Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 995: 995: What is the purpose of that force?

There are almost no pedestrians on the street in the early morning.

Ning Huanxin walked along the pedestrian street aimlessly.

She was still thinking about Li Huafei in her mind. Although she had seen many life and death separations and participated in many bizarre cases during this period, but... it was all other people's lives and other people's separations.

Li Huafei is her friend, her boss, who fought side by side with her.

This is the first time Ning Huanxin knows the cruelty of death, and will such a death be true in the future?


The next one, who is about to leave her?

Ning Huanxin didn't dare to think further, she suddenly panicked, a little scared.

Touching his mobile phone, Ning Huanxin walked to a flowerbed on the side of the street and sat down slowly, then took out his mobile phone and directly dialed Jiang Lixing's number.


When Jiang Lixing's voice came through the phone, Ning Huanxin's heart finally settled down in an instant.

"Axing, I miss you."

Ning Huan whispered in a low voice, with an extremely serious tone.

It’s only been a dozen hours apart now, do you think about him so soon?

Although a little surprised, Jiang Lixing was still very comfortable.

"Haixin, what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong?"

Jiang Lixing could feel that Ning Huanxin's mood was a little unstable: "Where are you now? May I go to you?"

"No, don't you have something to do today? I just... feel a little uncomfortable, Sister Li...Li Huafei, dead."


Hearing what Ning Huanxin said, Jiang Lixing was also a little surprised. Li Huafei is not a short-lived person! She should have not reached the end of her life!

Could it be that something unexpected happened?

"What happened to Li Huafei?"

Jiang Lixing asked seriously.

"Just now Jian Yunyi called me, and he told me..."

Ning Huanxin repeated what Jian Yunyi had said to herself on the phone.

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, Jiang Lixing looked complicated on the other side of the phone——

What exactly does that mysterious organization want to do?

They blatantly provoked the three outstanding cases, and it was clear that they did not pay attention to the rules and laws in the mortal world. This is a taboo of the Profound Sect!

"That force, since it dared to act in the headquarters of the three outstanding cases, it must have been planning for a long time, and... they may have to make big moves recently."

Having said this, Jiang Lixing suddenly squinted his eyes, his mind flashed.

"Xuanmen Newcomer Contest!"

He and Ning Huanxin talked unanimously, and the two of them had a clear heart.

"Yes, it's the Xuanmen Newcomer Contest!"

Jiang Lixing's tone is very determined: "Now almost half of the newcomers from the Xuanmen family have gathered in Yanjing to prepare for this Xuanmen newcomer contest. If someone makes trouble at this time, then it will really change! "

Once this competition is in chaos, then the entire Xuanmen will be in trouble!

If these young and outstanding disciples are all damaged, then the entire Profound Sect will definitely be greatly injured!

When he thought of this, Ning Huanxin's eyes gradually brightened.

"I don't know if that puppet master will participate in this competition? If he is also among the contestants, I must catch him!"

The mysterious puppet master behind Li Luoshi, Ning Huanxin knew that the man was still in Yanjing, and...maybe he knew everything about him.


Will he shoot this time?

Perhaps, only after participating in the competition can you know the answer to this question!

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