I didn't expect to be called spineless by a beautiful girl.

Maybe every man can't accept it.


What does this have to do with backbone?

Not coming back means that they won't fight for power, won't cause her some trouble, and won't invade each other.

Why was he called a spineless coward instead?

The reckless Hierarch Luo Hao still doesn't know how much his shocking speech will bring about changes in the mysterious forces of the Celestial Dynasty.

"Yes! Then let's change the method!"

Luo Hao seemed to have thought of something.

She looked at Zhou Fangwu and said eagerly: "If that's the case, how about we call each other siblings?"

"...In other words, do you want to get closer?

Because they are of the same blood, whether in another country or in this country, can there be a smooth reason to bring the relationship closer to each other? "

Zhou Fangwu also understood what she meant.

But looking at her beautiful face, she subconsciously complained: "So, why are they brothers and sisters instead of brothers and sisters? If you look at her appearance alone, I'm the bigger one."

"Oh——, how dare you say that... Forget it, just treat it as if you are complimenting me."


Although Luo Hao is a "God Slayer" who has become famous for a long time at the same time as the Marquis of Vauban, but unlike the Marquis of my class who has become an elderly person, Luo Hao's appearance looks like a young and beautiful girl of 17 or 8 years old.

If it weren't for the overbearing aura around her that made people dare not look directly at her, no one would have thought that she was a [God Slayer] with the greatest strength in the world.

So deceptive.

"But! Even if you compliment me so much, it's impossible to become my elder brother!"

Zhou Fangwu's joke was taken seriously by Luo Hao.

She said seriously: "Not to mention that I am older than you, I am also stronger in terms of strength, so it is only possible that I am the older sister!"

The clenched pink fist is exquisite and beautiful, and the fair skin shines in the sun.

But Zhou Fangwu didn't doubt at all how painful it would be to hit him with this pink and tender fist.

But if he just bowed his head so simply and neatly, it would not be his style, and it would damage his reputation as a [God Slayer].

"No, if you only look at age, Luo Hao, you can be my grandmother."

"...So that's the case, do you want to challenge (provoke) me with your strength?"

"That's it."

Zhou Fangwu did not deny it.

Not only do you want to show your own prestige, but also the proportion as a partner. It is necessary not to be underestimated.


He is more interested in Luo Hao's martial arts.

Zhou Fangwu's own strength is not weak.

But purely in terms of martial arts, compared with Luo Hao, it is very different.

In order to increase his own strength, even if he didn't have this opportunity, he would find other reasons to fight Luo Hao.

"Good! Backbone!"

Luo Hao was very satisfied with Zhou Fangwu's challenge.

So at this time, what is going on when you say that you have a backbone again?

"Just think of it as supporting the younger generation! As a senior, I'll just come and give you some pointers."

Luo Hao's haughty words and contemptuous eyes did not mean to take Zhou Fangwu seriously.

Using the tone of the strong to the weak, with the meaning of pointing and teaching.

This attitude made Zhou Fangwu a little annoyed.

"Okay, let me experience how powerful the [Warrior King], who is the apex of [Wu], is!"

Afterwards, the two fought on Mount Lu.




It was really hammered!

In this small space, the mighty power cannot be used.

But Zhou Fangwu's original purpose was also to secretly learn martial arts, so he used a huge mantra as an auxiliary blessing on the sword, and fought with Luo Hao in a close-range melee.

A fight between swordsmanship and martial arts.

But unexpectedly, Zhou Fangwu was so beaten that he had no power to fight back!

He didn't even touch the corner of Luo Hao's clothes!

As [King of Martial Arts], Luo Hao only used [Qinggong], and Zhou Fangwu was too tired to fight back.

Although he could see clearly, Zhou Fangwu just couldn't stop him, and Luo Hao could always change his tactics at the last moment.

And it's too subtle and mysterious, and it can't be analyzed in a short time, let alone imitated and countered.

Fortunately [God Slayer] has thick skin and thick flesh to resist beating, otherwise he would be beaten into a pig's head like Lu Yinghua.

"Hiss, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

Zhou Fangwu lay prone on the bed, gasping for air-conditioning uncontrollably.

Luo Hao didn't hold back the slightest bit, leaving a wound on his body that couldn't be healed for the time being.

"Sister Cuilian, lighten up, lighten up!"

Zhou Fangwu almost cried out in pain.

"Be patient, it's good for your body."

At this time, Luo Hao was loosening his muscles and bones for Zhou Fangwu.

As the [Warrior King], Zhou Fangwu was able to imitate martial arts for a short time, and she was aware of it instantly.

Whether it's power or talent.

After thinking for a while, Luo Hao decided to teach Zhou Fangwu martial arts.

Beat it hard, and then loosen the muscles and bones.

It was to prepare for opening Zhou Fangwu's joints.

"You are the one. Seeing that your swordsmanship is extraordinary, why is your body so stiff, and you are always waving the sharp blade in your hand mechanically, without any spirituality at all."


What's the meaning?

Zhou Fangwu didn't understand Luo Hao's meaning at all.

He has always relied on [analysis and imitation] to forcibly learn other people's skills, and at most add some condiments to transform them into what he has learned.

But he didn't think he was swinging the knife mechanically either.

What does it mean to be unspiritual?

"It's just a straight line, it's too regular."

"...I'm sorry, I don't understand safety, can I ask Sister Cuilian to explain in detail!"

Zhou Fangwu raised his hand to indicate that he didn't understand at all.

Luo Hao had already decided to teach Zhou Fangwu how to practice martial arts, so naturally he would not keep anything private, so he told Zhou Fangwu some outlines about martial arts.

Thanks to [Analysis and Imitation], coupled with Luo Hao's careful teaching.

However, it only took an hour, and during Luo Hao's massage, Zhou Fangwu had a smooth introduction to martial arts.

"It's really an exaggerated talent. It's many times stronger than Ying'er, and it's not too much for me."

Luo Hao didn't know about it, but he appreciated Zhou Fangwu's understanding of the essentials.

"Yeah, Sister Cuilian is absurd."

Zhou Fangwu scratched his head subconsciously, a little embarrassed.

This is all the blessing of cheating, and has nothing to do with his own talent.

"No, Brother Yu, don't belittle yourself. Your talent is worth showing off, and it is extremely rare in the entire history."

Luo Hao's words made Zhou Fangwu even more embarrassed.

This side is called Brother Yu, and the other side says you are talented. What do you really want?

And isn't [fool] a self-proclaimed one?

Why do you have to say that!

"By the way, I don't know where your hometown is? Since you don't agree to return to your hometown, at least as the eldest sister, I will take good care of your family."

"...No, no need. In this world, I have no family."

Under Luo Hao's strange eyes, Zhou Fangwu spoke extremely sad words.

"Really, but it doesn't matter, as a sister, I will be your family from now on!"

People with Luo Hao's personality are like this.

Overbearing externally, caring internally.

Obviously Zhou Fangwu is the same [King] as her, but she just insists on classifying Zhou Fangwu as weak and weak that needs to be protected.

"By the way, does Yudi have a sign?"

"...No, no."

"Then sister will take a name for you."


"【Shang】! Zhou Shang!"

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