Unify all heavens

Chapter 463: Being trapped in the mortal world and not knowing it (5)




In the dark and damp cell, rhythmic snores sounded from time to time.

Li Qing leaned on the wooden fence that smelled of putrid smell, looking at the man one meter away in front of him with cold eyes.

He is said to be a man, but he looks like a hundred-year-old man.

I saw his head full of gray hair, messy and covering his face, and his gray-black beard hanging on his chest, tied into a knot by him.

The dirty white prison clothes were full of holes and exuded a strong, strange odor.

At the end of the corridor outside the cell, the two cell bosses chatted about home affairs without saying a word, and then drank some wine and cursed the people in power.

Li Qing has experienced this scene eight times.

Among those eight times, the two cell bosses made an appointment to go out for convenience after he was detained in the cell for about ten minutes.

And during this time period, it was the time when the prisoner not far away escaped from prison and killed him.

It was only about seven or eight minutes since he was imprisoned.

So Li Qing was still waiting quietly.

He didn't know what he would experience after running out of this cell, but he really didn't want to experience death anymore.

The more times he dies, the more he fears death!

After just thirty-seven deaths, he felt that his heart had become cold, and he could watch anyone die in front of him without changing his expression without feeling any confusion.

Now if someone could rescue him, Li Qing felt that he would be willing to pay any price for it!

As he waited, time passed slowly.

"Hey, Lao Zhang, I'm going to go for a while. I'll come back later and continue chatting with you!"

"Hey, when you say that, I have feelings too, let's come together!"

At this time, two words that Li Qing had been waiting for for a long time suddenly came from the corridor.

The moment these two words were heard, Li Qing subconsciously took out the straw whip from his arms and held it in his hand while staring at the prisoner in front of him.

The prisoner, who was snoring like thunder, suddenly lowered his snoring.


As the sound of the dungeon iron door being opened sounded, the sleeping prisoner suddenly sat up straight, then lifted up his messy hair with both hands, and whispered to Li Qing with a kind face: "Hey, that boy, Do you want to go out?"

After hearing this familiar sentence again, the coldness in Li Qing's eyes became even stronger.

The last time he was strangled to death by the prisoner just after saying these words.

But this time, he would not give the prisoner a chance to kill him.

Therefore, the next moment the prisoner finished saying this, he nodded in panic, and crawled towards the prisoner with a face full of surprise and a hint of caution.

The color of the grass whip was similar to the color of the weeds accumulated on the cell floor, and the cell was dark, so the prisoner did not see the grass whip in Li Qing's hand, but the smile on his face became wider and full of weirdness.

Li Qing continued to crawl forward as if unconsciously, until he crawled beside the prisoner, and then whispered with surprise on his face: "Brother, do you have any idea?"

The prisoner smiled and nodded, then slowly squatted down and whispered: "Brother dug a hole in this prison."

When he said this, he paused for a moment, looked around carefully, then waved his hand towards Li Qing, who was very close at hand, and whispered: "Come here, I will talk to you."

Upon hearing this, Li Qing slowly moved his head closer to the prisoner.

As he approached, the prisoner's eyes suddenly showed a hint of coldness, and the old face was full of ferocity at this moment.

Finally, when Li Qing's head was on his shoulder, he suddenly stretched out his hands and pinched Li Qing's neck.

At the same time, Li Qing circled the grass whip in his hand around his neck, and then pulled hard.


The prisoner's eyes widened suddenly, with a look of astonishment on his face.

After being stunned for a few seconds, the shock on his face suddenly turned into a ferocious look again, and the hand on Li Qing's neck suddenly increased its strength.


The prisoner's hand was so strong that he pinched Li Qing until his eyes turned up and his face turned red.

Even so, Li Qing did not let go, but used all his strength to pull on the grass whip.

He has died thirty-seven times and does not care about one more!

But even if he dies, he will strangle the prisoner to death!

The prisoner did not have the life of Li Qing who could start over after dying dozens of times, so when he felt that Li Qing was also increasing his strength, he panicked, quickly let go of Li Qing's neck, and moved toward the grass that was strangled around his neck. Catch him with a whip.

At this moment, Li Qing punched the prisoner on the nose.

A punch without warning only hit him with stars in his eyes and a sore nose.

When he was stunned, Li Qing had already stood up and kicked the prisoner in the chest so that he fell backwards. Then he squatted down, put his knees on his chest, and held the grass with both hands. The whip made a "rattling" sound.



The prisoner's feet were kicking around, his eyes were turned up, his face was red, and his tongue was hanging out of his lips.

The more he struggled, the harder Li Qing used.

Finally, after dozens of seconds of stalemate, the prisoner finally froze and stopped moving.


Li Qing took a few breaths, quickly untied the straw whip and put it into his chest, then pulled the body aside, revealing a hole covered by a straw mat and messy weeds.

Due to time constraints, he did not have time to cover the entrance of the hole, so he went directly through the entrance of the hole.

The hole is not long, only about half a meter.

Therefore, Li Qing quickly got out of the hole at the other end.

"Huh, I finally escaped."

Li Qing took a deep breath and lay on his back on the ground for more than ten seconds.

As a thin scholar who suffered from the cold, it was not easy to do this.

Although he had exhausted all his strength just now, he knew that he was not out of danger.

The two prison guards would soon discover that he had escaped from prison and that the prisoner had been strangled to death by him.

So he just took a few breaths, then hurriedly stood up and looked around.

Fortunately, the moonlight was bright, allowing him to roughly see the surrounding scenery.

This sight made Li Qing startled.

Because the scene before him was exactly the beheading platform where he died for the first time.

I saw a high platform three to five feet away, with several dark red tree stumps placed on the high platform.

To his left and right was a desolate open space, with nothing else but weeds on the ground.

At this moment, a cry of surprise suddenly came from the hole behind him.

"Someone broke out of jail!!!"

"Someone come quickly!"

Li Qing's expression changed when he heard this, and he hurriedly ran towards the high platform.

The moment he climbed onto the high platform, he gritted his teeth and tried to move the tree stump off the ground.

The tree stump is movable and not heavy.

An adult can lift it easily.

But Li Qing was a weak scholar, and because of the cold, he could only bring down the tree stump with all his strength.

But it couldn't be moved.

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