Unify all heavens

Chapter 201 Taiyin continues life

Although they are both ghost children, in Li Qing's view, the resentment on the rest of the ghost children is not too strong. Their total resentment is not as much as that of the ghost baby without eyes.

"What a heavy resentment!"

After seeing the ghost baby, Li Qing was secretly speechless.

In fact, when the resentment in a ghost baby reaches a certain level, it will become an evil spirit!

And this ghost baby has obviously become an evil spirit!

While Li Qing was observing them, these ghost boys were also looking at him.

These ghost children have white eyes and blue-black skin covered with bloodshot eyes, making them look extremely weird.

At this moment, the evil spirit slowly raised its head, looked at Li Qing with its empty eyes, and then asked.

"Did you see my eyes?"

When it opened its mouth, a dark wind blew out of thin air around it.


After the dark wind blew, the ghost children scrambled to hide in the corner with a look of fear on their faces, squatting down with their faces facing the wall, their bodies trembling, and they did not dare to make even a sound.

After Li Qing glanced at the ghost children, he then focused on the evil spirit. He saw the evil spirit crawling towards him on the ground with its limbs twisted.

At the same time, she raised her head high and looked at him, murmuring softly: "Have you seen my eyes?"

Li Qing ignored it and just turned his eyes to look into the room. He felt that besides these evil spirits, there were other ghosts in this room.

Just when he turned his head, the evil spirit's expression suddenly became ferocious, and then it screamed: "Answer me!!!"

While screaming, it pulled off the green and black umbilical cord wrapped around its body, and whipped it towards Li Qing like a whip.

Suddenly, a whistling sound broke through the air.

Li Qing turned around when he heard the sound. When he saw the umbilical cord that was about to be slapped on his body, his face suddenly darkened. Then his figure flashed behind the evil spirit, and then he raised his foot. He stepped on its head with a 'bang' sound.

When the evil spirit's head made contact with the ground, it made a 'pop' sound, and then its figure slowly dispersed.

Then a few seconds later, its figure appeared above Li Qing's head, its mouth opened wider than its head, and it bit towards Li Qing.

Li Qing looked up and saw its mouth full of sharp, knife-like teeth, and immediately shouted in a cold voice: "It's really a blind man, even I dare to mess with him!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and strangled the evil spirit by its neck, then threw it away from the ghost children in the corner.

After seeing the evil spirit approaching them, these ghost children immediately screamed in fear and ran away.

But before they could take a few steps, a cold voice sounded in their ears.

"The art of swallowing ghosts!"

As the voice fell, the figures of these ghost children and the evil spirit that had not yet landed were all twisted and turned into blue and black lines, and then they were pulled in by the strong suction that appeared in Li Qing's mouth. In Li Qing's mouth.

After swallowing all the ghost children, Li Qing searched the house again and again. However, he did not find the ghosts, but found a yellowed book.

The title of the book is "Taiyin Life-Sustaining Technique";

He glanced through it briefly and found that it actually talked about ways to survive by relying on ghosts, as well as some experiences in refining corpses.

In this book, it only takes seven days to turn a corpse into a zombie.

And as long as someone feeds blood to the zombie within these seven days, the zombie will automatically recognize its owner when it transforms. But when the zombie's owner dies, the zombie will also disappear.

In addition, the two spells recorded on the back of this book caught Li Qing's attention.

These two techniques respectively talk about ghosts taking on ghost bodies, and ghosts taking on zombie bodies.

After the ghost is on the ghost, it can in turn devour the zombies to become stronger.

When ghosts are behind zombies, they will be immune to Tao spells.

Li Qing thought this method was very interesting, so he threw the book into the purple coffin. Then he left Ah Jiu's house and walked towards the gloomy room upstairs.

As soon as Li Qing left, Ah Fa and Ah Hao carried the bodies of Ah Jiu and Uncle Dong to Ah Jiu's room.

After seeing the mess in the room and the Yin Qi floating in the air, Ah Fa's eyes narrowed, and then he said with a livid face: "Ghost swallowing technique!"

Then he took a deep breath and placed Ah Jiu's body on the floor, and then said to Ah Hao: "You stay here, no matter what happens, don't leave this place, I will come to you soon! "

As soon as he finished speaking, he strode out of the room and ran towards his house.

At this time, Li Qing was already standing outside a house.


After whispering the house number, he kicked open the security door with a bang.

The moment Li Qing entered the room, a ripple appeared in the air near the window, and then he saw two female ghosts with red threads all over their bodies and white eyes slowly appearing.

After seeing these two female ghosts, Li Qing laughed.

These two ghosts have very good qualifications. They became powerful ghosts in a short period of time just by relying on their resentment.

Moreover, these two female ghosts are of the same vein and can be combined.

If the consciousness of these two female ghosts had not disappeared long ago, leaving only the cruel thoughts of killing, subduing them would also be a good choice.

Just place the sisters in a very dark place, and it won't take long for them to condense and become ghost kings who are not afraid of the sun.

But now that the mind has disappeared, it is useless to say anything.

While Li Qing was thinking, he saw a few blood-red threads slowly approaching him, and at the other end of the threads were the two female ghosts.

The two female ghosts had landed on the ground at this time, their limbs twisted and controlling the red threads.

After seeing their appearance, Li Qing suddenly raised his eyebrows.

For some reason, he always felt that these two female ghosts looked like spiders, except that they had fewer legs.

At this time, those red threads finally touched Li Qing's body.

Then I saw a burst of black light flashing from Li Qing's body, and the red threads suddenly broke.

Then Li Qing controlled the corpse energy to hit them along the red line, knocking the two female ghosts into the wall behind them.


Suddenly, the two female ghosts screamed and wanted to leave.

After seeing their figures fleeing towards the void, Li Qing sneered and took a step forward. Then he raised his hand and grabbed a few red threads floating in the air, and then climbed into the void with half of his body. The female ghost inside was forcefully pulled out.

Although these two female ghosts are no longer suitable for cultivation, they are suitable for devouring.

Together with the ghost children that Li Qing had devoured before, they were enough for Li Qing's body to evolve in strength.

After pulling the two female ghosts out, Li Qing opened his mouth, and then his chest swelled high.

Then there was a strong suction force that enveloped the two female ghosts.

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