Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 994: 994: Dao Fa Ruthless

Early in the morning, the fog is hazy.

After talking on the phone with Jian Yunyi, Ning Huanxin was in a bad mood. She opened the window and a chill came to her face.

The cold outside did not calm her mood.

Ning Huanxin put on clothes and shoes and went out.

"Boom boom boom!"

She knocked **** the door of 1302 next door.

"Boom boom boom!"

Vigorous knocks echoed in the corridor.


Finally, the door of the room was knocked open by Ning Huanxin. Li Chongzhen was still wearing a white nightgown, looking at Ning Huanxin suspiciously.

"Miss Ning, is there anything?"

Li Chongzhen looked down at Ning Huanxin and asked in a low voice.

Ning Huanxin suddenly raised her face and looked at Li Chongzhen: "There is something wrong with Li Huafei."

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Li Chongzhen didn't change his movements and looked at her inexplicably.

"Li Huafei is dead!"

Ning Huanxin raised her voice involuntarily. She didn't believe that Li Chongzhen could remain indifferent. It's a pity...


Li Chongzhen nodded, with a calm expression: "She had already expected this day when she joined the Three Unknown Cases."

"She belongs to your family and is also your relative. Are you just so indifferent?"

Ning Huanxin felt uncomfortable and wanted to talk to Li Chongzhen, but now it seems that they don't seem to have a common language at all.

"I have left the Li family long ago and have nothing to do with their Li family. Besides, life and death are impermanent, and people around us will always die. As a monk, I should be used to this. Practice against the sky and the Taoism is ruthless! Many of my parents, my relatives, and even my children and grandchildren have died in front of me. I have lived for hundreds of years. I have seen dead people... more than you can eat."

Li Chongzhen looked at Ning Huanxin, his tone still calm and calm: "If you can't even see through life and death, how to practice? How to fight against the sky?"


Hearing Li Chongzhen’s words, Ning Huan smiled coldly: “If... the person who died is important to you, or... is your love? You can’t even keep the life of your love! What kind of practice are you talking about! law!"

"shut up!"

Ning Huanxin's words stung Li Chongzhen and also touched his Ni Lin. Almost at this instant, Li Chongzhen's breath suddenly rose, and even his eyes were murderous.

This breath is very strong!

The momentum alone made Ning Huan take a step back.

"Sister Huanxin!"

"the host!"

At this time, Mo Yu and Mo Xiao, who felt the movement, also rushed out, protecting Ning Huan's heart from the left and the other.

"I'm fine."

Ning Huanxin sighed and looked at Li Chongzhen at the door.

Perhaps he knew that he had lost his temper. At this time, Li Chongzhen also reduced his momentum, looking at Ning Huanxin with complicated eyes.

"Miss Ning, how can the world be as expected? Later...you will understand."

After speaking, Li Chongzhen turned around and closed the door.

"Master, he..."

Mo Xiao glanced at the closed door, then glanced at Ning Huanxin.

"It's okay."

Ning Huanxin sighed: "There is a friend who has just passed away. I may be in a bad mood, so... it's okay, you don't have to worry about me, I just go downstairs and walk around!"

Ning Huanxin said that he had already turned and walked towards the elevator door quietly.

"the host……"

Mo Xiao wanted to catch up, but was caught by Mo Yu on the side.

"But Huanxin is alone."

Mo Yu could tell that Ning Huan was smart, kind, and talented. His only drawback... was that he was too young and had little experience.

There are many things that she has not experienced, or is experiencing.

"She will grow slowly, slowly, and become stronger."

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