Unify all heavens

Chapter 506: Team up and kill someone (Part 2)

"The monument descended from the sky?"

"Is there a change in the world?"

Taoist Priest Sanchi had a look of shock on his face and lost his voice.

Zuo Wudi glanced at him and said, "In recent days, the whole world has been talking about the sacred monument, but you haven't heard any news at all?"

Master Liaofan smiled bitterly upon hearing this, shook his head and said nothing.

Upon seeing this, Zuo Wudi looked around, glanced at Yan Chixia, who had been silent, and Taoist Priest Sanchi, who was frowning, and then sighed heavily and said: "Forget it, I will tell you carefully. Let’s talk about this sacred monument!”

He took a sip of water as he spoke, then coughed slightly and said, "It is said that there is a passage engraved on the sacred stele that fell on Jinhua Mountain, which reads: 'The pearl is covered with dust, the Eight Immortals come to the world, the Qingguo Temple is destroyed, and the Rakshasa escapes from trouble' these ten Six words! The monument will not come to the world for no reason, so people speculate that the things predicted in these sixteen words will happen in the near future!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Qing, who was hiding high above the inn, frowned fiercely and whispered softly: "The pearl is covered with dust, the Eight Immortals come to the world, the Qingguo Temple is destroyed, and the Rakshasa escapes from trouble?"

As he murmured, his eyes narrowed subconsciously, and he began to think about what these sixteen words foreshadowed.

Although the content of the four words "Pearl covered in dust" puzzled him a lot, the literal meaning of the remaining twelve words was enough for him to make a pretty good guess.

As soon as he thought about this, he secretly thought in his heart: "After the meeting has dealt with the people below, I will go back and ask Nie Xiaoqian and the others, where is the Qingguo Temple? If the Eight Immortals come to the world, the mortal world will definitely discuss it. Don't worry about whether it will be good or not. News about them! On the contrary, this Qingguo Temple must be closely related to the 'Rakshasa's escape from trouble'!"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sneered: "This Yan Chixia is quite resourceful. If he didn't still have my evil spirit in him, how could I have thought that this Yan Chixia would also play the game of darkness under the lamp?" s method!"

After he returned to Lanruo Temple last night, he noticed that there was a crowd outside Lanruo Temple. When he went out, he found that Yan Chixia was unconscious on Ning Caichen's body. However, there was no breath on his body, as if he was not there. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Li Qing would never have imagined that Yan Chixia was so courageous and actually acted like a fool.

Feeling the plot of the original drama, he did not get rid of Yan Chixia and Ning Caichen, and wanted to see Ning Caichen's subsequent development. Unexpectedly, Yan Chixia actually gave him a surprise. A cloud-piercing arrow summoned three companions, and these three companions were much stronger than him.

What surprised him even more was that the last person who appeared actually brought him such important news.

Thinking of this, he disappeared, fell into the clouds, and silently came to the room where Yan Chixia and the others were.

The reason was that Li Qing had already used invisibility to hide his body and aura, so everyone in the room was completely unaware of it.

After Li Qing entered the room, he sat by the window, looking at the people in the room with interest, and listened with a sneer as they discussed how to deal with him.

At this moment, Zuo Wudi's words had just ended, and Master Sanchi and Master Liaofan were nodding slowly.

But Yan Chixia, who was standing with her arms folded and her back facing the window, suddenly frowned and said, "But how does this have anything to do with the destruction of King Zombie?"

Hearing this, Zuo Wudi raised his palm and slapped his forehead with a 'pop' sound, and said helplessly: "Big Beard Yan, Hero Yan, I really admire you. Didn't you hear what I just said, 'Eight Immortals Come to the World'" Is it? We can't defeat the Zombie King, but the Eight Immortals can! We can go to Jinhua Mountain to visit Huang Zhuping. He is the golden turtle from the ninth heaven who descended to earth. He will definitely know the place where the Eight Immortals came to the world! After we find the Eight Immortals, are we still afraid of being destroyed? Can’t there be a Zombie King?”

When Li Qing heard this, his eyes instantly narrowed and he looked coldly at Zuo Wudi who was holding a cup of tea.

Yan Chixia nodded when she heard this, and then said in a deep voice: "In that case, let's set off immediately and go to Jinhua Mountain!"

When Master Liaofan heard this, he hesitated and said, "But the injury on your body, Master Yan."

Before he could finish speaking, Yan Chixia waved her hand and said, "It's just a minor injury. I have taken the healing elixir. I believe the injury will heal soon!"

Seeing this, Taoist Priest Sanchi said: "Then let's leave now! In case something happens later!"

As he spoke, he took the lead and walked towards the window, preparing to fly out of the window.

But the moment he jumped up, his figure stagnated in mid-air in an extremely strange way.

In an instant, Taoist Priest Sanchi's expression turned extremely horrified.

He felt as if his neck was being pinched by an invisible hand, and this hand was extremely cold, making him stiff both inside and outside in an instant.

At this moment, everyone in the room noticed the strange state of Taoist Sanchi.

At that moment, several people's expressions changed.

Master Liao Fan reacted the fastest. After discovering that something was wrong with Taoist Sanchi, he immediately took off the Kabala rosary from around his neck. He opened his eyes and yelled: "Hum!" while throwing the rosary towards the window. passed.

At the same time, Zuo Wudi who was sitting on the stool jumped up quickly, raised his hands while he was in mid-air, quickly pulled out the two big knives behind him, and slashed down from the side with a whirring sound.

When Yan Chixia on the side reacted, the rosary had already erupted with intense white light amidst the sound of 'Hum', and faintly illuminated Li Qing's figure.

Immediately afterwards, Zuo Wudi's two swords struck in front of Li Qing.

But just when the sword was still a few inches away from Li Qing's arm, Li Qing suddenly used the object control technique to restrain Zuo Wudi's figure in mid-air.

At the same time, his figure gradually appeared.

When Yan Chixia saw this, her eyes suddenly widened, and she lost her voice with a look of horror on her face: "It's you???"

While he was speaking, Taoist Priest Sanchi, who was pinched in Li Qing's hand, turned red and purple from suffocation, and his eyes couldn't help but turn up.

After seeing this, Yan Chixia immediately took out the sword from the iron ring under her earlobe, and quickly stepped forward to slash at Li Qing.

Li Qing sneered when he saw this and left the room directly.

In the process of retreating, he even bit down on the neck of the three-foot-long Taoist priest.

Suddenly, the body of Taoist Sanchi became dry, and the blood and cultivation in his body entered Li Qing's belly at a very fast speed.

After Zuo Wudi, who was bound in mid-air, saw the miserable state of Taoist Sanchi, he immediately roared with splitting eyes: "I'll chop you up!!!"

While roaring, he started struggling violently with an angry look on his face.

But his cultivation was too far behind Li Qing. Even though his legs and arms couldn't help twisting, he still couldn't fall to the ground.

At this moment, Master Liao Fan's string of Kabala rosary actually chased out of the window and quickly spread out, surrounding Li Qing in the center of the rosary.

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