Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 939: 939: The whereabouts of that money (3)

"Liu Yun told me that you are actually Huang Xiaoling's little uncle? You are the younger brother of her first husband."

Ning Huanxin continued to speak in a calm tone.

"I heard that you have been taking care of Huang Xiaoling and Liang Ruobing in the past few years. You said...what should they do if you die?"

Ning Huanxin was talking while observing Liang Laoliu's reaction. Sure enough, his eyes flashed again, and the emotions on his face began to change.

He gritted his teeth secretly and lowered his eyes. Although his hands were handcuffed, he still firmly grasped the corners of his clothes.

"Actually, I'm curious."

Ning Huanxin said again: "Those villagers and village chiefs said that you have a good temper. It should have been a long time since your ex-wife left you? Do you still hate her?"

Ning Huanxin's words seemed to jump off, jumping from Liu Yun and Huang Xiaoling to Liang Laoliu's ex-wife.

At this time, Liang Laoliu couldn't help but raise his head and glanced at Ning Huanxin.

Ning Huanxin and Liang Laoliu looked at each other, and in the eyes of the other party, apart from the gloomy death, there was also a trace of deep sadness and concern hidden.

She immediately had a count in her heart, and continued to speak lightly.

"I think you may not hate her anymore. After all, that kind of woman is not worth your time wasting for her. You can find better ones. In fact, you have the skills and skills to make money, but you chose to stay in this village. , I have read your information. Your old parents have passed away a long time ago, and the brothers died too. They moved away. In this village, is there anything worthy of your nostalgia? You have not Does leaving the village really hate the colorful world outside? Or...you don't want to leave someone for fear that she will be bullied in the village?"

"I do not have!"

Liang Laoliu suddenly interrupted Ning Huanxin's words, his tone excited.

"I hired everything, and I killed people, what else do you want? I won't answer you anything else."

Liang Laoliu looked at Ning Huanxin, his eyes flushed, looking more terrifying than last night.

Sure enough, he was poked to his death.

"Do you think I won't know if you don't say it?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly walked in front of Liang Laoliu, staring at him with complicated eyes, and then said in a low voice: "You killed Li Guozheng's family and you hid the preserved egg under the bed. You think others don't know, but I I know. You, like Huang Xiaoling, you stayed in the village for her, but because of your identity, you have never dared to confess to her. You think you cover up well, but I know!"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Liang Laoliu's eyes widened--

She actually really knows?

"It's not just these."

Ning Huanxin continued to speak in a low voice: "The cash that Li Guozheng took away was actually hidden in this house by him, but it was taken away by you and the villagers! This matter... don't tell me, I still know!"

Ning Huan squinted her eyes with a cold expression: "Do you know that you have all broken the law? Those who are exposed to jail?"

"No, Miss Ning, I beg you not to arrest them, they are all innocent, I did it!"

Liang Laoliu's expression suddenly changed, becoming very flustered and anxious.

"You did it? You thought I would believe it? Would the police believe it?"

Ning Huanxin looked at Liang Laoliu with a cold tone: "If you are willing to tell me the truth, I will consider helping you, otherwise... I can only ask Captain Chi to interrogate from house to house. There are always people with good memory. Will you remember where the money went?"

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