Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 310 After Drinking

After a day and a night of spreading, the news that Li Yelai became the champion agent was finally known to the forces inside and outside the three border cities and the Lava Mining City.

After the doll, another captain of the Five Senses appeared in the No. 3 Border City, which surprised and delighted all forces.

The officials of the giant cities were naturally happy, but some forces had different ideas.

In the Lava Mining City, the room of the head of the psychic family Hong family.

The woman in the wheelchair glanced at the information and smiled: "General Ye. Is it the Ye Bu Shou who found my grandfather's body? He became the champion agent?"

"Yes, it is indeed him. I didn't expect him to be so powerful and his ability is so special. Fortunately, we have never provoked him before." An old man who looked like a butler smiled and said: "Unlike the Jing family, which caused General Ye's dissatisfaction. He actually lost face directly. I heard that the three branches of the Jing family have a good relationship with the No. 3 Border City."

According to the information obtained by some families, the Jing family should have a good relationship with the processing department of the No. 3 Border City.

After all, they fought side by side in the disaster fog. The two sides also reached a closer cooperation.

As a result, the champion agent was challenged by the six-sensation strongman of the Jing family. In the end, the champion agent defeated the opponent with a ruthless move, without giving the Jing family any face at all.

"Don't you and I know the disputes within the family? The good relationship between the three veins and the giant city does not mean that the other veins are the same as them." The wheelchair woman smiled and couldn't help but reach out to touch her unusually slender legs.

The old housekeeper was speechless for a moment. At least in the current Hong family, there is no such situation.

This seemingly weak woman has perseverance and wisdom far beyond ordinary people.

Therefore, even if she was persecuted and her body was incomplete, and it was difficult to improve her spiritual level, no one dared to look down on her.

After taking power, she was ruthless and managed the family obediently.

There is no room for factional struggles among the various veins within the Jing family.

The family members who wanted to compete before now have grass half a person tall on their graves.

In the entire family council hall, only her voice was heard.

"After all, he is still indebted to us. Later, he will definitely come to the mining city, so let's make friends with him then." The wheelchair woman chuckled: "Do you think he could be the next generation champion?"

"It's unlikely. It is said that the champion successor is a six-awakening psychic. Before him, he was only a four-awakening psychic, and has just entered the five-awakening." The old housekeeper responded: "But it is still worth winning over. He will definitely come to visit the family later, and we have many opportunities."

"After all, he has done a favor to our Hong family, so we have an excuse to get close to him. If we can ask him to take care of him in the fairy palace." The old housekeeper said, obviously, Li Yelai's champion agent made him realize more. A powerful captain, and still the strongest champion team in the giant city.

Even if the champion team has fallen, not as good as it used to be. But it should not be underestimated. It is beneficial for the Hong family to make friends with them.

The Jing family just doesn't have this kind of brain, or has other deeper grievances?

The woman in the wheelchair nodded, and then fiddled with something on the map on the table. She used her palm to calculate the distance from Border City No. 3 to Silver Mountain City in the Kingdom of Heaven, and then calculated the location of the Great Snow Mountain. A few minutes later, she seemed to have obtained some answer and smiled.

"Is he really not the ninth generation champion?"

Some forces were afraid of Li Yelai, the champion agent who suddenly appeared, especially Li Yelai's facial makeup. It was so special that these forces felt dangerous.

"There is the champion successor in front and the champion agent in the back. What? Is the champion team really destined?"

"Yejiang. I have heard of his name in the Ark. I thought he had died in the disaster fog, but I didn't expect there would be such an opportunity. He has grown into a captain-level strongman."

"Didn't the holder of the book count this person?"

"Who knows? That old bastard has always been mysterious. He has never revealed the people on the list. At most, we can only guess."

"Wait for the next meeting. If the holder of the book comes forward, maybe he can solve the mystery."

Compared to the speculation of those forces, the two major factions of the Embers Church were very surprised.

"The Emperor's Chosen has just returned to the Giant City and has already taken over the Champion Team. With the cooperation of the adults, our plan will surely succeed!"

"As expected of the Emperor's Chosen. He is indeed valued by the official. It was the right choice to conceal his identity and ability before."

"Unfortunately, even the Champion Agent has not been able to find out the identity and location of the Champion's successor. He is too well hidden."

"After all, he is the next generation of champions. Yang Chen may have brought him to his side to train him."

"In short, Lord Emperor must not reveal his identity. Arrange some followers to become his achievements."

"It has been arranged. The Champion Agent will soon successfully destroy a chaos ritual, allowing him to achieve greater glory and achievements!"

"The cooperation of the two factions will surely allow Lord Emperor to ascend to the pinnacle of power!"

"He is already at the pinnacle of this age and strength"

Compared to the joy or worry of other forces. They are either wary of the Champion Agent or make friends with him.

The internal situation of the Jing family is much more complicated.

The conflicts between the three veins where Jing Lin is located and the members of the other veins are becoming more and more intense.

As the heir of the third house of the Supreme, Jing Ji's lineage has never received much attention.

After all, as the head of the third lineage, Jing Ji himself is not very talented and only became a sixth-level awakening in his fifties.

He is far inferior to those talented members of the family who can be promoted to the sixth-level awakening before the age of thirty.

But as the supreme bloodline, they can also take on certain responsibilities that outsiders cannot.

The rise of the Jing family is closely related to the first generation of God's Son.

During the disaster period, the ancestors of the Jing family who were swallowed by the disaster fog cooperated with a powerful existence, and the first generation of God's Son was born.

The God's Son was extremely talented. In just a few years, he was promoted to the king and led the humans swallowed by the disaster fog to reverse the situation.

In the end, he killed the master of the disaster fog at the cost of his own life.

While destroying a forbidden area that was about to be formed, he also saved a lot of humans.

After that, the remaining humans built the Yaoqing Giant City. This also made the Jing family rise and took measures to continue giving birth to God's Son.

The second generation of God's Son was born, and its mother was a sister of Jing Ji. It was also the person with the highest degree of fit at the time.

But due to the problem of fit, the mother died of exhaustion after giving birth to the God's Son.

And the second generation of God's Son failed to grow to the extreme and died in a conspiracy.

After that, the Jing family continued to select the fitter.

But Jing Lian, the compatible mother who finally appeared, escaped from the Jing family under the intervention of the Wild Ranger, which made the situation of Sanmai very bad in recent years.

Now, it is once again in opposition to the main family because of the divine blood.

Jing Nuo of Sanmai, although not the highest degree of fit, is far superior to other Jing family women. Became one of the candidates for this blood child.

The young members of Sanmai, led by Jing Lin, don't think so.

As Jing Lin said to Li Yelai, who can bear to let his dear sister become a breeding tool for monsters?

Son of God? Immortal God? Isn't that a weird creature in the virtual world?

So, even if Jing Nuo acquiesced to his fate, Jing Lin, as a brother, would never do the same!

His father and grandfather acquiesced to his choice.

And the official of Border City No. 3 also silently provided some help.

In an official safe house in Jucheng, Jing Lin looked at his sister in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Ye Jiang has become the champion agent. As long as they are in the border city, they dare not mess around. Don't worry, I have a life-long friendship with Ye Jiang. Even if their family force you to take you away, they will pay a heavy price!"

"How can the official Jucheng make enemies with a family for me? It's good enough to help us find a safe house." Jing Nuo shook his head, thinking that Jing Lin was comforting her.

"No, don't underestimate Ye Jiang." Jing Lin grinned.

Jucheng will naturally not intervene in the fights within the family, but there is no limit to the crazy people of the Embers Church.

If the team of the family encounters the legion of the Blood God faction in the wilderness, it is estimated that they can only consider themselves unlucky.

The power of the Emperor's Chosen is very terrifying.

"However, I don't know what Yejiang is busy with. I sent him a message last night, intending to celebrate with him, but he has not replied." Jinglin glanced at his mobile phone and said puzzledly: "He hasn't replied yet. He just became the champion agent yesterday, and he is slacking off today?"

In fact, it's not just Jinglin. Many foreign families plan to contact and get in touch with the champion agent.

In the special period when the Shenzang Fairy Palace is about to open, if they can get along well with the champion agent, they may get help in the Fairy Palace.

But unfortunately, they couldn't contact Li Yelai.

Even if someone came directly to the East City Branch, they couldn't find Li Yelai.

However, although Li Yelai is the champion agent, each group of the team has its own established tasks, and with the deputy captain Zu Chao in charge, there are no mistakes.

Although Jucheng gave Li Yelai the power, it didn't make Li Yelai too busy.

So, even if they knew that Li Yelai might be taking a break, the official didn't care much.

On the other side, in the family apartment of the East City Branch, in a dim living room.

Li Yelai felt dry mouth and tongue, the pain brought by alcohol made his consciousness not recover until now.

After all, it was a fruit wine brewed by a hegemonic supernatural creature, even Li Yelai's physical strength could not bear it.

It should be said that few people among the six senses can withstand this kind of drunkenness.

Then, in a trance, Li Yelai felt a flash of light in front of him.

He tried to open his eyes, and saw the girl stretched out her white arm to pick up a bottle of mineral water.

After unscrewing the bottle cap, she did not hand it to Li Yelai, but drank it herself.

There were drops of water sliding down from the corner of her bitten mouth.

Sliding across her slender and white neck with several red marks.

Sliding across her collarbone, which was originally delicate and soft, but now had several teeth marks.

The water drops slid down the collarbone, slid over the pink shorts with the collar torn open, and slid towards the snow-capped peaks stained with red marks and teeth marks.

The girl's shorts were also lifted up, revealing her white thighs, and a right hand was covering them.

Wait, is that my hand?

Li Yelai widened his eyes in panic, but saw the girl's cheek approaching.

What am I doing?

Li Yelai stood up instantly, his whole body soaked in cold sweat.

"Doll." His voice was hoarse and panicked, he was sweating and felt a headache.

He staggered up from the sofa and looked around.

But he found that he was back home.

He returned to the living room of his own house, covered with a small blanket.

"Brother, you are finally awake." Li Yunyan, who was sitting at the dinner table, complained: "You guys drank a lot."

Li Yelai covered his forehead, the pain of the hangover still existed. But he didn't care about it anymore, and asked hurriedly: "Where's the doll?"

As he spoke, Li Yelai felt the stinging pain on his lips. Not only that, but there was a dull pain everywhere in his body.

"She left after sending you back. I told you to be careful when you go out." Li Yunyan responded. She looked at Li Yelai's lips with a strange expression, and muttered in her heart, 'Sister Cheese will probably cry if she sees it.'

"Hiss, how is she?" Li Yelai took a breath of cold air because of the wound on his lips.

"I don't know, she was wearing a frog doll costume, and I couldn't see her face." Li Yunyan shook her head.

Then, her eyes flashed, and she asked: "What's wrong with her? Or, what happened to you? Tell me in detail!"

Li Yelai did not respond, but went into the bathroom.

Looking at his bitten lips in the mirror.

Confirming the previous scene, it was definitely not an illusion or a dream.

Li Yelai's face turned pale, and he was panicking.

He had just said that Ye Han was a scumbag who used his curse resistance to plot against those girls. As a result, he was bullying his friend.

Damn, what's the difference between him and Ye Han?

Li Yelai slapped his cheek hard to make himself sober and calm.

Then he picked up the communicator and asked where the doll was.

On the other side, the doll saw the message and hesitated for a long time without replying. Instead, he typed in the group chat.

[Too drunk (;д`)ゞ] (End of this chapter)

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