Unify all heavens

Chapter 202 Zhu Bangyan’s reincarnation!


Several thunders suddenly sounded in the gloomy sky.

Li Qing put his hands behind his back and looked at the scenery outside through the window.

At this moment, Lin Qingqing and the other girls were running around the lawn outside the house crying while being soaked by the rain.

Not far away from them, the nun and the principal were looking at them seriously.


Suddenly, Lin Qingqing tripped over a puddle and fell onto the rain-filled grass.

While she was sitting there rubbing her feet with a look of pain on her face, the nun stared and shouted: "Don't pretend to be dead, stand up and keep running, or we will kick you three out of the school!"

After hearing this, Lin Qingqing glanced at the expressionless nun hatefully, then gritted her teeth and stood up, continuing to run around the lawn with the other two girls.

"Hmph, you are not allowed to keep dogs in the room, but you actually keep ghosts? Let me tell you, none of you are allowed to stop without my order today!"

At this time, the nun pointed at them and shouted coldly.

Looking at this scene, Li Qing slowly shook his head. He had only been away for one night, and Zhu Bangyan had already caused trouble.

At this moment, in Lin Qingqing's room, five or six nuns were holding Bibles and trying to save ghosts, but they didn't know that Zhu Bangyan was on the rope in Li Qing's arms at this time.

After a while, Li Qing patted the rope on his chest, and then heard Zhu Bangyan let out a scream.


After hearing Zhu Bangyan's screams, the three girls running outside immediately ran anxiously into the room, but were stopped by the nun and the principal.

Then I saw six nuns holding umbrellas walking out of the house. The nun standing with the principal heard the sound and subconsciously looked back.

The nuns nodded to her and said expressionlessly: "That ghost has been destroyed!"

Upon hearing this, the nun nodded and left with the principal.

Before they could go far, Lin Qingqing and the two girls ran into the house anxiously.

After hearing the sound of running outside the room, Li Qing took out Zhu Bangyan's rope and placed it on the table nearby, and said, "Go if you want to!"

As soon as Li Qing finished speaking, he saw the rope shaking, and then a puff of green smoke floated out of the room.

After Zhu Bangyan left the room, Li Qing looked out the window.

It seems that Zhu Bangyan is going to be reincarnated tonight, and he can finally go somewhere else to hang out.

Speaking of which, after he devoured the two female ghosts that day, as soon as he went out, he fell into the barrier arranged by Afa with the huge compass.

Originally, Ah Fa thought that he could use this barrier to destroy Li Qing, but Li Qing's realm had already exceeded his imagination, so as soon as he entered the barrier, Li Qing broke through the barrier with one kick.

Then, with Ah Fa's frightened eyes, Li Qing crashed through a building wall and flew into the sky.

Just as Li Qing was recalling what happened the day before yesterday, he heard a "bang bang" knock on the door.

"come in!"

As soon as Li Qing finished speaking, he saw Lin Qingqing and the others walked in cautiously.

Because the night he flew back, he happened to be seen by Lin Qingqing and the others, so the girls who were a little afraid of Li Qing became even more frightened.

In their opinion, Li Qing was a ghost many times more powerful than Zhu Bangyan, and compared to Zhu Bangyan who brought them joy, Li Qing only brought them that expressionless face.

After these girls walked in, the beautiful girl with short hair stammered: "I, we, are here, come on, Qingqing, tell me!"

As she spoke, she pushed Lin Qingqing on the side to Li Qing.

Looking at the expressionless Li Qing one meter away, Lin Qingqing was almost scared to tears. After swallowing, she raised her arm tremblingly and pointed at the rope on the table, and stammered: "Hello, hello. , I, we are here to get that rope!"

After seeing the appearance of these girls, Li Qing raised his eyebrows, then turned around and picked up the rope and handed it to Lin Qingqing.

Then, the moment she took the rope, she felt like she was being forgiven. Without saying a word, she turned around and ran away with the two girls.

When going out, Lin Qingqing didn't look at her feet because she was anxious, and fell to the door with a 'pop'.

Then she subconsciously looked up at Li Qing, only to see Li Qing glance at her lightly, then ignore her, and take out a notebook from his arms to read.

After seeing this, Lin Qingqing immediately patted her chest and let out a sigh of relief, then stood up with the help of the two girls, and then walked out of the room holding Zhu Bangyan's rope.

After leaving the room, she took a breath and said, "It almost scared me to death. You don't know, but when I see his cold face now, my legs are so weak!"

When the two girls heard this, they looked back and closed the door tightly. Then they helped Lin Qingqing out of the house and walked away.

At this time, Li Qing was looking at the route recorded in the book.

This afternoon, Lin Qingqing and the others were discussing with Zhu Bangyan upstairs a recent haunted building, and then begged Zhu Bangyan to take them there to see it.

But how could Zhu Bangyan, who had long been frightened by the ghost at the dance, agree to this request, so he refused with a straight face.

Because there was only a ceiling between Li Qing's room and Lin Qingqing's room, Li Qing heard everything they said in the afternoon, and marked the address in the book according to the address they said.

He planned to go and have a look tonight after Zhu Bangyan was reincarnated.

Just as he was thinking this, he felt a pure yin energy coming from not far away.

Li Qing frowned and opened the window and flew in the direction of the Yin Qi. As a result, he saw Zhu Bangyan's figure slowly dissipating in a circle of colorful light.

Zhu Bangyan was spinning and waving to the girls. Then when it dissipated, he saw Li Qing floating quietly in the sky.

"Please help me take care of them!!!"

After he shouted these words to Li Qing, his lower body had already dissipated.

Then he raised his head and looked at Li Qing expectantly.

Because Zhu Bangyan's voice rang directly in Li Qing's ears, the girls didn't hear it.

After seeing his appearance, Li Qing thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

After seeing Li Qing nod, Zhu Bangyan finally let go of the last worries in his heart, laughed happily and turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared into the circle of colorful light.

After Zhu Bangyan disappeared, the girls returned to their respective rooms in silence.

late at night;

The door to Lin Qingqing's room suddenly opened silently, and then Li Qing landed silently and walked to Lin Qingqing's bedside.

Lin Qingqing was seen tossing and turning in her sleep.

"Zhu Bangyan, don't leave~"

"Don't go~"

Li Qing sighed softly in his heart when he saw this, and then flicked his finger at Lin Qingqing.

Then he saw a black light emitting from his fingertips and hitting Lin Qingqing's body.

When the black light hit Lin Qingqing's body, it turned into an invisible shield, covering Lin Qingqing in his sleep.

Afterwards, Li Qing used the same method to protect the other two girls, and then their figures disappeared into the dark night sky.

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