"Jian Yunyi, why did you call me so early? Are you and Sister Li going back to Yanjing?"

Ning Huanxin always felt that Jian Yunyi's tone was not right.

She was completely awake at this time, leaning on the bedside, holding her mobile phone and asked lowly.

Jian Yunyi was silent for a moment when he heard Ning Huanxin's words.

"Well, I... will go back these few days, Sister Li, she..."

"What's wrong with Sister Li?"

Ning Huanxin's heart suddenly gave birth to a bad feeling.

"Li Luoshi was rescued."

At this time, Jian Yunyi no longer hesitated: "The mysterious force attacked three unsuccessful cases. Just last night, all the colleagues who were on duty at the headquarters...all were killed!"


Ning Huanxin jumped out of the bed.

"Jian Yunyi! What you said is true? Could it be that Sister Li is...no, impossible."

"Sister Li was also on duty last night, she was still the team leader."

Jian Yunyi sighed. Now he is calling Ning Huanxin from the three outstanding cases. If... If he was there last night, at least, he can save Li Huafei and other colleagues.

Although Li Huafei has never appreciated Jian Yunyi, the two of them have been together for some time and they are also very affectionate.

At this time, the blood stains in the interrogation room and the duty room of the three outstanding cases had not been completely cleaned up, and the strong **** aura that rushed over made Jian Yunyi's eyes cold as cold as ice.

He always felt that when he came back this time, he came to see and protect the little sister.

But when he merged into this mortal world as "Jian Yunyi" and became a part of this world, he found that he could not stay out of the matter at all.

Those brothers who joked and laughed with you yesterday, the eldest sister who was still scolding you yesterday, the little girl who secretly stuffed you with chocolate yesterday.

Today, they have become a pile of flesh and blood.

Yes, a pile of flesh and blood, the gang of beasts did not even leave them complete corpses, and everyone's soul was swallowed.

They were all completely obliterated.

Such a scene made Jian Yunyi think of the battle thousands of years ago, and the brothers who had been side by side turned into a dust.

Ning Huanxin on the other end of the phone didn't know the tragic situation of the three outstanding cases. She heard the news of Li Huafei's murder, and she couldn't recover for a long time.

Why is there so much life and death in the world?

She clearly told everyone to cherish, and she... has she cherished it?

"Jian Yunyi, I..."

Ning Huan moved her lips and suddenly didn't know what to say.

Comfort? What about comforting each other?

"Huanxin, you should be careful these days. I will go back soon. Besides... Sister Li’s business won’t be forgotten. I have already applied for a vacation with the director. I will go back to Yuhaishan to retreat for a while and wait for me to leave. ...That group of people, don't even try to escape!"

Jian Yunyi's voice became very cold.

The death of Li Huafei provoked the murderous intent in his heart for a long time!

Can't use immortal power in the mortal world?

It's a big deal, just like a mortal to cultivate from scratch!

He is a powerful generation of immortal monarchs, is he still afraid of this mortal evil cultivation?

Hearing Jian Yunyi's words and feeling the coldness in his voice, Ning Huan was taken aback.

The Jian Yunyi in her memory was very dull, sloppy and gentle, and with such a tone, Jian Yunyi made Ning Huanxin feel strange at the same time, as if...with such an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

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