Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 267 Proficiency SSS again!

Bale's decision to go to the Apollo banquet is finalized.

The time is exactly tonight.

But before that, Hestia decided not to waste time, and updated his proficiency for Zhou Fangwu, who hadn't returned for a long time.

To be honest, she is also looking forward to Zhou Fangwu's growth, whether it will be unexpected again.

"Come on, Wu, while there is still some time, let's update the proficiency cleanly!"

Hestia grabbed Zhou Fangwu's arm and hurried to the basement. She seemed more anxious than Zhou Fangwu himself.

Together with Bell, the three came to the dilapidated basement.

Before Zhou Fangwu could do anything, he was forcefully pushed onto the sofa by Hestia.

But she turned her head again, worried and stern, and told Bell sternly.

"Before updating your proficiency, there is one thing you need to tell Mr. Bell in advance."


Bell was very curious to see the serious look of his master god.

"Actually... Long before Mr. Beier was promoted to LV2, Wu had already been promoted to LV2."


"Because of Wu's request, this matter has not been disclosed to the public...Of course, this matter was not intentionally hidden from you, Mr. Bell, please don't misunderstand this! You know, Wu has his own reasons, so he just ..."

Hestia hurriedly explained, but Bell became more and more confused as he listened.

There was even a brief absence of consciousness in the brain.

But he clearly understood one thing.

That is, he is not the one who rose to LV2 the fastest, the fastest is actually Zhou Fangwu whose strength far surpasses his own.

"That...Mr. Bell, are you not angry?"



"Please rest assured, Lord Shangshen, this kind of thing will not hurt me."

Bell didn't seem to be injured at all, "Because I know that even if I am promoted to LV2 now, my strength is still not comparable to that of Wu."


"Master Shangshen, do you want to say the title of [Oulali's fastest upgrade]?"

Bell knew what Hestia wanted to say, but he even smiled and said, "Shouldn't Wu be the one who was hurt by this matter? Isn't that right, Lord Shangshen."

"Mr. Bell...you have grown up too."

For Bell to have such a mature look, Hestia's eyes shed a little crystal tear.


Her Mr. Beier has finally changed to look like an adult.

"Then, let's update Wu's proficiency next! Don't be surprised, Bell-kun!"



Zhou Fangwu, lying on the sofa, was speechless.

I didn't insert a word from the beginning to the end, I don't know why the two of them are so excited,

Obviously the one who updated his proficiency was himself.

It really doesn't make sense.

However, it seems that during the more than 20 days since he left, Bell has indeed grown up.

Especially in terms of mind, it has become more mature.

Is it the [premature] effect brought about by [one-hearted longing]?

Really want!

"Wu, are you ready?"

Hestia pulled off Zhou Fangwu's shirt, and then shook the index fingers of both hands back and forth irregularly, looking exactly like a wretched slut.

Is she really a pure (chu) goddess?


"Come, Lord Hestia."

Zhou Fangwu obediently lay on the bed, waiting for the blessing of his family god.

"Hey hey hey—!"

Hestia has not restrained herself in the slightest, and she has even evolved towards Loki, the god of mischief.

As expected of a mortal enemy.


The blood of the gods dripped down, like a drop of water merging into the calm water surface, creating a layer of shallow waves.


The dazzling light lit up instantly, this time not only the basement, but even the dilapidated auditorium above could not block the bright light!

This light is stronger than ever!

"What, what's going on, Lord Shangshen?!"

"Oh oh oh oh--!!!"

Compared to Bell who panicked in shock, Hestia was more interested in the [Bible text] displayed on Zhou Fangwu's back. Even though the light almost pierced her eyes, she still did not intend to look away.

She already felt that Zhou Fangwu had grown by leaps and bounds again!

Sure enough, she expected it!

After the light dissipated, the value displayed on Zhou Fangwu's back shocked her again!

【Zhou Fangwu】


Strength: i0 → SSS1999

Durability: i0 → SSS1999

Smart: i0 → SSS1999

Agility: i0 → SSS1999

Magic: i0 → SSS1999


【The Last Hope (Wish_One)】


【Cross the World】

【Analysis and imitation】

【Synchronous Summon】

[Great achievements have been completed, and the rank can be upgraded]

"Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hahahaha!!!"

After seeing the proficiency shown on Zhou Fangwu's back, Hestia could no longer maintain his previous restraint.


Breaking the boundaries again, and proficiency full SSS again!

And it's only been 20 days! ! !

This kind of thing happened to members of her family, she really could wake up laughing from a dream!

Stop acting, showdown!

My Zhou Fangwu is invincible in the world!

My family is about to become the most powerful one in all of Orario!

What Loki, what Freya, they all stepped under their feet!


Hestia couldn't stop laughing wildly, which made Bell beside him feel inexplicably scared.

Bell had never seen himself so groggy.

But Bell knew that the reason for this result was the proficiency shown on Zhou Fangwu's back.

Step forward unconsciously.

Even though he couldn't read it, he couldn't help but want to take a look.

"That Hestia God, is it alright?"

Zhou Fangwu's sensitive skin could almost feel the warm breath from Bell's breath, and he shivered suddenly, feeling uncomfortable all over his body.

"I'm a bit cold, if it's over, can I put on some clothes?"

"Ah, sorry sorry, I lost my composure."

Hestia came back to his senses after being reminded, flicked his ponytails in embarrassment, and then took out a piece of parchment to imprint Zhou Fangwu's proficiency on his back.

"Here, your proficiency."

While handing it to Zhou Fangwu, Hestia congratulated him heartily and said, "Congratulations, Wu. In just 20 days, you can raise your rank again."

"Eh... eh—?!!"

The most surprised one was not Zhou Fangwu, but [little rookie] Bell beside him.

"20 days?!"

Bell posted it in surprise, carefully looking at the parchment in Zhou Fangwu's hand, the red pupils shrank and slackened sharply, and after careful confirmation, he turned his head stiffly, rattling like a rusty old machine .

It seems that not only Zhou Fangwu's upgrade speed, but also the exaggerated value on the parchment, also brought him a big blow.


Even though he was very mature before, he was the second fastest to rise to LV2 besides Zhou Fangwu, so it's natural for him to be a little proud.


This little pride, after seeing Zhou Fangwu's proficiency value, was completely smashed to pieces.

20 days……

To Zhou Fangwu, neither fast nor slow, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

It's just that he was surprised that he actually won [Great Contributions]?

If you think about it carefully, there are only fallen fairy spirits who are fighting together with the expedition team on [the 59th floor].

"Wu! Without further ado, let's upgrade!"

Hestia shook Zhou Fangwu's arm, and at the same time drove her plump and exaggerated twin peaks.

Only Zhou Fangwu was looking at the parchment, Bell was so shocked that he lost his mind, neither of them saw this wonderful scene.

"No, no upgrades... at least not right now."

"Why, why?!"

When Hestia heard that Zhou Fangwu disagreed, he immediately became unhappy.

Even if for some reason you can't get the title of [Fastest to LV2], can [Fastest to LV3] be used as compensation?

But Zhou Fangwu still refused.

This puzzled her a lot.

"Because I can't raise my level now, God Hestia."

Zhou Fangwu sighed softly, "Please think about it carefully, we didn't spread the news that I was promoted to LV2 before. If I was promoted to LV3 before that, the nature will change."


"Yes, that will no longer be an excuse of [no time], but it will become [concealment and non-reporting]. I don't need to elaborate on what it means for a family to conceal their combat power. gone."


"So, do you understand?"

"Well, I see."

Hestia looked very discouraged, and asked sullenly: "Then, when does Wu want to upgrade?"

"After the union certification, if it goes well, it will be ready tomorrow at the earliest."

Zhou Fangwu gave this answer.

Obviously, this answer made Hestia very satisfied, and he expressed high expectations for the bright development prospects in the future!

Just, is that really the case?

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