Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 311 Psychic Armor

The originally quiet group chat was broken by the doll's message.

All the ‘strategists’ in the Dongcheng branch were surprised.

They didn't receive any messages from the doll after last night, so they thought it was done, but something went wrong.

Epidemic doctor: [Huh? It seems it's too late to tell you. I guess you didn't see our last message. ]

Only then did the doll notice the last message in the group chat last night.

It is true that you should drink less and never get drunk.

[I didn’t see it, I went directly to get the wine at that time (╯﹏╰)b]

The doll pursed its lips, but opened the wound on its lips. She took a breath in pain. I feel more and more wronged

When Xiao Ye was drunk, she bit people randomly. Although she was the first to bite.

At this time, a military advisor responded: "It's a pity. It's good to have a good meal and wine, but it's not good to drink too much." Just be a little tipsy, the atmosphere is the best at that time. ]

[That wine is an extraordinary wine after all. Even the overlord can get drunk, let alone the night general who has just slept. Even if he is physically strong, he can't help it. ]

[Indeed, and if he drinks too much, it will be difficult for him to react. ]

[What's the reaction?゛(‘◇’)?] The doll asked in confusion.

[Hahaha, you will understand later. ] The military advisors laughed and laughed.

[What happened next? Are you all drunk? ] The epidemic doctor asked: [Is he still at your home now? ]

[I woke up early and saw that he was thirsty, so I fed him saliva and sent him back (ω)] The doll responded honestly. As for how to feed her, she naturally wouldn't say.

[ah? Didn't anything happen in between? ] Captain Pale asked.

[You are stupid! At this time, it’s time to throw him on the bed! ] A military adviser gave a subtle response: "He just has low emotional intelligence. If he wakes up and finds himself in bed, he probably knows what he has done." Then]

[This trick is too sinister, and a doll won’t be able to use it. ]

[What a pity, didn’t you do anything when you were drunk? ]

[No hugs or hugs? That night general's head was too hard. I suggest that the next time you attack the penalty area, shoot him out like a cannonball. The king of the penalty area will also be smashed! ]

[When people from the Bliss faction see the champion team, they will probably turn around and leave for fear of being infected.]

[There seems to be a Lou Lou Hug, but I can’t remember (ω)]

[That’s considered progress, let’s keep working hard! ] The military advisors discussed and comforted each other.

Doll looked at the questions in the group chat and hesitated.

A slight sting on her lips made her reach out and caress her neck and collarbone, as well as the 'scars' underneath. The teeth marks and red marks left on the fair skin.

Although there were only vague fragments in her memory, she still vaguely remembered Li Yelai's hot breath and the touch of his lips and teeth on his skin.

After secretly kissing his earlobe, I was severely 'retaliated'

This made her cheeks turn red and she whispered: "It hurts me, bad guy"

Even though I bit it back.

But now that she thought about it, her face turned red, and naturally she didn't want to tell the 'strategists' about these things.

The doll looked at the group chat again and saw that they had already talked about Wanwan and Captain Yang Chen.

The two have actually known each other for a long time.

Joining the official processing department at about the same time, Yang Chen was selected into the first team of the championship, while Wan Wan entered the fifth team.

At that time, Bai Cang had a good impression of Yang Chen.

Now, as Yang Chen is the contemporary champion, if the people from the Bliss Faction can corrupt him, he will probably be directly promoted to the Prince of Chaos.

And every hint or expression that the pale captain showed to him was completely missed or misunderstood by him.

The military advisors complained that they had a headache.

However, after hearing that Yang Chen also had monkey wine, the pale captain also opened his mind.

It just so happens that the official team is going to send a team to assist the elite team of the champion team, and Captain Yang Chen may also join them.

She then recommended herself, saying that she could not be overtaken by others.

"Captain Pale is so impatient," the doll muttered.

She then left the group chat.

Looking at the message from Li Yelai [Doll, are you okay? Where are you? ]

After hesitating for a while, she wanted to reply to the message, but she heard the doorbell.

Yes, he lives next door. Seeing that he didn't reply to the message, he came directly to find him.

The doll's face was a little red. At this time, she really didn't dare to see Li Yelai and felt a little guilty.

Last night, she saw that Li Yelai was drunk and in a daze, so she went to kiss him secretly, but was counterattacked.

Fortunately, she drank a lot of wine from Li Yelai last night, so he probably couldn't remember anything. But the doll is afraid that his secret will be exposed.

So, after hesitating, she replied on the communicator.

[I was too drunk last night and am still a little sleepy and want to sleep ( ̄o ̄). z Z]

Li Yelai's heart sank outside the door. The doll didn't want to see him?

That's right, her behavior made her feel disgusted. Why was she drunk?

But soon, another message came from the communicator.

[Xiao Ye was too drunk last night and kept saying she was thirsty. So I gave you some water and accidentally hurt your mouth. are you OK? (;′⌒`)]

Li Yelai was startled. His mouth was injured when feeding water?

But Li Yelai's last memory stayed on the girl's cheek. As well as the scars on the girl’s lips, neck, collarbone, and even deeper wounds that I saw before.

Are those images fake?

Was he wrong because he was drunk?

Or is the doll hiding this from itself? Is it trying to excuse itself?

Recalling the touch at that time, Li Yelai's face flushed, and he quickly suppressed the erotic scene.

Li Yelai calmed down, and then responded on the communicator: [I'm fine, are you okay? ]

[I'm fine, by the way, let's drink less next time (〃-ω)]

[Good luck with your work (〃'▽'〃)]

A few minutes later, in the East City branch, in the Champion Agent's office.

Li Yelai stared at the potted plant in front of him in silence.

He wore a mask on his face, covering the wound on his lips.

It didn't attract the attention of other comrades. With greetings, he returned to his office.

The monkey wine last night was indeed very effective.

Now, Li Yelai has not yet stepped onto the fifth step, but his spiritual power strength is about the seventh step.

If an outsider sensed it, he would think that he had improved so much after sleeping.

Unfortunately, this kind of wine is rare and has a limit. Otherwise, all the handlers and Ye Bushou would go and drink two pots.

However, although his own strength has improved a lot, Li Yelai's mood is still difficult to calm down, and the scene of last night appears from time to time in his mind.

If it is false, then it means that he had a wet dream, and he is cheap.

Therefore, the ignorant doll will be like nothing happened. She knew that her friend thought she was a wet dream, and she would probably be very angry.

But if it is true, she did take advantage of the doll and left those scars on her body, but the doll pretended that nothing happened.

Does this mean that the doll is actually...

Li Yelai's consciousness sank, and he came to the virtual world, and saw the fog and the indescribable strange black shadows in it.

There are only two chains left on his body, and every time he dies or trades, he will consume a chain.

If he is forced into a desperate situation one day, all the chains will be consumed. What will happen to him?

Can this kind of self really respond to other people's feelings?

Come to think of it, I seem to have taken advantage of many girls unintentionally.

Damn, I deserve to die more than Ye Han!

‘If there are scars on the doll, it’s me, the beast. If not, it’s me, the cheap one.’ Li Yelai exhaled slowly and thought. I felt that I was not far from being twisted. I don’t know if Ji Le will let me go for the sake of the Blood God and the Father of the Epidemic.

I guess not.

At this time, someone knocked on the door of the office.

“Captain Ye Jiang, I’m Lei Chui from the Equipment Department.” A steady male voice came from outside the door.

“Oh~” Li Yelai was startled, then, he put aside his distracting thoughts, put on a mask and said, “Come in.”

Soon, a short man with tendons all over his body walked into the office.

He was wearing a white shirt, and his muscles seemed to burst out from it, making people sweat for his shirt.

His strength was about the fifth sense, which was the same as Li Yelai.

"Comrade Lei Chui, is there something wrong?" Li Yelai observed Lei Chui carefully, recalled in his mind, and confirmed that he was not a spy of the church.

"Captain, you are joking. I should be the one asking you what you need." Lei Chui laughed: "We received instructions and learned that you need to make a set of armor, so we came to ask your requirements."

Oh, it is true.

The armor made by the Embers Church for Li Yelai was left in the church and was not brought back.

Now Li Yelai has no armor to use, so he went to the equipment department yesterday to mention it.

The original intention was to make a Mingguang armor similar to the previous one. I didn't expect the equipment department to be so cautious and came to ask.

Li Yelai said: "Don't say hello first, I'm younger than you. Comrade."

"Uh, okay. Captain Yejiang." Lei Chui nodded, and then put a tablet in front of Li Yelai.

"Captain, with your authority, these materials and even mysterious substances can be used. You can choose what effect you need."

Li Yelai flipped the screen and saw a lot of high-level materials, even some high-level mysterious substances.

Among them, some were brought by Li Yelai.

Now, with Li Yelai's authority, he can build A-level weapons.

Of course, the contribution required will be exaggerated. And the materials for A-level weapons are often difficult to gather in Jucheng.

Not to mention other extraordinary materials, the mysterious substances of the core materials alone are enough to give Jucheng a headache.

After all, every A-level psychic weapon requires a mysterious substance born after the death of a six-sense psychic.

Therefore, there are not many A-level weapons in Jucheng.

And the materials brought by Li Yelai solved these resource problems.

Li Yelai still has ten sets in his own Ark storage space.

However, the official only invested part of the materials, otherwise it would be easy to be detected by spies.

Li Yelai scanned the material selection and said, "As for the armor style, let's stick to the old rules. Continue to use the Mingguang armor."

"Okay. Captain Yejiang's taste is the same as the champion." Lei Chui smiled and nodded: "Do you need to equip you with a cloak?"

"No, I'm just an agent, not the champion. You can ask the champion's successor." Li Yelai shook his head.

Lei Chui looked strange: "But I don't know who the champion's successor is."

"Coincidentally, I don't know either." Li Yelai smiled. Only the angel of the Golden Family in the restricted area said that he was the champion's successor.

But in fact, the champion team had never heard of who was the champion successor. Yang Chen himself had just been promoted to the Overlord not long ago, and had not yet cultivated a successor.

Then, Li Yelai asked: "Can I make psychic armor?"

The armor that Li Yelai had used before was all extraordinary armor, made of extraordinary materials. No mysterious substances were added.

Once the mysterious substances were added, it would be psychic armor. The quality would also be improved to the extreme because of the built-in psychic barrier.

Before, when Li Yelai and Jing Lin entered the Dead Sea wreck, Jing Lin was wearing psychic armor of Class B.

For psychic weapons of the same level, armor is more expensive than weapons.

The church's headquarters was originally going to build a psychic armor for Li Yelai, but the treasure house was taken.

"Okay, the price is not low." Lei Chui nodded: "But the ability of using multiple psychic weapons at the same time will be distorted, you have to think it over."

"Well, I know. It happens that there are enough materials, and my contribution is not low." Li Yelai thought about it, nodded and said: "Then please help me design a set of armed armor. As for the ability, I need this."

Then, Li Yelai pointed his hand at one of the mysterious substances.

That is, the six senses mysterious substance, the netherworld path·flow phantom strike.

Li Yelai is very familiar with this ability.

Because, the six senses ability of the little mad king is this.

The effect of the flow phantom strike can separate the psychic afterimage, output about 70% of the power of the main body, and attack the enemy. But the afterimage cannot use the ability.

To crack this ability, you must attack the user's body.

And this move was played by the little mad king, she originally had a curse that was suspected.

Once this ability is used, the enemy will doubt every afterimage.

The power of the curse will make the enemy think that every afterimage that approaches is the real body, and it is hard to defend against.

The peak afterimage number of Little Mad King can be 18 at the same time.

The 18 afterimages make a feint attack, and she hides herself and cuts a fatal blow.

As long as she penetrates the defense, it is basically dead.

She will use the shadow blade to launch multiple penetration attacks from the enemy's body.

The last body of the black umbrella guy was destroyed by Little Mad King.

Li Yelai chose this ability, naturally he can't be as powerful as Little Mad King, but at least he can confuse the enemy or provide cover.

"You want to build A-level psychic armor?" Lei Chui was surprised: "The price is really not low."

This is more expensive than ordinary A-level psychic weapons.

Li Ye came to check his 5,000 merit points and 45,000 stored merit points. He nodded and said, "Then give me a discount."

The psychic armor can be put into the soul well together with the psychic weapons, and he can arm himself at any time.

This is what Li Yelai needs. In this way, even if he encounters a sneak attack, he can always put on the armor! (End of this chapter)

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