Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 300 Give That Child to Me!

PS: The last chapter had a wrong chapter name.

Another family was flattened by a hero!

It is obvious that [Freya's Familia] and other powerful people made the move.

But the other adventurers only saw Zhou Fangwu angrily ran to [Happy Street] to meet Ishtar under the watchful eyes of everyone, and then the [Ishtar Familia] was destroyed in the blink of an eye.

No matter what you think, it's [hero]'s fault!

All of this was pinned on Zhou Fangwu's head.

It's pure lying!

He really wanted to justify it.

But now all the men in Orario, including the male gods, are extremely indignant and hostile to the [Hero] after the places that provided them with entertainment were destroyed.

Thinking that he has done something wrong that is absolutely unforgivable, and does not give him a chance to defend himself.

And relatively.

The other female members have good intentions towards Zhou Fangwu.

Some are because their gods finally don’t have to go to [Happy Street], some are because their children finally stop depraving, and so on.

For a while, Zhou Fangwu's word of mouth polarized.

But none of this has anything to do with him.

Currently, he is worrying about what to do with the remaining members of the [Ishtar Familia].

Although they are prostitutes, not all of them want to be prostitutes.

Some of them, like Chun Ji, were forced to be subservient to others.

It's just that they were not as lucky as Chun Ji, they were discovered by Bell and Ming, and finally rescued from the whirlpool.

After Ishtar was sent back to heaven.

Without God, they would have no favor.

Become a free adventurer without a family.

At this time, the Hestia family, although they can feel their helplessness, still cannot accept these remaining members of the family.

There was no other way, Zhou Fangwu had no choice but to act as the villain.

He said to Aisha: "Sorry, according to the development guidelines of the family, you do not meet our label."

"...I know, we are just a bunch of prostitutes."

"you misunderstood……"

"It doesn't matter, we have been mentally prepared."

Aisha didn't care about being rejected, but asked with concern: "Where is that stupid girl? She is the existence that even Ishtar desires. She has special talents, so it shouldn't be difficult for her to join your family." Bar."

In Aisha's eyes, Chun Ji is like a little sister who needs to be protected.

From the beginning to the end, he protected her without asking for anything in return.

Even if it violates Ishtar's order and forcibly destroys the [Killing Stone], even if it is forcibly charmed by Ishtar, it cannot resist.

She is always thinking of ways to save this poor little girl.

"Yes, Chun Ji is very talented."

Zhou Fangwu expressed his satisfaction with the new member, "Her [Wild Treasure Mallet] is very powerful, and she is the best support person who can increase the combat power of the family, so we will keep her no matter what... well, please don't get me wrong, we will not Use her as a prop."

Halfway through the speech, Zhou Fangwu quickly explained when he realized that there were some misleading words in his words.

"I know."

Aisha shook her head, signaling not to be nervous.

She knew that this family had a childhood friend who had a close relationship with her, and this family had made such an astonishing move in order to save her.

Most of all, Chun Ji wanted to stay here.

So, as long as Chun Ji doesn't hate these people, she is ready to let Chun Ji stay.

This is what she expected too.

Aisha understood.

As long as she opens her mouth, Chun Ji will definitely go with her.

But just like protecting her own sister, she must not let Chun Ji and her continue to run around aimlessly and suffer.

【Hestia Familia】is Haruhime's home.

"In that case, I'm leaving."

Aisha wanted to act vigorously.

After arranging the most important Chun Ji, she is ready to leave here.

Can't say goodbye to Chun Ji.

It's a bit lonely, but it's the best result.

"You...you, where are you going next?" Zhou Fangwu asked: "If you have nowhere to go, I can introduce you to a family member, presumably that God will accept you."

"No, we already have plans."

"Ah That's good."


Aisha rejected Zhou Fangwu's help.

Then after gently waving goodbye, he left without looking back.


"Really, Sister Aisha is gone."

Chun Ji was a little bit disappointed when she heard the news. She really wanted to leave with Aisha, but she agreed to stay after listening to Aisha's opinion.

I just didn't expect Aisha to leave so quickly.

She regretted not being able to say goodbye.

Hestia patted Chun Ji on the back and said loudly, "Well, don't be sad, don't you still have us."

Seeing her disappointed expression, this loli god immediately gave her the care of God and comforted her.

The care and love from God eased Chun Ji's lonely mood.

She knew that she had another partner, not to mention childhood friends in the family.

So she is ready for a new life.

"Yes! The little girl's name is Santiao Nai Haruhime, please give me your advice in the future."

Although Chun Ji is a prostitute who has no human experience, she is indeed a daughter of a noble and famous family, and her etiquette is impeccable.

The graceful leaning and prostration revealed her eldest lady's temperament.

Compared with her, Bell and the others looked rough.

But they are all adventurers, not so particular.

"I'm Bell, Bell Cranney! Please give me your advice in the future, Miss Chunji."

"I'm Zorf..."

"My name is Lily..."

"Monica's said..."

"That... I'm Cassandra, please give me your advice."

Everyone introduced themselves one by one.

There is no hostility or alienation.

When Chun Ji joined the family, everyone still maintained a welcoming attitude.

This is the benefit of having a small family.

There is no conflict of interest, no intrigue, and no competition for God's favor... and so on.

Joining the family went well.

When Hestia reactivated the favor for Haruhime, she officially became a member of [Hestia Familia].

Later, to celebrate the joining of Chun Ji, Monica and Cassandra.

Everyone held a banquet.


In the days that followed, everyone returned to their daily lives.

Hestia can be said to have been since the Netherworld! This period of time can be counted as being at the peak of human (divine) life.

Even though Olalie still has a bad opinion of her family, she is still very optimistic.

With excellent children and warm family members.

Even if the family is not strong enough now.

But she knows that as long as it continues to develop, it will be a matter of time before it becomes stronger and bigger.

She absolutely wants to protect this hard-won daily life.

No one can take it away!

Thinking this way, she ushered in the most unexpected development.

"Give that child to me!"

The Goddess of Beauty who appeared in front of her had eyes as hot as a volcanic eruption, which made Hestia feel inexplicably terrified.

"F, Freya...?"

"Give that child to me!"

Beauty God said again.

Her words were too strong to be denied.

It's like giving an ultimatum.

Many readers asked to end this volume quickly, and think carefully about the life of a nanny in the heresy chapter, so they decisively skipped it and went directly to the final stage and reached the climax.

Stay tuned!

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