Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 321 Li Yelai is as strong as a monster

Jing Lin's worries are not unnecessary. The gap between the six senses and the five senses is huge.

After being promoted to the Sixth Awakening, the total amount of psionic energy of a psyker increases, and the psionic intensity of each unit of the psyker will also increase accordingly.

When the same unit of psychic energy and the same ability are used, the intensity of the six senses is more than double that of the five senses.

Therefore, it is difficult for someone to achieve a leapfrog battle during the fifth awakening. When a strong person with six senses faces five senses, he usually wins with a crushing attitude.

Li Yelai is already the top expert among the five powers. There is no doubt about this. The five-sense psychics from various families discovered this that day without challenging him.

They couldn't defeat Li Yelai at that time. That was a warning from their instincts after years of training!

But facing Liujue, even Li Yelai was not completely sure.

He also paid a heavy price when dealing with the Blood God's Chosen Fenxiao. His left arm was scrapped, his internal organs were bleeding, his chest ribs were broken, and his beating heart was even compressed.

If his father hadn't been interested in him, he would probably still be recovering from his injuries.

Li Yelai's real strength is actually the perfect combination with his ability. To put it simply, it is Die Li!

Mimicry·Abyssal Dragon Scale, absorbs part of the attack and turns it into one's own use after removing the armor.

Mimicry·Red Thunder Dragon Claw, in a dense thunder and lightning environment, the power will be increased to the extreme that Li Yelai can bear.

Finally, there is the divine general Faxiang in Li Yuanba’s face. Ten times increase in strength.

The overlapping power of the three abilities increased Li Yelai's output to a level that was enough to frighten Liujue!

As long as Li Yelai succeeds in his repeated efforts, he can successfully release the thunder of annihilation.

Except for a very small number of strong men, the rest of the six were either dead or injured!

This is also the reason why Fen Xiao was defeated by Li Yelai. This is the purest violence!

Of course, Fen Xiao's hand was broken off by a sneak attack and his energy storage failed to reach its peak, which was also part of the reason.

But Li Yelai did kill a Liujue Divine Chosen, a Liujue Divine Chosen in the state of being favored by a god. This was an undoubted achievement.

This is also where Li Yelai's confidence lies.

Of course, Ye Han should not be underestimated. Not only does he have special abilities, he also has several secret treasures and psychic weapons, making him extremely powerful.

Coupled with his destiny-like luck

Maybe he's even more powerful than the Blood God's Chosen One?

Therefore, Li Yelai must be fully prepared!

He can only win this battle!

All the steps planned by Jing Lin were based on the premise that Li Yelai could suppress Ye Han.

In public, a proud and arrogant person. He will inevitably accept challenges from others, and that person may be someone he is jealous of.

As long as Li Yelai can make an agreement and defeat him. Then he has only one way to go: exile.

On the other hand, if Li Yelai loses, he will become a clown.

Even if five sleeps and six sleeps are lost, it is normal.

But there will still be unpredictable consequences.

Not only did he fail to expel Ye Han, but he was also regarded as a laughing stock by everyone.

Li Yelai didn't care whether he would be laughed at, but he would never tolerate Ye Han staying in Border City No. 3.

This kind of person is always a danger. It must be ruled out immediately!

As for Li Yelai, he must prepare everything he can!

"Tell me about your trump card and see if there are any loopholes in your tactics." Jing Lin said. At the same time, the Eye of Heaven opens and mysterious calculations begin.

"My A-level psychic armor is already being debugged. It should be completed tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. By then, I will have three A-level psychic weapons." Li Yelai took out his black gold dragon pattern halberd. And the Blood Cloud Knife.

This made Jing Lin frown. He had to say that Li Yelai was too damn rich.

Three A-grade items, no one even in the Jing family can afford such luxury. While being wealthy, these equipment will greatly enhance its combat power and defense.

"The tiger clone of Liujue is already in place, inside the blood cloud. Its consciousness has been preserved, it has rich combat experience, and it can also use its innate abilities." Li Yelai raised the blood cloud. Black mist filled the ring-shou sword, and a huge tiger head appeared with a confused face, then disappeared.

"Is it the Night Tiger? It has some connection with our Jing family."

Jing Lin recognized the tiger, and after cooperating with the officials, he naturally knew about this extraordinary creature that had been captured by the Jing family.

But even the Jing family has no shame in asking the officials for an extraordinary creature close to the overlord level.

Is that a trophy obtained by the government from the church? Does it have anything to do with your Jing family?

"The combat power of six senses is a big help!" Jing Lin said: "You are a psyker of the path of all things, and there is nothing wrong with controlling extraordinary creatures with the language of beasts in the virtual realm."

"The effect of the blood cloud is the violent waves of the sea of ​​​​blood in the path of divine control! The more blood you control, the greater the power of the slash! I can prepare the blood in advance, buy the blood of extraordinary creatures from the official website, and store it In the Ark space, let the blood cloud continue to swallow the blood so that it can release its strongest blow as soon as it is unsheathed!"

"Open it up when you come up. It's a good tactic! Ye Han is a six-sense person, so he will definitely despise you, a fifth-sense person. This is his nature, and this may directly hurt him seriously!" Jing Lin said.

"At the same time, the blood I have stored can also strengthen the power of my white face makeup. I can first use the blood prison to suppress the demon, suppress Ye Han's movement speed with heavy pressure, and then slash it out with the blood cloud!"

"My Mimicry Divine Hidden Dragon Soul can shape spiritual hidden weapons. I will practice with my teammates in advance and store hundreds of weapons first! When the time comes, I will pour them directly on Ye Han. As long as I am hit, His spirit will be attacked, causing his tactical rhythm to be disrupted, resulting in flaws and sluggishness.”

"Moreover, these weapons are long-range attacks, and my long-range attack specialization protection can also work on them. This makes my hit rate higher!"

"Of course, it's okay if I miss. In this way, I will directly trigger the price of my oath. I will be hit by five thunders! This will create a strong thunder and lightning environment!"

"You also know that when surrounded by thunder, I can increase my output to the limit!"

"As long as Ye Han doesn't kill me immediately, I will definitely be able to unleash my strongest attack!"

"As for defense, I have the secret treasure blessed by the Blood God, the Seventh Shield of the Blood God! A-level psychic armor, Mimicry Abyssal Dragon Scales, and Huo Qubing's facial makeup that is as immovable as a mountain!"

Jing Lin had been silent for a long time, and his face was a little stiff. His eyes had already calculated the terrible results.

Facing the well-prepared Li Yelai, not to mention himself, even if the six-sense strongman in the family came to come, he would probably suffer a lot!

Is this Li Yelai's peak combat power? This is too terrible!

What's even more frightening is that Li Yelai perfected his tactics!

Use the Ark space to store blood and water to strengthen A-level psychic weapons and white facial makeup.

As long as there is enough blood, Li Yelai can suppress Ye Han with super high pressure at the same time and directly execute a terrifying blood slash!

And Ye Han, who was suppressed by heavy pressure, would slow down even if he resisted the heavy pressure with his six senses. There is a high probability that you will fall directly into this trick.

This is tactical combination one.

As for the second tactical combination, it is a form of mimicry that Jing Lin has never seen before, the Divine Hidden Dragon Soul.

As a variant of Dragon Soul, it has even more terrifying potential!

Devour other people's mental power in advance, and create and store divine weapons in the consciousness space.

The meeting is covered by firepower!

Just imagine, what a shocking scene it would be if hundreds of spiritual treasures appeared at the same time, bombarding the target with golden light?

Moreover, this perfectly matches Li Yelai's vow. There are already a lot of them, but they also have self-aim? Not to mention the greatly improved hit rate, once the target is lost. He was struck directly by lightning. And Li Yelai had the Crimson Thunder Dragon Claw, so being struck by lightning became a boost!

This will start Li Yelai's third tactical combination.

Namely, the Divine General's Dharma and the Crimson Thunder Dragon Claw.

Are you just talking about whether you want to be hit?

If you are hit, your spirit will be severely damaged. If there is no corresponding defense or countermeasures. He will soon have a mental breakdown and become a lamb to be slaughtered.

But if it misses, very good, you can see Li Yelai's strongest posture.

"Damn it, you're like a boss! You can even change stages!" Jing Lin gasped.

If you can combine abilities to create one, it is already a killer weapon.

But Li Yelai matched three types.

It includes three aspects: range attack, distance output, and melee combat. There are almost no disadvantages!

In terms of defense, Li Yelai is also very good. Even a strong person with six senses will have to spend some effort and time to break through his defense.

Not to mention anything else, just the shield wall composed of more than 900 shadow troops was enough to keep Liu Jie awake for a while.

During this period, either the enemy penetrated Li Yelai's defense, or Li Yelai successfully changed stages!

Damn, this is too strong!

Only then did Jing Lin understand the terrifying aspect of Li Yelai. He understood that Li Yelai was stronger than him, but he was also too powerful.

No wonder he was favored by the Blood God. This kind of tactical thinking is so terrifying!

Moreover, this is not the limit. If Li Yelai gets another face mask again, what kind of monster will he become?

Li Yelai is like a super group boss in a video game!

However, since this monster is his good brother, there is nothing to worry about.

This won’t kill Ye Han’s grandson!

"After taking so many tricks from you, I'm afraid Ye Han will die immediately?" Jing Lin said with wide eyes.

"No, Ye Han is too lucky, and you know my luck too. No one knows all his trump cards yet. Maybe I won't be able to defeat him even at this point." Li Yelai said seriously.

He will not underestimate any enemy. Be it man, woman, beautiful or ugly. He didn't dare to underestimate it. And, plan for the worst possible outcome.

"If my Thunder of Annihilation can't defeat him" Li Yelai paused: "Then I must be anxious. Therefore, even if my identity as the Ark Chosen is exposed, I will take out the Sky Comet Dragon! With its overlord Super combat power, directly carry out a devastating strike!"

Jing Lin's face twitched, revealing his identity as an Ark elect? This is too dangerous.

However, when that time really comes, Li Yelai must have reached the end of his road. It's normal to go crazy for a while.

"Finally, if it still doesn't work, then use 'Lovely Stars Flying into the Sky'" Li Yelai said in a deep voice: "This move is extremely powerful, and everyone will inevitably flee from the vicinity. This will also create the last chance for me. If He still won’t lose.”

"I will secretly switch the face of the Immortal God Chosen to refresh all the injuries on my body. If I have enough energy, I will do another one. I don't believe it, his recovery power is stronger than mine!"

"Okay, if the fight really got to that point, you would have been stopped long ago. Even the overlord would be alerted." Jing Lin was eye-opening.

"If it is stopped, the plan will fail." Li Yelai sighed.

"That's enough, Lao Li. If he can't defeat you with six sleeps and five sleeps with you, Ye Han himself probably won't have the shame to stay in Border City No. 3." Jing Lin said: "Of course, if he is shameless. Then I will help him look good."

As a member of the family, Jing Lin has friends who are well versed in this. All he needs is some false and true inducements, plus the fact that Ye Han really failed to defeat Li Yelai.

Ye Han had to leave the giant city.

"That's good." Li Yelai nodded.

"On the other hand, wouldn't it be risky for you to expose so many of your abilities at once?" Jing Lin asked.

"If in order to preserve my strength, my friends and relatives are threatened. Then why do I need this combat power? I'm putting the cart before the horse, isn't it? Apart from my identity as the chosen one, I have nothing to hide." Li Yelai said: "Besides, I am Champion agents, these abilities cannot be hidden.”

"Very good." Jing Lin nodded: "Since you don't care about this, Ye Han will definitely fall into the trap. Just leave the rest to my people."

"Okay, thank you!" Li Yelai exhaled and showed a relaxed smile.

Immediately, Li Yelai asked: "By the way, you took your sister to hide here, what do your parents and grandfather think?"

Li Yelai was indeed a little curious about this.

How did those people who gave up their mother think of Jing Lin's behavior?

"My mother is not my father's wife and has no say in the family. She only knows how to cry. I'm afraid her eyes will be broken from crying." Jing Lin paused: "But my father and grandfather have acquiesced in my actions. Otherwise, , I won’t take my sister away so smoothly.”

"This is a bit surprising." Li Yelai said, "I thought you were an outlier in the big family."

"Who can truly give up their loved ones?" Jing Lin said, "And my father and grandfather may also be able to compensate."


"Yes, one of my aunts was also the heir of the divine blood. She has a very high degree of compatibility. At that time, my grandfather and father did not dare to disobey the family's orders and prepared to send their daughter and sister into the restricted area. After that, the aunt ran away, and it was rumored that she died in the wilderness. She was a noble daughter of the Jing family, just like that." Jing Lin said with a sigh, "Maybe they didn't want the tragedy to happen again. If you have more courage, maybe this won’t happen.”

Li Yelai was silent for a moment and nodded slightly. (End of chapter)

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