Two months ago, Mr. Zhu first came to the Immortal Prisoner Realm through the Son-Mother Teleportation Formation, and settled outside a town 800 kilometers away from the Immortal Prisoner Tower.

He had long known everything about the prison world from Li Qing's memory, so he knew that Corpse Mansion was Li Qing's biggest enemy, and he also knew that until now, Corpse Mansion was sending people to capture Li Qing. Therefore, when he threw his bamboo house down to the bamboo forest on the ground and prepared to settle here, he let out all his aura without hiding it.

At that moment, all practitioners within a hundred miles, including the Earth Immortal in the Immortal Prisoner Tower, and all the practitioners within a hundred miles, were all shocked by Zhu Gong's unconcealed aura.

So they flew in from all directions to pay homage to Mr. Zhu, a mysterious senior whose strength was astonishing to the world.

After Zhu Gong finished his breath, he waited for someone to come. When he noticed someone coming, he immediately threw the bamboo house that shrunk to the size of an egg on the ground and stretched it into a giant manor covering an area of ​​100,000 square meters. Then he moved hundreds of thousands of square meters including the manor with one finger. Meters of ground point soared into the sky, forming a mountain thousands of feet high.

The people from many forces who saw this scene were immediately horrified and inexplicable.

Even the Earth Immortal with the highest cultivation level in the Prison Immortal Realm can only look up to Mr. Zhu's methods, let alone the other practitioners who have been trapped in the Prison Immortal Realm for as long as they can remember.

So, for a while, Zhu Gong's name was like a virus, spreading in all directions towards the prison world.

At the same time, Li Qing, who had a purple coffin hanging on his chest, was also spreading.

The inheritor of the purple coffin!

This reputation spread even faster than Zhu Gong's strength. In less than a month, all the forces in the entire prison world knew that there was a purple coffin inheritor near the prison tower. Show up.

For the huge benefits and hopes that the Purple Coffin can bring, all the forces in the Mahayana period ordered their disciples to rush towards the Immortal Prisoner Tower day and night.

Among these forces, Corpse Mansion is the strongest one, bar none!

Because the Master of the Corpse Mansion no longer wants to delay it. Three Mahayana stage elders and two Tribulation Stage elders have died in Li Qing’s hands. If it continues, Li Qing will become a person who has transcended the Mahayana stage by relying on the purple coffin. Once it exists, it’s too late!

Therefore, in order to be able to capture Li Qing back to the Corpse Mansion at once, the Master of the Corpse Mansion went out of his way to save the remaining twenty-seven Mahayana period hermits except for the elders who sealed themselves to wait for the day of trouble in the Corpse Mansion as their final contribution. The elders were all sent out, accompanied by hundreds of practitioners in the Tribulation Stage, and countless practitioners in the Distraction Stage and Nascent Soul Stage!

And issued a death order to capture Li Qing at all costs!

Although the distance between Corpse Mansion and Immortal Prisoner Tower is the farthest among many forces, in order to capture Li Qing back to Corpse Mansion as soon as possible, they did not hesitate to expose various secret teleportation arrays that have been in operation for hundreds of years. come out.

But their exposure offended most of the forces in the prison world.

Because some of their teleportation arrays were arranged among these forces, it is conceivable that when most of the masters of the sect were dispatched, densely packed figures suddenly teleported out from unknown corners. The remaining disciples will naturally take action.

And how could these left-behind disciples who were not even in the distraction stage be the rivals of the people coming from Corpse Mansion? Almost the moment those left-behind disciples took action, they were frightened to death by the invincible cultivation of Elder Yin from the Mahayana stage of Corpse Mansion!

The Corpse Mansion is like locusts passing through. Every time a force passes through, Elder Yin from the Mahayana stage will directly take action to eliminate the remaining disciples of these forces.

As a result, in just half a month, half of the forces in the entire prison world were wiped out.

But Li Qing didn't know about this incident that shocked the entire prison world, because at that time, he was still in seclusion in the Bamboo Residence.

When he woke up from seclusion, he left this world directly relying on the purple coffin and went to the world of wind and cloud.

Although he only left for a month before returning to the Prison Immortal Realm, at this time, the forces including Corpse Mansion had only traveled less than half of the way.

Although Li Qing returned to the Immortal Prison World, he stayed in the Bamboo Residence until one month later, when he left this world again and went to the Ghost Story World.

And when he left for about half a month, those forces, large and small, finally arrived near the Immortal Prisoner Tower, and then began a carpet-like search.

After half a month of searching, they finally found the location of Zhuju.

Because they were afraid of the Zhu Gong who was rumored to be as powerful as an immortal, all these forces, large and small, lived near Zhuju.

Quietly waiting for the return of Li Qing, the legendary inheritor of the Purple Coffin.

PS: This chapter is a free chapter specially written to remind readers.

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