Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 266 Apollo's Invitation to the Divine Feast

I've been dawdling in the Adventurer's Guild for several days.

When walking on the bustling street and breathing the fresh air, I couldn't help but slander the god who always hides in the dark underground square.

He actually threw him another difficult problem.

However, there is no way.

He gave too much.

Zhou Fangwu couldn't refuse.

The sun is gradually setting to meet the horizon, and the slightly dim sunset greets the eyes. The afterglow illuminates the earth and makes people feel warm when it shines on the body.

The adventurers are all returning to their station.

Whether it's from the dungeon or from the Adventurer's Guild.

They had finished their day of exploration.

The same goes for Zhou Fangwu.

It's just that he didn't end a day's hard work, but ended a long and tense expedition.

I thought it was time to take a break.

Return to the dilapidated church quarters.

Before I went in, I heard Hestia and Bell were arguing fiercely, and I didn't know what happened between them.

Somewhat curious, he quickened his pace.

As soon as he entered the door, he found Hestia pressing on Bell's body, tearing the junior adventurer's suit from Bell's body.

In fact, Zhou Fangwu wanted to leave quietly to give them a space.

But he had already alarmed the two of them, and it was already too late to withdraw at this time.

I had to say very considerately:

"Uh... Sorry, it seems I accidentally disturbed you. Well, I can come back later if needed."

After speaking, he turned around and left.

"Wait, Wu! Help me!"

Bell wanted to struggle to get up, but he didn't dare to use force because he was afraid of hurting Hestia, so the two were still rubbing against each other.

in this situation……

Could it be that Hestia finally couldn't bear the desire in his heart, so he wanted the Overlord to take down Bell by force?

However, what he didn't expect was that Hestia's next words were even more shocking.

"Wait, Wu! Come back, let's go together! Hold Mr. Beier for me, don't let him move anymore!"

what--? !

Is it so exciting?


I know that the circle of Greek gods is very chaotic, but isn’t Hestia the goddess of purity (chu)?

But obviously, Zhou Fangwu misunderstood.

"Wu, Mr. Beier refuses to wear this dress, so come and help me!"

"Uh... what's going on here?"

Only when he realized that he had misunderstood, Zhou Fangwu expressed curiosity about Hestia's tough behavior.

It may be because of Zhou Fangwu's presence. Bell felt that he couldn't be so rude, so he forcibly broke free from Hestia's embrace and escaped.

Regarding this, Hestia let out a 'cut' in displeasure.

"Well, what's going on here?"

"Ah, this is the request of that fellow Apollo."

Hestia stood up from the bed and explained to Zhou Fangwu: "That guy Apollo held a banquet and asked all the gods to bring their own family members to participate, and he also asked that they must be members of the new generation .”


"I can't help it. My family currently only has Wu and Mr. Beier. Before Wu you come back, Mr. Beier is the only candidate."


"Of course you have to wear a dress to the banquet, but Mr. Bell is unwilling to live or die, and he doesn't even want to go with me."

"I see, I understand."

Knowing the cause and effect, Zhou Fangwu nodded clearly.

【Apollo Familia】?

In fact, the next task from Uranus is to let him investigate [Apollo Familia] and [Sumo Familia].

Because Phils had secretly investigated before.

She discovered that the two families had had special contact with the weird people who had appeared before.

That's why Uranus asked Zhou Fangwu to investigate the connection between them with [Demeter's Blessing] as a reward.

Just right.

The god banquet hosted by Apollo must have come for Bell.

It is estimated that before he came back, he must have resorted to low-handed means, and he must have sent a young man to provoke him.

If this is the case, then he will follow the trend.

Promote the war between the two families, and then find out the relationship, and get the blessing!

"Wu! Quickly help me persuade Mr. Beier, he won't go with me no matter what!"

Hestia pouted and looked at Bell angrily.

"No, no, no, let me accompany you or something, I can't do it alone."

The way Bell shook his head and refused made people feel even more annoyed.

True Master of Versailles!

"Mr. Bell! As the fastest-leveling [little rookie] in Olali, do you understand that you are eligible to be remembered by the gods?"

Before, when Zhou Fangwu accompanied the [Loki Familia] on an expedition.

Bell hit the Minotaur and obtained [Great Achievements], thus raising the adventurer's level to LV2.

Hestia had asked Zhou Fangwu whether he had concealed this matter, and first released the news that he had been promoted to LV2 first, and then publicized Bell's achievements.

But Zhou Fangwu refused.

First of all, he is not greedy for this false name.

Secondly, with Bell attracting the attention of the gods in front, he can better hide behind and do things.

Therefore, with the feat of "upgrading to LV2 in one month", Bell once entered the sight of all the gods of Olalie, and expressed incomparable curiosity about the exaggerated upgrade speed of this "little rookie".

This is also the main reason why Bell was targeted by Apollo.

That sun god, who is not taboo between men and women, is a completely changed (basic) state (guy)!

As long as the appearance is cute, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, that Apollo will chase after him or her until he (she) is in his pocket.

Truth is a scumbag.

Moreover, according to the information of Uranus, this god seems to have a connection with the weirdo.

"Well, Lord Shangshen, Wu is more suitable than me, isn't it?"

Bell tried to escape the past and recommended Zhou Fangwu, saying: "It just so happens that Wu is back. Wu is stronger and more mature than me, he is the best candidate, isn't he."


Hestia was visibly moved.

In her opinion, the fact is as Bell said.

Mature and stable, not to mention powerful, he can advance and retreat freely in the face of God.

Is an excellent candidate!

However, Zhou Fangwu would not agree.

Because Bell is still needed as the fuse to successfully ignite the dispute between the two families.

If the protagonist is not present, how can there be a fight?

"No, I'm not suitable."

Before they could ask, Zhou Fangwu refused.

"Mr. Bell, you are the head of the family and the public image of the [Hestia family]. This kind of occasion is not suitable for me as a member of the family."

Although it was a struggle to say so, Zhou Fangwu knew that he didn't want to go seeing Bell's tangled look.

Immediately lying next to his ear, he said softly: "And... I can guarantee that the [Loki Familia] Lord Loki, the person she brought over is definitely [Sword Princess] Miss Ai Si, even if it is , Mr. Bell doesn’t want to go either?”


As soon as Bell heard Ais, it was like a rabbit seeing a carrot, and his eyes glowed red with excitement.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, he lit up.

"Master Shangshen, I have decided, I want to go to the banquet with you!"

"Really, that's great!"

Hestia, who didn't know what was going on, was immediately overjoyed when Bell agreed to go together.

Seeing her so excited, Zhou Fangwu felt that the pure white bandage on her head suddenly turned into a very bright green.

Oh, poor Hestia~

ps: After the theatrical version, [Month] Blessing has other arrangements.

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