The weather is not good today.

Overcast clouds made the sky look gray.

It looks like it's going to rain.

Therefore, there are very few pedestrians on the street, and they all walk in a hurry.

to go back early.

Hestia knew that it had been a bit long since he came out.

Going back early will also save others from worrying.


There is an uninvited guest blocking her way back.

——It's [God of Beauty] Freya!

This existence that made her feel troublesome, this goddess that she couldn't dodge.

Although it's a little different from hating Loki, Freya still gives her an uncomfortable feeling.

So under normal circumstances, the two will not overlap.

"F, Freya...?"

Hestia was puzzled.

I don't understand why she would block my way.

But she knew that the current Freya was very wrong.

There was a greedy look in those eyes, which made her subconsciously take a few steps back and distance herself a little.

"Give that child to me!"

Freya said it again, giving off a rather nervous feeling.

It made Hestia feel more uneasy.

she asked:

"Who? Who are you talking about?"

But she didn't get a definite answer.

Instead, Freya avoided the topic and said something that made her a little confused.

"At first I wanted to cultivate a relationship, I wanted to get closer, I was still afraid that too violent pursuit would scare him...


When he became more and more dazzling, when there were more and more people around him, I couldn't stand it anymore!


"Give Zhou Fangwu to me!"

"I will not hand Bell over to you!"

"Eh...?" X2

The conversation between the two fell silent for a while.


"What... it's Wu! It scared me to death... No! Not even Wu!"

Hestia was doing crazy sit-ups.

It was a bit helpless to be surprised at first glance, as if performing a one-man show.

But it's not her fault either.

But what Freya said really shocked her.

Zhou Fangwu must not be handed over!

This is not only because Zhou Fangwu is the foundation of the family's development to the present.

More importantly, she is not one of those evil gods who use family members as bargaining chips.

She insisted that members of the family should get along as family members, and she would not forcefully decide the fate of a child as a god.


"No! I will never hand over [Hero] to you!"

"Really... what a pity."

Freya had expected it.

But when she saw Hestia's decisive attitude, she still felt a little pity.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to do this...but if you promise not to resist, I won't hurt you, Sister Hestia."

Freya smiled and said extremely dangerous words.

He really wanted to escape, but the person who appeared in the next second shattered Hestia's desire to escape.

Because she saw a dwarf standing in each of the four directions on the surrounding roofs.

No need to think about it, they are powerful adventurers!

——Four Warriors of Yanjin!

Although the race is known as the weakest little human race.

But this is not objective.

As long as their class increases, their physical strength will also increase exponentially.


Four LV5 dwarves are not something she can fight against.

"Is it kidnapping... As expected of you, Freya."

Hestia sighed. Like a compliment and like a mockery.

"For me, you have prepared enough."

But it's a pity that [Beauty God] was unmoved.

"Thank you for the compliment."

she said so.

If it is to achieve her goal, then she will do whatever it takes to achieve it.

"Grab her."

Freya ordered.

The four dwarves who had been eyeing behind him came straight to Hestia, not giving her a chance to escape.

The gap in strength was too great, and Hestia couldn't resist, so he was easily caught.

A small human race roughly controlled Hestia, forcibly imprisoning her hands behind her back.

"Don't move, High God Hestia, even if you are High God, as long as High God Freya orders, I will kill you."

His tone was very respectful.

But the madness hidden in the words made Hestia a little scared, and she immediately calmed down after struggling all the time.

I had no choice but to ask the still elegant beauty beside me:

"So? Freya, are you trying to use me as a bait to lure [Hero] out? After all, [Hero] will never give up on his companions."

This is also the belief that Zhou Fangwu has always carried out.

[Hero] originally thought that he would try his best to save everyone.

Freya's kidnapping was nothing more than to lure Zhou Fangwu to come.

She has an unparalleled ability to charm, and has many powerful family members.

When Zhou Fangwu appeared, was he afraid that there would be no way to force him to submit?

"So it seems to you, Hestia."

Freya said words that made her puzzled.

"You are his god, but do you know the characteristics of his soul."



Every time he advances, his soul will transform.

I think he should already be LV4. "


Hestia froze.

Only the internal members know about this matter, she can guarantee it!

However, it was easily discovered by Freya.

Is it because Freya has the ability to see through the souls of children from the lower world, so she knows Zhou Fangwu's rapid changes during this period.

"At first I thought he was just an ordinary person."

[Beauty God] began to talk about their previous encounter.

"However, when he was bestowed with favor by you, Hestia, and wiped off the dust by you, I realized what I missed.

This feeling, that feeling of being lost and found again...

It's luck, joy, and excitement!

So you can understand. "

Freya said more and more strange things with a strange expression.

But it also made Hestia understand one thing.

That is, this nympho [God of Beauty] is hopelessly in love with [Hero]!

And it was still before [Heroes] had risen!

What a beauty god who is good at discovering as always!

"So, so what?"

"You really don't understand... Well, Hestia, just watch it honestly."

Freya was like a hateful riddler, uttering riddles that made Hestia gnash her teeth.

"Hey! Freya, what are you doing!"

"I want my [hero] to appear! For this, I need [firewood]."

Freya asked the strong man hiding in the corner: "Ota, for my willfulness, are you willing?"

"If it's Lady Freya's wish."

The cold-faced pigmen spoke decisively.

Even if Freya told him to die, he would agree.

It's just [firewood].

He doesn't care.

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