Unify all heavens

Chapter 486 Visiting Lanruo (Part 1)

It was just getting dark, but there was already a lot of noise in Guobei County.

Two government officials in red clothes with fierce faces, holding a stack of white paper with portraits on them, ran rampant through the crowd, shouting and shouting.

"Get out of the way!"


The pedestrians around them had long been accustomed to their appearance, and they were all grabbed by the government officials with dull expressions and then let go.

The yamen officer, on the other hand, went to grab the next person with a fierce look on his face.

Anyone with a strange face, no matter young or old, was turned over and over for interrogation.

The already crowded streets were made extremely chaotic by the rampage of these government officials.

From time to time, passers-by were pushed and yelled by them into the shops on both sides of the street.

And as long as someone is driven into these stores, the store owner will put a knife on his neck and kick him out.

If it is an unfamiliar face, they will be forced to buy something.

For example, right now, there is a ragged old man, with the store's long knife held to his neck, 'appreciating' the products in the store.

The old man looked at the products in the store with a look of fear on his face, and said tremblingly: "Shopkeeper, I don't need these things!"

The shopkeeper is a middle-aged man with a piece of dog skin plaster on his forehead.

After hearing what the old man said, he glared sharply and sneered: "You have lived long enough. You may die soon. Choose a coffin early to avoid being buried in the wilderness!"

After the old man heard this sentence, his lips trembled.

He wanted to say something, but after looking at the long knife with cold light on his neck, he didn't dare to make a sound.

His body just trembled with anger.

The shopkeeper sneered when he saw this, then took out a ruler from his arms and forced the old man to measure his width and thickness.

During this period, the old man's face was livid with anger, but he did not dare to say a word.

At this moment, an exclamation suddenly sounded on the noisy street.

"What? Someone died again in Lanruo Temple?"

The moment this voice sounded, the noisy noise on the street suddenly stopped.

At this moment, the entire street was so quiet that you could almost hear a pin drop.

Everyone was motionless, as if they were frightened.

On the second floor of a simple restaurant adjacent to the street, Li Qing, who was drinking tea, was looking at the scene on the street below with interest.

This familiar scene made him feel quite emotional.

Unknowingly, he has been a zombie for more than three hundred years.

And he has almost forgotten what happened three hundred years ago.

After shaking his head slightly, he drank all the tea in the cup.

On the street, people were stunned for more than ten seconds before returning to their previous noisy state.

Li Qing, who was on the second floor of the restaurant, waved and called waiter.

"Waiter, here's a pot of tea!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a young man with a towel on his shoulders walking to the table.


He slammed the copper teapot on the table with a fierce expression and sneered: "Boy, this is the third pot of tea! If you still want it after drinking it, just pay the uncle for the tea!"

When Li Qing heard this, he put his hand into his arms. The moment his fingers touched the purple coffin, he smashed a cube of gold as big as his head on the table with a thud. Then he ordered with a cold face: "Ten more pots!"

While he was speaking, the waiter's eyes were already as wide as copper bells, and he stared blankly at the piece of gold on the table that was even bigger than his head. There was no movement for a while.

In fact, at this moment, all the guests on the second floor looked exactly like the waiter.

Li Qing banged the table and shouted: "Go quickly!"

Under his scolding, the waiter seemed to wake up from a dream. First he nodded crazily like a chicken pecking at rice, and then bent down with a flattering smile on his face and said: "Uncle, would you like some food?"

Li Qing waved his hand and said coldly: "I want ten pots of tea!"

"Hey, okay! Just wait!"

The waiter's expression remained unchanged, he nodded with a flattering look on his face, turned around and left.

At this moment, Li Qing tipped the teapot into the cup.

Amidst the gurgling sound, a thin stream of blood flowed out from the spout of the pot.

After the cup was full, Li Qing slowly took a sip and then looked towards the street.

But my ears were listening to the conversations of other guests on the second floor.

"That Huang Chuping is simply a living god. It is said that he will kill many monsters and ghosts wherever he goes!"

"Is he still alive? I think he is just pretending to be a god. If he is so god, why doesn't he get rid of the ghosts in Lanruo Temple?"

"Maybe he doesn't know."

"Hmph, if you ask me, Yan Chixia is the real living god! I heard that he was the best catcher in the world in his early years! He caught many corrupt officials, and soon after he resigned, he encountered a tomb of the Sword Immortal. It is said that he has become an immortal now, and he killed a lot of demons and ghosts in Lin'an a few days ago! I heard that he will come to our Guobei County soon!"

"Is this true?"

"That's natural. I heard what the blacksmith next door said! He never lies!"

"Hey, you said that Yan Chixia was a good catcher, so why did she resign?"

"Humph, it's not because the current imperial court is so messy and there is no good thing!"

"You are right!"

"There is really no good person in the imperial court now, and all the good officials have been killed!"

"Yes, for example, Nie Shangshu was such a good man back then. However, when he was passing by Lanruo Temple, first his beloved daughter contracted the cold and died outside Lanruo Temple, then his wife was killed by thieves, and finally He returned to Chang'an alone! But he was imprisoned as soon as he arrived in Chang'an! He was said to have embezzled money!"

"Hmph, why is the current emperor so blind that he only listens to the words of the protector of the country? The world is governed in a mess! If I become the emperor, I will definitely govern better than him!"

"Shh, keep your voice down! Just what you say will definitely kill you with a knife!"


Li Qing listened intently to these people's chat, and it was already dusk before he realized it.

At this moment, he was the only customer left in the entire restaurant.

In Li Qing's perception, the waiter, the shopkeeper, and several cooks were standing at the door upstairs with knives in hand, waiting for him with sinister expressions on their faces.

It was probably caused by the piece of gold.

However, Li Qing ignored them. After seeing that there were not many people on the street, he put away the gold on the table and flew out of the window.

It flew high into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Last night, he called Jiang Fei out of the purple coffin to protect Youyun, while he himself prepared to take a good tour of the world. Therefore, it can be said that you can go wherever you want at this moment.

Looking at the darkening sky, Li Qing suddenly remembered a good place.

It has been more than ten years since he came to this world, and he has not been to Nalanruo Temple yet.

I just have nothing to do at this time, so why not go meet the tree demon in Lanruo Temple.

As soon as he thought about this, he flew towards Lanruo Temple not far away.

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