Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 940: 940: The whereabouts of the money (4)

In fact, Ning Huanxin was just scaring Liang Laoliu. If she wanted to tell Chi Hui, she would have said so, but she did not.

She was just curious, she wanted to know where the more than one million that disappeared went.

She just started with Huang Xiaoling just to open up Liang Laoliu's emotional breakthrough and make him lose his sense.

At this moment, Liang Laoliu was naturally disturbed.


Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, Liang Laoliu groaned for a long time before he said in a low voice: "Miss Ning, did you see the road outside the village when you came? The village is surrounded by mountains on three sides. The mountain road is difficult to walk. It was built by Tianyuan Group two years ago. Now this road can run small cars and big cars, and it is especially convenient for people in the village to get into the city. But just seven or eight years ago, there was only one dirt road outside the village, let alone cars. It’s very inconvenient for villagers to get in and out of the village. When the village is sick, it takes a long time to go to the hospital. It takes a long time to get out of the village, and the bus outside cannot get in."

Having said this, Liang Laoliu glanced at Ning Huanxin: "My eldest brother died because he was delayed in treatment, and Ruo Bing also became what he is now because he did not receive timely treatment. Throughout the year, there are really too many people who cannot be rescued because they cannot leave the village."

Speaking of the past, Liang Laoliu's tone is very complicated and very sad.

"Actually, Miss Ning, you have also seen that there are fewer and fewer people in our village, because people from other places are unwilling to marry in. Anyone who has a little ability doesn't want to come back after going out. The village chief also looks for people everywhere and goes to town. I went to the county town, but unfortunately we have nothing here, no one invests, and we don’t know any high officials. It is very difficult to find someone to approve the village and build a school! And Li Guozheng’s family has been in recent years, The only one who moved into our village, everyone treats them very warmly, but...their family does not like to interact with others."

At that time, the villagers didn’t understand, thinking that people from other places were more arrogant. How did they know that Li Guozheng was a wanted criminal because he accidentally knew that there was Hongcun, a place with poor transportation but very close to Yanjing. The whole family moved here.

The most dangerous thing is that the place is the safest. He didn't even get out of the Yanjing area, thinking that he could really sit back and relax this time. After a few years of hiding, he could spend money to find someone to get a fake identity and live again.

Who would have thought that Fate made such a big joke with him. He ran out of public funds and fled privately. It was an economic crime, and the crime did not lead to death. But in Hongcun, all three of them were killed because of an innocent disaster. Mourning spring.

What a cheating destiny is this.

"Li Guozheng has money in his family. I knew before decorating their home. I don't know how much he has, but I only think he is richer than the people in our village. However, I... killed After the family, I didn’t have the idea of ​​giving them money. Until a few months later, someone in the village died because of the delay in the rescue time. The village chief blamed himself and felt it was his own problem. Older Du did it. For decades, the village chief has been dedicated to our Red Village. I can see that he is smooth and good at slacking his beards and horses. It is also a character that has slowly developed for the villagers to go up and down to flatter and entertain those high-ranking officials. In fact, he is very down-to-earth and considers the villagers very much, but unfortunately... there is no benefit, no backstage, even the poverty alleviation fund approved above is always taken away by other places, and it is not our turn."

Having said this, Zhu Laoliu suddenly raised his eyes and glanced at Ning Huanxin.

"Miss Ning, you are the child of a wealthy family. Can you experience this sorrow?"

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