Unify all heavens

Chapter 128 Remarks on the launch

First of all, I would like to thank all the book friends before this. It is your support all the way that has allowed the city lord to grit his teeth and get to this point.

Your book reviews or chapters say that the city lord reads it every day after finishing coding.

Sometimes I am stunned by your divine comments, and sometimes I feel filled with guilt.

Because the city lord knows that his writing power is not enough, he has to check it back and forth many times every time he writes a chapter, trying his best to make sure that the chapters he sends out are not too poisonous.

Then this book will be on the shelves at 12 noon tomorrow, I beg you for your support!

Two weeks ago, the city lord had already started to feel uneasy. Now he was so uneasy that he was afraid that he would turn into a dog.

Feeling all kinds of panic

The city lord cannot stop friends from watching pirated copies, but even if you watch pirated copies later, please make your first order tomorrow.

After all, the results of the first order are important.

This means whether the book can still be recommended in the future.

For book friends who read this book on other platforms, if possible, I hope you can come to Qidian to subscribe tomorrow. Because this book was published on Qidian, the first subscription will only be counted towards Qidian. Thanks.

Whether the Zombie book will maintain its current position or rush to the end, Shen will have to wait and see among dozens or even millions of books.

As for the updates on the day of release, three chapters will be uploaded at 12:30, three chapters will be uploaded at 6 o'clock, and four chapters will be uploaded at 8 o'clock. Well, exactly ten updates.

Then after it is put on the shelves, if the average number exceeds 500, then 4 updates will be made every day. Although it is impossible, if it exceeds 1,000, it will be updated 5 times a day.

After all, the city lord is a handicapped person. It takes an average of two and a half hours to write a chapter, which is all he can do.

As for the 40,000 words I owe before, I will try my best to add a chapter after the daily update.

Then if you give a reward, the reward will be 10,000 plus three updates, and the leader will have 30 updates.

Well, that’s all.

If this book is still interesting, then please support it!

Thanks to the author!

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