Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 938: 938: The whereabouts of the money (2)

"Okay, okay, be careful! Go early and return early. I'll ask Sister Huang to make a meal, and wait for you to eat together at noon."

Jiang Liran looked at Ning Huanxin helplessly, and whispered insincerely.


Ning Huanxin smiled and nodded, pretending not to see his dissatisfaction, and left with Chi Hui with a serious face.

Coming out of the villa, it didn't take long to see a group of people surrounded there. It was Liang Laoliu who was identifying the scene. At this time, a group of villagers arrived after hearing the news, and the leader happened to be Du Jiutian.

"Police officer, the sixth child is an honest man, he must not mean it!"

"Yes, police officer, we all write a petition together, can we get a lighter punishment?"


A group of people are interceding for Liang Laoliu. At this moment, Liang Laoliu's eyes are blurred, as if he doesn't care about life or death at all, he just...

Ning Huanxin noticed that he had been looking in one direction, his eyes were very complicated.

The place Liang Laoliu looked at was the top of the mountain, the location of the resort.

Why is he looking at the direction of the resort, is it because the existence of this villa has changed his destiny?

Or because...

Someone on the mountain, let him remember?


Because there are many police officers around, the villagers dare not approach.

When the police took Liang Laoliu to leave the mountain and returned to the end of the village, the bones of the preserved eggs had been dug up, and all the three bones buried on another mountain were also dug up.

Seeing that the bones were carried by the police into the car, the villagers did not dare to approach, so they could only whisper from a distance.

Ning Huanxin was not afraid, and followed Chi Hui to the yard of the preserved egg house.

When he came to identify this scene, Liang Laoliu's emotions were a little out of control again.

Maybe he really regretted it, especially when he saw the tiny bones of the preserved egg, his whole emotions were on the verge of collapse.

"Captain Chi, can you let me talk to him alone?"

At this moment, Ning Huanxin suddenly took a few steps forward, looked at Chi Hui, and said softly.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Chi Hui nodded without hesitation: "Of course. But this place..."

Chi Hui looked at Li Guozheng's house. Although the house was large and there were many rooms, it was still the scene of the crime after it had been vacant for many years.

"No problem, you forgot that we met here yesterday?"

Ning Huanxin's words dispelled Chi Hui's worries.

"Well, Miss Ning, you come in, we are guarding outside."

Liang Laoliu is a repeat offender, so naturally he can't give him a chance to escape.

Chi Hui decided to take the crowd around outside, guarding everything in the yard.

Liang Laoliu was taken into the room and pressed on a chair. He is now in handcuffs and fetters, and he is inconvenient to move. He is also in a trance and his eyes cannot be focused.

"Liang Laoliu."

Ning Huanxin walked into the room, closed the door specially, and called him in a low voice.

Liang Laoliu said nothing, his eyes lost. It seems that the whole person is isolated in another world.

"Are you afraid of death?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly asked again.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Liang Laoliu still had no response.

Seeing Liang Laoliu's state, Ning Huan was not in a hurry. She walked around the house and suddenly said lightly: "There is a girl in your village named Liu Yun, do you know? Just at the holiday village with Huang Xiaoling The girl who works here."

Hearing these words, Liang Laoliu's eyes flashed suddenly, but he still had no words.

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