Unify all heavens

Chapter 487 Visiting Lanruo (Part 2)

As the saying goes: When the moon is dark and the wind is high, there will be murder and arson.

For some mortals, they like this kind of sky very much, because under this kind of sky, it is difficult for them to be caught up after killing people or robbing things.

But for the existence of Lanruo Temple, they hate this kind of weather.

Because, under this kind of weather, no one would come to Lanruo Temple to stay overnight.

Therefore, whenever the weather is like this, Grandma Dryad will lie on the bed in the attic, enjoying the backbeats of many little ghosts while talking to her female ghosts.

Such as at this moment

"Xiaoqing, although you are Xiaoqian's sister, your skills are not as good as Xiaoqian's. You have to learn from her!"

Grandma Dryad said so while lying on her side on the bed with her eyes closed.

There are three female ghosts under its command, namely Xiaoqing, Xiaolan and Xiaoqian.

Xiaoqing and Xiaolan have been following it for a long time, and they know its temper in their bones. Xiaoqian, on the other hand, is a new ghost who formed her ghost body more than ten years ago, or it may be due to her talent. Although she has only been following the tree demon grandma for more than ten years, she has rarely been punished.

On the contrary, Xiaoqing and Xiaolan, although they have been following the tree demon grandma for a long time, they are punished every now and then.

At this moment, the three of them were soaking in a pool filled with flower petals, combing each other's long hair while listening to the words of the dryad grandma.

After Xiaoqian heard what Grandma Dryad said, she calmly combed Xiaoqing's long hair in front of her.

After hearing these words, Xiao Qing's body visibly stiffened, and his face was randomly filled with evil spirits.

Xiaoqian, who was combing her long hair, subconsciously turned up the corners of her mouth after noticing the changes in Xiaoqing.

In the past ten years, she had been bullied by Xiao Qing.

It was only in the past two years that she repeatedly rushed to complete the tasks assigned by the dryad grandma, which made the dryad grandma very happy. Only then did she rise in status and was no longer bullied by Xiao Qing.

Xiaoqing, on the other hand, was whipped every now and then because he couldn't complete the task.

As for Xiaolan, she relied on her clever mouth and followed her grandmother Dryad every day to avoid these punishments.

Just when she thought of this, Xiaoqing in front of her slowly turned around and said to her with a smile on her face: "Xiaoqian, when you are free later, you have to tell me carefully about your seductive Men’s skills!”

Although she was smiling, her eyes were full of coldness, with an emphasis on the word 'seduce'.

Xiaoqian sneered in her heart, but on the surface she nodded slightly, smiled slowly, and said, "Okay, as long as my sister wants to learn!"

After hearing these words, Xiao Qing's eyes became colder and she smiled softly: "Why don't you want to learn? Sister, I wish I could learn and then take care of my grandma's worries!"

Xiaoqian didn't speak anymore, she just looked at Xiaoqing who was close at hand with a faint smile.

Grandma Dryad doesn't understand people's hearts, nor can she understand the exchanges in their words. She can only understand the literal meaning.

So at this moment, he said with a smile: "Xiaoqing, you are serious! You must learn from Xiaoqian attentively!"

After finishing his words, he added: "Fortunately, the old Black Mountain demon was short-lived. Otherwise, grandma, I really don't know which of you should marry him. You two, grandma would be reluctant to part with you!"

Just as it said this, Li Qing in the cloud happened to see Lanruo Temple under the night.

Just as he was about to land, a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face. He said softly, "Since you're already here, let's just give that tree demon a surprise!"

After saying this, he put away the evil spirit on his body, and then landed in the woods outside Lanruo Temple. He put on the green gown he had prepared before from the purple coffin, then took out the lantern and book basket, pretending to be a scholar. He walked slowly out of the woods.

His realm and cultivation were much stronger than all the ghosts and monsters in Lanruo Temple combined, so Li Qing was not worried at all that he would be seen through.

So after slowly walking out of the woods, he walked towards the big stone tablet outside Lanruo Temple with a calm expression.

"Puff, puff, puff—"

When he walked under the stone monument, seven or eight night crows were suddenly frightened away by him on the tree immediately behind the stone monument.

When Li Qing looked up, he saw that they had disappeared into the night.

He pretended to be frightened, raised his hand and patted his chest, then raised the lantern and slowly illuminated the words on the stone tablet, and murmured: "Lanruo Temple?"

As he spoke, he turned to look at the path behind the stone monument, and then pretended to be cautious and walked along the path.

Perhaps it was a coincidence that the moment he set foot on this road, there were waves of dark wind blowing from all directions.

At the same time, Grandma Dryad, who was lying on the bed in the attic, suddenly opened her eyes and said with a look of surprise: "What a heavy Yin Qi! This one scholar can stand up to a thousand people!" "

As he spoke, he immediately sat up, his ten fingers twitching in excitement, and his tongue kept licking his lips.

Then he suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at the three female ghosts in the pool, and ordered in a thick male voice: "This time! You three go together!" When he said this, the voice suddenly turned into the voice of a middle-aged woman. : "Remember! Keep this person in Lanruo Temple at all costs!"

The three female ghosts in the pool jumped out of the water the moment the dryad grandmother's voice fell, and then used various means to pull the clothes from the rack beside them and put them on their tender bodies that were still dripping with water. Then they turned around in the air and covered their bodies with water. The water evaporates instantly.

When they landed slowly, there was no moisture left on their bodies.

Grandma Dryad raised her hands in claws to her chest, her face was gloomy, and she growled and urged: "Go quickly! Go quickly!!!"

When growling, its ten fingers kept twitching, as if it was grasping something.

Xiaoqing, Xiaolan and Xiaoqian, after seeing the appearance of the tree demon grandma, they didn't even dare to say a word. They quickly turned around and floated out of the attic, disappearing into the night.

After they left, Grandma Dryad's tongue licked her lips more frequently, her eyes narrowed to a slit, and her heart was extremely anxious, wanting to taste the visitor's heart immediately!

At this moment, Li Qing was holding a lantern and stopped in front of the Buddhist temple in the front yard to watch.

The moment he stepped into Lanruo Temple, he discovered that there were actually many zombies in Lanruo Temple.

Judging from the degree of corpse aura, the zombies in this temple are almost all wandering corpses and black zombies, as well as a few mummies with extremely weak aura.

Li Qing shook his head helplessly. If there were no tree demons in Lanruo Temple, the rich Yin Qi in the temple would be enough to cultivate one or two high-level zombies!


At this moment, a few strong yin energy suddenly came from the distance, causing the fallen leaves in the yard to fly up in all directions.

Li Qing narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing in his heart that those female ghosts were coming.

At that moment, he pretended to be weak and tightened his clothes, and then walked around calmly holding a lantern.

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