Unify all heavens

Chapter 129 Foreign Devils (please order first!)

The night falls low and the bright moon hangs high;

Accompanied by the whistling wind, high in the sky, a burly figure wearing chainmail was seen, arms stretched forward, slowly flying under the huge silver moon.

Looking from a distance, it looks like it just flew out of the moon.

Li Qing, who was wearing an apricot Taoist robe, stepped on Jiang Fei's back while looking at the ground.

Just below, I saw two young men carrying a zombie with a corpse-suppressing charm on their shoulders, walking huffing and puffing through the forest.

After watching them for a while, Li Qing looked at the night sky again, with a trace of pity flashing in his eyes.

This is because the more than forty jumping zombies in the pool have completely turned into corpses, and there is no chance for them to transform into corpses.

In the afternoon, he originally planned to ask Jiang Fei to salvage the more than 40 jumping zombies, but Jiang Fei said that there was only an empty shell left in those jumping zombies, and everything in their bodies had been hollowed out.

It had been several hours, and Li Qing felt heartache every time he thought about this.

After all, those were more than forty jumping zombies!


Li Qing sighed silently in his heart, and then when he looked down, he saw that the two young men had already pushed Nintendo into Ren's village.

After seeing this, Jiang Fei slowly descended from the sky before Li Qing could give any instructions.

It was already early in the morning, and almost all the villagers in Renjia Village had turned off their lights and went to bed, but there was still one house with dim yellow lights on.

The entrance of Renjia Village;

"Huhu, boss, do you think that foreign devil is resting now?"

The young man who spoke was breathing heavily while carrying Nintendo's body alone while moving forward extremely slowly.

After hearing what he said, a young man wearing a straw hat smiled and said: "Don't worry, that foreign devil sleeps late every day. I heard that he is studying zombies recently, so we will sell this zombie to him this time." , we can definitely sell it at a good price!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the young man carrying Nintendo's body suddenly laugh strangely: "Hey, that's good, Xiao Cui in Baiyuan Garden has been waiting for me for a long time!" He suddenly stopped panting while speaking. , after carefully leaning Nintendo's body against the wall, he immediately wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The young man on the side who had taken off his straw hat and was fanning himself sneered when he saw this: "Your body can only show off its power on a woman like Xiao Cui. Look back, you are carrying this The zombie has only taken a few steps and is out of breath. Let me tell you, you should save some money to start a small business!"

As soon as his voice fell, the young man who was bent over and panting immediately retorted: "Huhu, boss, boss, don't stand and talk without back pain. Who said that the back pain is bad before?"

After hearing what he said, the young man shook his head helplessly, said "Oh" and put the straw hat on his head. While rolling up his sleeves, he sighed: "Forget it, I will fight with you. Send it to me early." After we get there, maybe we can go to Cunnan to gamble a bit!" As he spoke, he had already walked to Nintendo's body.

"Huhu, this, is this what you're talking about!"

After panting and saying this, the young man with a prickly heat on his chin carried Nintendo on his back again, while the young man with the straw hat put Nintendo's feet on his shoulders.

As the two people got closer and closer to the lighted house, Li Qing's eyes gradually narrowed.

He originally thought that after controlling Nintendo with that nameless mantra, he would go find Dragon Slaying. After all, Dragon Slaying was easier to deal with than Yin Jiuyou and others.

But now that Jiang Fei is there, Nintendo is no longer his main target. His current main target is the hormones in the hands of the foreign devil.

After all, Nintendo can mutate from a walking zombie into a flying zombie, and this hormone is indispensable.

Li Qing didn't believe that the foreign devil only had one bottle of hormone in his hand, so if he got that hormone, then his men would have several more flying zombies, the kind that are not afraid of Taoism.

Just thinking about it made Li Qing excited.

At this moment, Li Qing discovered that the two young men suddenly stopped outside a brightly lit house.

Because Jiang Fei was not too high from the ground at this time, Li Qing glanced at the two young men who had started knocking on the door, and then jumped off Jiang Fei.


The moment he landed on the ground, Li Qing quickly jumped towards the house.

He had not jumped two steps when he heard the whistling wind in his ears, and then saw Jiang Fei landing lightly beside him.

After glancing at Jiang Fei with some envy, Li Qing set his sights outside the house.

At this moment, the door of the house was opened from the inside, and a foreigner wearing glasses and a suit came out.

When he saw the Nintendos on these two young men, he immediately rushed towards them with excitement on his face, shouting ‘Oh my god’. Then, with the dull expressions on their faces, the two young men held Nintendo's head and kissed him hard.

Li Qing watched this scene from a distance and sneered in his heart.

Although Nintendo is just a walking corpse at this time, he still has corpse poison on his body. With this kiss from the foreign devil, he will end up half human and half corpse even if he doesn't die tonight.

Looking at the two people who pushed Nintendo's body in at the foreign devil's invitation, Li Qing said to Jiang Fei: "Let's go over!"

As he spoke, he jumped towards the house, while Jiang Fei took two steps away from Li Qing and followed him closely.

At the same time, Ah Hao was having an exaggerated expression and was talking eloquently to Ma Ma, who was sitting close to the tree with his nostrils pressed.

"That purple zombie thought he could hide it from me when he passed by me invisibly. Haha, you know that I am the first disciple of Grandmaster Mamadi, how could I not know! In fact, it is three to five hundred meters away from me. When I was about 50 meters away, I smelled the corpse aura on it and judged that it was a unique purple zombie!"

At this point, Ah Hao took out the Bagua Mirror from his arms, then posed in an independent posture like a golden rooster and said: "When that purple zombie was about to hurt the three little girls sitting on the tree, ah bah, miss, I immediately Scream, you monster, look in the mirror!" As he spoke, he said to Nu Ma with impatience written all over his face: "Master, guess what happened next?"

Momadi narrowed her eyes when she heard this and said coldly: "What happened?"

Ahao laughed when he heard this, raised the Bagua Mirror high above his head, and said with an exaggerated expression: "The purple zombie actually turned around and shouted for mercy! He also said that he would submit to me, but who am I, Ahao? How can that be?"

Just when Ah Hao was about to talk, Mamadi suddenly snorted coldly: "That's nonsense!" As he spoke, he stood up holding the tree, then reached out and scratched his back, frowned and said: "Master, I have learned most of it. In my whole life of Taoism, I have never heard that Zi Zhan can speak, let alone become invisible!"

Ahao's face suddenly became anxious after hearing this. Just when he was about to explain, he heard a numb question: "I'll talk about the rest later. Let me ask you, has Nintendo's body been sent to Renjiacun?"

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