Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 917: 917: Homicide in Hongcun (1)

Liu Yun did not say directly, but only reminded Ning Huanxin tactfully.

The three unnamed bones found on the mountain were buried on another mountain, which has become a taboo for the entire village-

Who are those three people?

Who killed them again?

Liu Yun was so timid, she didn't dare to think more, let alone say more.


"Well, I see, thanks for reminding."

Hearing Liu Yun's words, Ning Huanxin nodded, then turned and left the lobby.

Back to her room, Ning Huanxin immediately took a shower. Although she didn’t bring much, she also brought a change of underwear, put on new clothes and a bathrobe. Ning Huanxin was in the hotel. I watched TV on the big bed in the bedroom.

It's a laid-back look.

Today I got new information from Ji Yuyang, which gave Ning Huanxin a new inference.

Now countless clues are intertwined, and all overlaps are breaches.

The Preserved Egg family disappeared, and the people in the village assumed that they had left. Hasn't anyone ever suspected it?

And the preserved egg cannot be separated from that room. Ning Huanxin believed that the bones of the preserved egg should have been hidden somewhere in that room.

As for his parents, they were probably two of the three bones found on the mountain.

So, who is the third person?

Why do people in the village know nothing about it?

Obviously, the third person is also an outsider and has nothing to do with other people in the village. So... even if that person disappears or died, the people in the village don’t know at all. Even if they know now, there is nothing but fear. Other reactions.

It all makes sense to think so.


Where is the murderer?

Why did the murderer choose to commit the crime in such a remote place? Why did he kill the preserved egg family?

The murderer is also an outsider? Or was the murderer originally from this village?

At the thought of this, Ning Huan's eyes flickered, thinking about it.

If the murderer is hidden in the village, as long as he does a little bit of work, he should... easily force him to reveal his flaws.

Ning Huan thought for a while, he still has to go to the preserved egg house today.

Now only he is the biggest breakthrough!


At noon, Ning Huanxin just took a hurried bite of dinner, and then took an umbrella from the hotel and went out.

Seeing her hurriedly leaving, Liu Yun, who had been in the lobby, couldn't help but concentrate.

What exactly is Miss Ning up to?

It seems that she is very concerned about things in the village!

"What are you looking at? Xiaoyun?"

At this time, suddenly a smiling male voice rang in Liu Yun's ear. As soon as she turned her mind, she saw Jiang Liran's figure.

"Mr. Jiang, are you going to take a nap again?"

"Don't call me Mr. Jiang, it's weird, just call me Third Young Master."

Jiang Liran was accustomed to being called the Third Young Master in Yanjing City, and when they arrived here, they each bite "Mr. Jiang" to make Jiang Liran feel that he was about to be called old.

"Three Masters."

Liu Yun's face turned red when she heard Jiang Liran's words, her eyes lowered a little shyly.

The girls here are really cute and more naive than the other.

"Okay, I'm going to take a nap, and you should take a proper rest, don't worry! I won't deduct your salary!"

Jiang Liran blinked at Liu Yun before turning around and leaving!

Liu Yun bit her lip lightly.

San Shao is really gentle and considerate, but unfortunately... the gap between himself and him is really too big.

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