Unify all heavens

Chapter 507: Team up and kill someone (Part 2)

When Master Liao Fan in the inn room saw that Li Qing had been surrounded by rosary beads, he immediately picked up the tin stick and jumped out of the window. Then he threw the tin stick towards Li Qing, and at the same time he quickly picked up the seal in his hand, word by word. Suddenly he shouted loudly: "Buzz-ah-hum!"

When the word "Om" sounded, a gleaming white light appeared on the one hundred and eight rosary beads at the same time. When the word "Ah" sounded, a ten-foot-sized golden Buddha statue appeared out of thin air above the white light rosary beads. As soon as the Buddha statue appeared, it looked like it was raising its palms and pressing down.

Li Qing, who was in the center of the rosary, snorted coldly, and threw down the three idiot Taoist priests who had turned into a mummy in his hands, and then all the evil energy in his body burst out at this moment!

Suddenly, strong winds sprang up, and the color of the sky and earth changed!

The entire street was so cold that frost blossoms formed on it.

At a glance, the entire street turned into an icy place!

And the string of one hundred and eight Gabala that surrounded him in the center made a crackling sound.

But this Kabala rosary was made from the brow bones of one hundred and eight eminent monks. Just when it was about to break, it only cracked, and the shadow of the golden Buddha became even more illusory, as if it were falling. It will break in a second.

When Master Liao Fan in the room heard the crackling sound of the Nagabala rosary, he spurted blood from his mouth, fell back and passed out.

After all, no matter how high his Dharma is, he has not yet achieved transcendence. He is still a mortal.

At this moment, he was hit head-on by Li Qing's evil spirit. He was lucky not to die immediately on the spot.

Although he passed out, the one hundred and eight rosary beads did not return to their original state, but instead increased in power.

Articles of Buddhist sutras on conquering demons were slowly recited by countless ancient voices without waves.

"I heard that at one time, the Buddha was in the Solitary Garden of Savatthi Province, together with a group of 1,250 great bhikkhus. At that time, while the World Honored One was eating, he put on his robes and held an alms bowl, and went to the great city of Savatthi to beg for food. In the city, after begging from time to time, I returned to my place. After the meal, I collected my clothes and bowl, washed my feet, and sat down."

"Namo Hezhendana, Duo Zhenye, Namo Ajuye, Polu Jiedi, Shuo Boluoye, Bodhisattva Poye, Mahasattva Poye, Mahakaluni Gaya."

"I heard that. At one time, the Buddha was in the Trayasa Heaven, teaching the Dharma for his mother. At that time, all the indescribable Buddhas in the immeasurable worlds of the ten directions, as well as the great Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas, came to assemble. They praised Sakyamuni Buddha for his ability to In the evil world of five turbidities, the power of inconceivable great wisdom and supernatural powers appears, subduing strong sentient beings, knowing the laws of suffering and happiness, and sending attendants to inquire about the World Honored One."

There are one hundred and eight rosary beads, and the sound of reciting the Demon-Conquering Sutra also has one hundred and eight.

Each voice recites a different sutra, including the Tantric Heart Sutra and the Heart Sutra of Central Plains Buddhism.

In the midst of these chanting sounds, the golden Buddha on the rosary that was about to disappear gradually became clearer, its features, eyes, mouth and nose all appeared lifelike, and a round of Buddha's light appeared behind its head.

Then, a 'swastika' symbol suddenly appeared in the center of the palm that was pressing down.

The moment the 'swastika' symbol appeared, Li Qing, who was surrounded by beads in the center, felt a pressure.

“What a rosary!”

Li Qing spoke coldly, raised his hand to summon the Taiqing Divine Fire, and threw it towards the golden Buddha above his head.

Although the Golden Buddha is real, it is ultimately a shadow.

Although the rosary is powerful, it is still a mortal thing.

Therefore, just by encountering the Taiqing Divine Fire, the golden Buddha was burned into nothingness by the purple fire with a roar.

After the golden Buddha disappeared, the sound of 'clicking' sounded one after another on the one hundred and eight rosary beads.

Immediately afterwards, the Taiqing Divine Fire that burned the Golden Buddha to nothingness fell on these more densely cracked rosary beads, directly burning this string of Buddhist treasures into ashes.

Just when Li Qing was about to take back the Taiqing Divine Fire, he saw Zuo Wudi in the room shouting at Yan Chixia who was about to jump out of the window.

"I will use my flesh and blood to fight for a chance for you!"

"Yan Dabeard, take that bald donkey away quickly!"

"Go to Jinhua Mountain to find Huang Chuping!"

After hearing Zuo Wudi's words, Yan Chixia nodded heavily with a sad face, then picked up Master Liaofan who was unconscious on the ground, broke through the door and ran out.

At this time, Li Qing was taking away the Taiqing Divine Fire.

When he turned around, he happened to see Yan Chixia breaking through the door.

Then he sneered and said, "Do you really think you can escape from my grasp?"

As he spoke, he used his evil energy to move Cloud Pai Palm and hit the inn from a distance.

How could this building made of ordinary wood withstand his palm?

Therefore, the sounds of "Crack-" and "Rumble--" were heard endlessly, and then the two-foot-tall inn suddenly collapsed into pieces, burying the residents in the inn directly deep in the ruins.

At this moment, a sword light suddenly rose from the ground a few feet away and shot straight into the sky.

At the same time, Li Qing's ears also heard Yan Chixia's loud shouting full of grief and anger.


Li Qing just glanced at the sword light and immediately set off to chase him.

But just as he floated into the air, two large knives broke through the ruins on the ground and struck him from the bottom up with a shocking force.

As soon as the sword appeared, Zuo Wudi's sneer was heard from the ruins.

"Bastard, you probably forgot that I'm here too!"

"Although I can't defeat you! But I can delay you for a while!"

While he was talking, he heard a sudden "boom" from the ruins below.

Then he saw the disgraced Zuo Wudi leaping up high, raising his hand to grab the handles of the two swords he had swung before, and then spun around in the air, increasing the power of the sword, and struck Li Qing fiercely. .

When Li Qing saw this, he shouted coldly: "Since you want to die, I will make it happen for you!"

As he spoke, he waved his left arm to block the blades of the two big knives, while his right arm passed through the shadow of the knives at the same time and grabbed Zuo Wudi's throat.

Suddenly, Zuo Wudi was horrified.

He originally thought that he had been practicing for many years and that although he was no match for King Zombie, he could still hinder him for a while.

Who would have thought that he would be captured just after meeting him!

Just when he thought of this, his two swords were broken by Li Qing's arm, and there was a "bang" sound.

At the same time, Li Qing held him up in front of him and bit his throat without hesitation.

Amidst the sound of "gurgling", Zuo Wudi, who had a look of horror on his face, turned into a mummy in the blink of an eye.

After Zuo Wudi's body no longer had any power for him, Li Qing threw his body away, and then turned into black light and rushed into the sky.

After he flew into the air, Zuo Wudi's body was smashed into the ruins of the inn.


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