Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 393 Rich woman, hungry, eat rice


Taken from 【Chongwen Shangwu】.

Needless to say the meaning, it can only be said that everyone who understands understands.

And the table word of a single character.

Although rare, it is not impossible.

For example: Xiang Yu.

The surname is Xiang, the first name is Ji, and the word is Yu.

For example: Qu Yuan.

The surname is Qu, the first name is Ping, and the character is Yuan.

It's just that whether it's [Xiang Yu] or [Qu Yuan], their real names are more famous without the aliases, and most people always mistakenly think that [Xiang Yu] and [Qu Yuan] are their real names.

Even Luo Hao did.

[Luo Hao] The leader's prestige is far more widely known than Luo Cuilian.


If you think about it this way, wouldn't it be obvious what Luo Hao meant by taking this word?

Is it because I said before that "Miracle King" is actually a slur, so Luo Hao deliberately chose the single-character list for himself, and the purpose is to make himself famous as "Zhou Shang" King?

how to say?

This kind of awkward tenderness really has Luo Hao's style.

Tough on the outside, gentle on the inside.

Luo Hao's domineering attitude is external, but the character of Huduzi is always internal.

But for some reason, she was very violent towards Lu Yinghua, and the weak and pitiful Lu Yinghua who beat her was suffering from femininity.

By the way...

[Zhou] is myself, and [Wang] is who?

Why do you want to [adopt] her?

The thoughts in the brain began to slacken, and the complicated and absurd brain circuits made Zhou Fangwu seem to be in a daze.

"Why, brother Yu, have you lost consciousness?"

Luo Hao misunderstood that she was using too much force, which caused Zhou Fangwu's pain to the point where he lost consciousness, so he immediately relieved a lot of force, changing from pressing to massaging.

[God Slayer]'s physique is strong, yes, but the senses of touch, pain, smell, hearing, taste, etc. are also exponentially increasing.

"No, I'm fine."

Zhou Fangwu, who was lying on the bed, shook his head, and said to Luo Hao who was still massaging: "It's just... Sister Cuilian has worked so hard for me, I feel a little ashamed for my younger brother."

"Hmph, it's good that you know."

Luo Hao used to be arrogant (?), but then said: "Well, you just said that you are a younger brother, so as an older sister, I will naturally take care of you. From now on, don't be afraid, everything will be done for you by my older sister." paving."


Zhou Fangwu didn't know why he had to apologize, but he just apologized subconsciously.

Maybe, it's a sense of guilt.

Later, Zhou Fangwu decided to live on Mount Lu in order to learn martial arts more conveniently.

Eat and live with Luo Hao.

And... take a shower together.

"How is it, how's the water temperature?"

"Well, it feels like the water temperature is just right."

"That's good."

Luo Hao's jade hand swayed in the pool water, and after asking Zhou Fangwu and feeling the temperature, he nodded in satisfaction.

Then, she entered together.

But as soon as she sat down, she saw Zhou Fangwu's weird face, and reprimanded dissatisfiedly: "Why, why is she looking at my sister with this expression? It's very rude."

"No, how should I put it..."

"As a man, don't be such a mother-in-law!"

"Why is Sister Cuilian here?"

Zhou Fangwu turned his head in embarrassment, but the pool was too small, and Luo Hao was about half a meter away from him.

Even if you don't look at it, you can still see her very predictable broad mind from the corner of your eyes.

With delicate and fair skin, it is completely impossible to tell that she is from the Qianlong period.

"There are differences between men and women, sister Cuilian."

"What are you talking about? It's just sisters and brothers bathing together. I heard Yinger say that bathing with brothers and sisters is the best way to get closer. Isn't that true?"

'Then there is also a distinction between men and women! '

Zhou Fangwu really wanted to shout out loud.

But thinking about it, if Luo Hao was so ashamed and angry because of this incident, then Lu Yinghua would definitely not survive tonight.

If he was not beaten to death, it would be considered that he had accumulated a lot of virtue in his previous life.

"...No, I'm just a little shy."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of."

Luo Hao looked dissatisfied, but on the contrary, she was generous, and she had no intention of avoiding suspicion at all.

As an ancient person, shouldn't you pay the most attention to these?

Or is it that she is used to dominating me, but she doesn't care about it?

No, it should be because of her lack of character.

As a woman who lives on Lushan Mountain most of the time, except for a few people who can see her, coupled with her almost isolated life, it is understandable to develop this kind of character.

"Brother Yu, let sister wipe your back for you."

"No, isn't that a bit..."

"hurry up!"

Zhou Fangwu refused but was rejected.

Luo Hao grabbed Zhou Fangwu's arm and pulled him forcefully in front of him, letting his back face him.

At the same time, he reprimanded dissatisfiedly: "You have to know that this is a medicinal bath. My sister and I prepared it for you at a huge price. Even Ying'er has never used it. Of course, he can't use such a powerful medicinal bath." .”

[God Slayer] is almost impossible to be influenced by the outside world.

Whether it's a curse or a blessing, starting from becoming a [God Slayer], except for mucus (kiss) contact, almost everything doesn't work.

But not absolute.

It's like a medicated bath in contact with the skin, but it still has a microscopic effect.

But it can be effective for [God Slayer], one can imagine how much the medicinal bath will cost this time.

Pandora called herself "Mother" and gave him an ultimate invincible trump card so that he would not be suppressed by others; Luo Hao called herself "Sister" and taught him martial arts to strengthen his body far beyond the past, and even prepared super rare medicinal baths for him.

Sure enough, is this being taken care of by a rich woman?

Rich woman, hungry, eat rice!

In the following days Zhou Fangwu and Luo Hao learned martial arts, not only [Lightness Kung Fu], but also [Flying Phoenix Twelve Palms].

If Zhou Fangwu thought that he could still have a fighting power by relying on power before he saw [Flying Phoenix Twelve Palms], then after seeing [Flying Phoenix Twelve Palms], he would be completely dumbfounded.

[Flying Phoenix Twelve Palms] is a palm technique that can hide one's own hostility. Only after touching the enemy, will it burst out with strong malice, thus striking and seriously injuring the enemy.

That's right, Tian Ke Zhou Fang Wu.

【Last Hope】The more dangerous the stronger.

But once the danger is not perceived, or the malice is not strong, then Zhou Fangwu's trump card, which is always able to turn the tide, is useless and completely abolished.

It's just that [Flying Phoenix Twelve Palms] is not suitable for Zhou Fangwu, and his sword skills have been fixed.

Most of what Luo Hao taught was [Lightness Kung Fu] and other body skills, as well as [Spirituality] when facing the enemy.

As Luo Hao said, Zhou Fangwu's moves were too rigid, and he didn't show his full strength at all.

Even if you can win, it is similar to the turn-based system, relying on your own strength to crush the enemy.

However, this can also show from the side that Zhou Fangwu has great potential.

Not only the talent that can be quickly learned and used in a short period of time, but also his potential to be superimposed on each other as a [Master of Swordsmanship] and an [Adventurer].

And Luo Hao's teaching is to transform this potential into strength.

Let Zhou Fangwu become stronger than before!

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