Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 320 Conspiracy

There was a hint of mockery in Jing Lin's tone. But there's not much malice.

This is the bad nature of the third lineage of the Jing family. That is, they love to watch the excitement. Ancestral.

Whenever I see Li Yelai coming into contact with dolls and cheese.

Jing Lin prayed in his heart, ‘Let’s fight, let’s fight! I want to see a river of blood! ’

It's a pity that he has never been able to achieve his wish.

What made him particularly regretful was that he even made a bet with a few buddies around him, but in the end he couldn't open the market at all.

Seeing Jing Lin looking like he was watching a show, Li Yelai was confused.

Why is there a river of blood?

I am the God of Blood River. There should be no one who knows better than me what a river of blood is!

Could it be some other metaphor?

Li Yelai was confused and fell into deep thought.

Jing Lin raised his glass and said: "Come on, on the hour, this wine is not cheap. Although it is nothing."


Li Yelai's face suddenly changed when he heard this word, and the consequences of the last time he drank appeared in his mind.

How dare you drink here?

He shook his head decisively and said, "No, I won't drink. I don't drink well."

"Not a good drinker?" Jing Lin was startled. As a psychic, his body was extremely strong, so his drinker also increased accordingly.

Therefore, it is difficult for ordinary alcohol and drugs to have a significant effect on high-level psychics.

Now I just drink some ordinary liquor. Why am I not drinking well? Is there something fishy?

Who did he get drunk with, and what bad things happened to him?

Was it before or recently?

It shouldn't be before, right? When you were undercover in the church, how could you dare to get drunk?

Moreover, within the Blood God faction, the chosen ones may be challenged by believers. Li Yelai probably wouldn't drink in the church and get himself drunk.

Could it have been earlier?

That's not right. During the Jing family's banquet, I poured so much into him and I didn't see any reaction from him.

That's recently? Just these days?

The gossip in Jing Lin's heart was aroused, but seeing that Li Yelai was very insistent, he didn't give much advice.

After eating, Li Yelai and Jing Lin went to another quiet room to continue the discussion.

"Do you know that the Jing family has ever contacted Ye Han?" Li Yelai asked.

"Ye Han?" Jing Lin frowned and thought for a moment: "That Liujue from the Ye family in Kunlun?"

"Yes, that's him." Li Yelai nodded: "Have you ever had contact with him?"

"I've met him twice, but I'm not familiar with him." Jing Lin said, "Although it's not obvious, he is very arrogant. He doesn't want to have a close relationship, so we have no contact with him."

"You've only met him twice, and you can already tell that he's very arrogant?" Li Yelai was surprised.

Jing Lin smoothed his bangs, revealing an eye-shaped vertical pattern between his eyebrows.

That is, the eye of the spiritual path!

"Although offensively, it is far inferior to your double pupils. But my heavenly eye is also unique. After observation, I can quickly analyze various intelligence." The lines on Jinglin's forehead flashed with a faint golden light.

"Height is 1.85 meters, 77 centimeters from shoulder to fingertips." Jing Lin accurately revealed various physical data of Li Yelai, and deduced Li Yelai's good hands and certain habits.

If the person he is observing is a woman, he can even reveal her figure very accurately, even if she is wearing loose clothes.

Of course, before being exposed, a woman may beat her up.

This is actually a terrifying ability.

If the Heavenly Eye was estimated to be more powerful, Jing Lin could even see through Li Yelai's moves. Find the flaw in Li Yelai's moves.

Of course, whether you can see through it or not, whether you can keep up with the action is another matter.

"Have you ever seen Ye Han?" Li Yelai asked.

"When he was sparring with an old man from an aristocratic family, I used my heavenly eyes. Therefore, I can discover many details that you can't notice." Jing Lin said: "He is younger than me, but he is already six years old. Psychic."

"Although the conversation seems friendly, there is a hint of arrogance in some actions and expressions. He is really young and energetic. After all, he is a rare genius. He has entered the sixth awakening at a young age, and there are many people around him. There are many confidantes." Jing Lin grinned: "If it were me, I would be more arrogant than him!"

"In terms of talent and strength, there is really nothing to say. The church's intelligence confirmed that he had experienced many leapfrog battles before Wujue." Li Yelai nodded.

Although Li Yelai hated Ye Han, he would not deny Ye Han's talent and strength.

Ye Han is really strong, with both talent and ability.

Not inferior to Little Crazy King and Dolls at all.

But as a human being, hehe, he is quite anthropomorphic.

"Could he be the person on the list of book holders?" Jing Lin asked.

"It's possible, we can't see the Book of Destiny." Li Yelai said: "But judging from the extent of the book holder's understanding of each powerful person. He must know Ye Han!"

The book holder once revealed the growth path of Captain Yang Chen and Jade Blood Supreme.

He learned that the beautiful seventh-generation champion would die in the fog of disaster No. 49.

After all, all the other heirs to the championship will have various surprises.

Only Yang Chen, a fierce gunman who was not well-known at the time, inherited the title of champion.

Of course, these may also be hindsight.

After all, it was already a fact at that time that Captain Yang Chen became the champion.

But Jinshan, the Jade Blood Supreme of Black Source City, was really plotted by the book holder. He even knew the secrets and experiences of the Jade Blood Supreme.

From the tone of the book holder, it feels that the promotion of the Supreme Jade Blood is actually related to him. This cannot be verified, as both parties are enemies.

However, according to official analysis, the book holder can indeed observe the fate of others and make some changes.

It makes some strong people rise, and also makes some strong people end regretfully.

In short, the danger level is extremely high!

This Ye Han. Maybe he is one of them.

"It seems." Jing Lin narrowed his eyes slightly: "Ye Han is in trouble. You actually used the power of the church to investigate him."

"The official also admits that in terms of intelligence, the church with a large number of branches and believers is stronger." Li Yelai nodded, and then told about his contact with Ye Han.

"Has the ability to suppress and enhance curses?" Jing Lin frowned.

When he heard some of the details of Ye Han's investigation, Jing Lin's veins also swelled.

He also has a sister. After learning about Ye Han and the Zhao siblings, he was also very angry.

Especially after learning that the Jing family had contacted him, planned to form a marriage, reached some kind of cooperation, and also went to find Li Yelai's sister.

Jing Lin was directly numb.

"Fuck!" Jing Lin cursed.

He held his forehead for a moment and said: "In other words, this guy used his ability to suppress the curse to contact those girls tortured by the curse? That's right, some people who were tortured to despair by the curse hoped too much for a chance to make them return to normal. It's a bit similar to you. However, you ignore the curse, which is not as useful as Ye Han's."

Li Yelai said: "But I didn't have any idea to approach them deliberately. I never coerced or hurt them."

His initial contact with the doll was an accident, and later he became the doll's meal partner and friend. The doll was very defenseless in front of him, and he didn't take advantage of her.

And even if the little mad king didn't care about the difference between men and women, Li Yelai would not take advantage of her, not look at what he shouldn't look at, and not touch what he shouldn't touch.

If Li Yelai had the same idea as Ye Han, it would be too dangerous for them to be defenseless.

When he said the latter, Li Yelai paused and thought of the possible "traces" on the doll. A little disappointed. Well, I'm not a good person anymore.

"Okay, okay, I know you're a gentleman." Jing Lin grinned and complained in his heart, if you respect women's wishes, you should be in bed now!

Then, Jing Lin's expression became serious: "And the doll became his next target?"

Li Yelai's face tightened and nodded: "Yes, the doll said that Ye Han's eyes were very obscene. So, he hated him very much and told me not to contact him, let alone let him help my sister suppress the curse. From the subsequent intelligence, this is correct."

"It's understandable that your good friend is regarded as a target. It's reasonable to be angry." Jing Lin said: "At that time, you were probably very dissatisfied with Ye Han, right?"

Li Yelai nodded: "Yes, perhaps it was the influence of the power of the Blood God. I had the urge to kill Ye Han for a moment. Later, I thought that he was just lustful, so I just let him go. But now I know a lot of information about Ye Han. He really deserves to die."

Jing Lin smiled in his heart, Lao Li, Lao Li, it's hard for you to be so stupid that you can get angry about such a thing.

And this is actually possessiveness.

Even if you don't realize it yourself, you have become closer to the doll. So, when he learned that someone was plotting against her, he was angry.

Well, that's a good thing. When you feel the throbbing in your heart and the closeness beyond friendship, you will be able to sprout.

The time when blood flows like a river is not far away, right? Hahahaha!

Jing Lin said, "He deserves to die, but I still don't know why he went to find your sister after contacting the people from my family's branches?"

Jing Lin didn't know that Li Yelai and Li Yunyan were his relatives.

Naturally, he couldn't guess that Li Yunyan and his sister Jing Nuo were also compatible divine blood mother bodies.

However, Li Yelai did not intend to make his relationship with the Jing family public. His mother didn't ask the Jing family for help until she died, so why should he admit this relationship?

Of course, if the Jing family said that the official intervened in the internal struggle of the family, then they could use it to suppress the other side's words.

Li Yelai said: "Maybe she intends to threaten me with this. If my sister is ignorant of the world and is fooled by Ye Han, then I, as a brother, will also be affected. Ye Han and the Zhao siblings may be like this. Ye Han thought his brother suppressed the curse to coerce the girl."

"That's true." Jing Lin frowned: "Coercing with relatives, I know your sister's curse. Any creature she sees is weird. If she really wants to suppress the curse and doesn't care what she will encounter, then you and the authorities really have no way to deal with it. Fortunately, your sister did not make this choice. "Ye Han is really insidious. What are you going to do?"

"Ye Han feels too dangerous to me. Either expel him and make him never dare to approach Border City No. 3. Or... kill him!" Li Ye said: "This is why I came to you."

"Indeed, you can only find me. The authorities can't take action against him just because he hasn't done anything yet.

As for the church, he and his companions are quite powerful. If they want to kill him in the giant city, the authorities will definitely notice it. They will give priority to destroying the church, and he can get a good reputation instead.

It's not easy to do it openly or secretly. Only I can play it in secret. "

Jing Lin said: "Actually, I suggest that it is better to expel him. He has too many friends. The relationship is complicated. Even the blind man in the snow mountain is his friend. If he is killed, it will cause a lot of trouble. After all, he He is a powerful person with six senses. In any giant city, he is a valuable captain-level expert. There are too many obstacles to kill him."

"But I can't expel him." Li Yelai shook his head.

"That's not necessarily true. He is a very arrogant person who cannot stand provocation. After all, he is too smooth and has good luck. You can tell from your intelligence. His companions are all acting against him. A lot of benefits were gained in the process.

And the fate of those who had a grudge against him was not good. There are many powerful players among them who were severely injured or killed in some incidents.

You may not know that the girl in the dress is named Bai You. He is a member of a small family in a huge city in the northwest. Although he is tortured by a curse, he has also become a marriage partner. I have a very talented fiancé who is from a prominent local family.

As a result, during an exploration of a mysterious terrain, Ye Han, who had only just awakened, obtained several forbidden objects and became famous. And the fourth-level fiancé died inside, capsized in the gutter.

It is said that it is because of the curse. When he was found, he had been disemboweled and his head had been chopped off. Only then could Ye Han take Bai You away without any scruples.

Now it seems that the man capsized in the gutter may have something to do with Ye Han. The ability to strengthen the curse is too secretive. But he has a domineering attitude that those who follow me will prosper and those who go against me will perish. "

Jing Lin analyzed: "Now, he may be hostile to you."

"To me?" Li Yelai smiled angrily: "He plotted against my friends and family, but he became hostile to me?"

"Yes. He can't suppress the doll's curse, but you can ignore the doll's fear curse." Jing Lin said: "With his jealous character, he will definitely be a little jealous of you."

"You want me to provoke him?" Li Yelai asked.

Jing Lin nodded: "Yes, he is so arrogant that he will not remain indifferent. But it also completely offended him to death."

"It should be said that he has completely offended me." Li Yelai sneered.

"I'm looking for an opportunity to hold a banquet in the manor, inviting various aristocratic families and families, as well as official friends. It's normal to have a discussion in public, right?" Jing Lin said: "It's normal to increase the stakes. Bar?"

"Are you using this to get him to leave Border City No. 3?" Li Yelai nodded: "It's you who is insidious."

"There are many ways to deal with such an arrogant person in the family. The only question is whether you can suppress him. He is a six-sense person and is very powerful."

"I have killed the Six Divine Chosen Ones."

"That's okay."

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