You didn't call the police for the three bones, how did you deal with it?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's question about the three bones, his expression changed slightly: "Originally we reached an agreement with the villagers. We spent money to find someone to re-bury all the three bones under another mountain, and invited the master to supersede them. ! But... afterwards too many things happened in the villa, and the BOSS worried that the ghosts of the three people were at work, so he invited the expert from the mysterious gate to suppress them with a weapon! It's just..."

Ji Yuyang looked at Ning Huanxin: "Miss Ning, you have also seen it. It seems that the matter has not been fundamentally resolved! And those Feng Shui masters have seen that there is no evil spirit in the villa, which is really... a bit strange. "

Until now, Ji Yuyang didn't know what was going on, but it was not important anymore.

From now on, this villa has nothing to do with him or their company anymore.

"Perhaps your approach was wrong from the beginning."

Ning Huanxin suddenly raised her head, and the slight rain hit her face.

make a mistake?

Ji Yuyang did not understand Ning Huanxin's words.

At this time, Liu Yun walked out of the hotel lobby with an umbrella and stood beside Ning Huanxin.

"Miss Ning, give you an umbrella."

"Thank you."

Ning Huan turned his head and smiled at Liu Yun.

"Miss Ning, I'm leaving."

At this time, Ji Yuyang offered his farewell again, and Ning Huanxin did not stop him.

She probably knew what she wanted to know.

As for the meaning of what she said just now, it doesn't matter if Ji Yu Yangming doesn't understand.

Yue Qingbo and Ji Yuyang have always felt that the spiritual events in the villa are related to the three corpses.

Ning Huanxin also felt that the three corpses were closely related to the whole incident, but... they might just be the cause.

And the one who really disturbed the villa was definitely not the owner of the three bones.

Therefore, Ning Huanxin said that they had made a mistake.

They found the wrong target. Naturally, no matter how suppressed they are, it will not be effective.

"Let's go back too."

At this moment, Ning Huanxin turned his head and looked at Liu Yun next to him and said softly.


Liu Yun nodded, turned back to the hotel lobby with Ning Huanxin under the umbrella.

"Miss Ning, your clothes are all wet, you should go back and take a hot bath and change your clothes!"

Liu Yun is a fan of Ning Huanxin and naturally cares about her.

Hearing Liu Yun's words, Ning Huanxin smiled slightly: "Thank you! It's a pity that I still want to visit the two nearby mountains today. It seems that there is no hope now. It is really annoying when it rains."

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, Liu Yun’s eyes flashed: "In fact, the other two mountains have not yet been developed. There are many snakes, insects, rats, and ants on the mountains, and... many of the cemeteries of our ancestors in our village have moved there. You'd better not go there. Not so good."

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