Unify all heavens

Chapter 550 Thunder

The night is deep and the breeze is blowing.

There is no winter or autumn in the Immortal World, and the four seasons are like spring and summer.

Therefore, the cool breeze at night has no impact on the practitioners in the town who are immune to the cold and heat, but for the warriors in the town, this cool breeze makes them suffer less.

After all, the sunlight during the day was too hot, causing the town to still emit extremely high temperatures even at night.

When we walked onto the street at night, the temperature on the bluestone floor was still frighteningly high.

All the towns in the Prisoner's Immortal Realm have sunshade formations, but in this town that was built less than half a month ago, there is no formation master to set up the formation.

Therefore, these people who have no talent for cultivation and are forced to become warriors have not been like this for a long time. They are as hot as ants on a hot pot during the day and tossing and turning at night.

Therefore, as soon as night fell, most of the warriors went to the teahouse in the west of the town to stay.

This teahouse is made of dark yellow bamboo, so compared to the gorgeous buildings in the town, this teahouse is extremely simple.

However, the owner of this teahouse dug an extremely wide shallow pit in the backyard of the teahouse, paved it with bluestones, filled it with water, and built a pond. Then from time to time, the ice cubes condensed by the magic weapon are thrown into the pool, so that the temperature in the pool is always in a state of lukewarm water, neither cold nor hot.

Therefore, this teahouse is very popular among warriors.

Especially at night, hundreds of warriors soaked in a large pool, bragging, chatting and playing in the water, which was so joyful.

Such as at this moment

Under the blowing of the cool breeze, these warriors soaking in the large pool, without exception, all exhaled a sigh of relief.

It was the quietest time at this time, and everyone was enjoying the coolness.

After a while, the cool breeze blew over and the heat enveloped these warriors again, and they resumed their previous chat with enthusiasm.

"Continuing with the topic just now, when a certain Mahayana old monster from Corpse Mansion went to Laifeng Tower to listen to music to relieve his boredom, he actually used his spiritual consciousness to see his grandson hiding in the room of Feng Lai Tower, having fun with the corpse. It’s a matter of husband and wife. Hahahaha, you didn’t see it, the old monster was so angry that he almost destroyed the Feng Lai Building!”

When he said this, this tall and thick man burst into tears from laughter.

"Then, what then? Don't gasp, tell me quickly whether that kid was beaten to death by that old monster!"

The man next to him quickly started urging him.

"You also know that Fenglai Tower is the largest sect in our prison world after the Corpse Mansion. The old monster smashed the table to pieces in anger, and two Mahayana stage old monsters who were stationed in Fenglai Tower teleported Arriving at his side! He forced the old monster to pay the money for destroying the table. Then the old monster sealed his grandson's cultivation with a livid face, and at the same time slapped the unclothed corpse on the bed with one palm. It turned into thick water, and he dragged his grandson and teleported away!"

When he said this, the man paused, glanced around like a thief, and whispered: "It is said that the boy's limbs were broken and hung from the beam, and the old monster whipped him for a whole afternoon. ! The screams were heard in the streets!"

At his words, the warriors around him all subconsciously made a tut-tsk sound, and then started discussing with emotion on their faces.

A thin man said with a smile at this time: "If I have spiritual roots, I must go to the Corpse Mansion! Then I will get a corpse that looks like an immortal, and then hey hey hey hey!" As he said this, he was full of joy. The face smiled weirdly.

A man next to him sneered, interrupting his laughter, and said sarcastically: "Aren't you afraid that being raised as a corpse will make your job so cold that you can no longer use it? Raising corpses is a very sinister thing. Warriors like us, next to each other, can't stand it anymore." He was frozen to death in no time, let alone being held in his arms to sleep! Besides, why don't you sleep with a living person instead of sleeping with a dead person?"

Just as he finished saying this, someone next to him suddenly interjected: "Hey, you don't understand. It is said that high-level corpses are no different from human beings, except that their bodies are a little colder. Think about it, in the daytime The invincible corpse is being crushed under you at night. Tsk tsk, this image is exciting to think about! And if you are lucky enough to get a purple coffin for your corpse, then you will have no worries for the rest of your life. No more worries!”

At this time, someone swam up to them and said: "Speaking of the purple coffin, when will the inheritors of the purple coffin that the sects are waiting for appear? This place is so hot. If it weren't for picking up the purple coffin during the war, If you sell magic weapons and other things for money, I’ll be gone a long time ago!”

After hearing the words 'Purple Coffin Inheriter', many people came next to them.

In this half month, they also knew for the first time that in this world, there was actually a treasure that could travel through the heavens.

Therefore, during this period of time, as long as there is a topic about the 'Purple Coffin', a lot of people will come to watch.

For these hard-working warriors, any news from the world of practitioners is extremely tempting.

Especially the topic of 'Purple Coffin'.

After all, according to legend, as long as you get the purple coffin, you can travel through all the worlds.

After these men saw many more people coming, they told what they had heard during the day.

"I heard from a disciple of Mingyue Pavilion today that the senior figures in those sects all said that the 'Purple Coffin Inheritor' would come back within the next few days. After all, no matter how long it takes for Purple Coffin to go to other worlds, in ours It’s only been a month here! Speaking of which, the disciples of Mingyue Pavilion are so good-looking, they are as good as Tianxian’er. If you can sleep for one night, your whole life will be worth it!”

The man who spoke was a thin man, perhaps because of his wretched appearance. No matter what topic he talked about, it would naturally involve other topics.

After listening to what he said, the other men immediately discussed how many people from those sects would die because of robbing the purple coffin if the 'purple coffin inheritor' came back.

But just when people were discussing in full swing, the thin man suddenly said with excitement: "You guys think, if the disciple of Mingyue Pavilion dies, should I pick up the body and run away, or should I hide the body first? After they finished the beating, they picked up the body and ran away?"

At his words, all the men within a few meters of him almost choked to death.

At this moment, a deafening thunder suddenly sounded in the dark night sky.


Under this thunder, all the men in the teahouse, no matter what topic they were talking about before, closed their mouths at this moment and looked up to the sky.

Then I saw countless rays of light flying up in the dark town at this moment!

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