United states tax collector

Chapter 133 Our City Hall is on the side of the IRS

"What's going on? Is there any conflict between the state government and the IRS?"

"I don't know, this is too sudden, but no matter how you look at it, there must be some friction between the two parties."

"According to the news I received, the governor's son seemed to have died in an accident a few hours ago. I don't know..."

"Bang bang bang..."

Seeing everyone talking, Saroyan knocked on the table heavily and said dissatisfied: "I want you to share your opinions, but not to talk about these meaningless gossips!"

Everyone became quiet, but everyone looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and no one dared to speak first.

It wasn't until a full minute passed that a firm voice came out from the field.

"I think this instruction from the state government is somewhat inappropriate. Taxation is the foundation of our country. Without taxation, where would the money come from to pay our wages and bonuses? Without taxation, where would the construction of our city come from? Without taxation, where would the relief funds for our citizens come from? Welfare benefits? So, my department will not carry out such instructions!"

Such righteous and awe-inspiring words made all the senior officials present, including Saroyan, couldn't help but turn their heads and look.

But when they saw the speaker, they instantly became speechless.

Because the person who said these words was none other than Gray!

Others may not know it, but as colleagues, they certainly know that Gray was caught by the IRS.

So on the surface, Gray's words were out of righteousness for the country and the people, but in fact they all knew that, to put it bluntly, they were just afraid of being screwed.

Gray also noticed something was wrong with the way everyone looked at him, and quickly added: "Colleagues, don't blame me for not reminding you that the IRS is not easy to mess with. You also know how powerful David is. If you dare to go against them, maybe The next unlucky ones are you!

What he said was actually a hint to everyone present, if David can catch me, can't he catch you?

The people present were able to get into the upper echelons of the city hall, so their minds were naturally extremely shrewd. Of course they heard this and realized that it was true.

First of all, in their position, no one dares to say that their butt is clean, and no one can guarantee that they will not be caught.

After all, Gray's example is already here!

Thinking of this, another deputy mayor present also echoed: "I think what Deputy Mayor Gray said... is somewhat reasonable. As a world-renowned city in Las Vegas, if tax revenue suddenly drops sharply, we will also It’s hard to explain to the citizens..."

"Well, I think so too..."


Following the deputy mayor, others also echoed.

The United States is a federal country. In addition to the autonomy of each state, each city can also basically be said to be autonomous.

For example, the governor is elected by the voters of the state. Once elected, the president cannot remove him.

The same goes for the mayor.

They are not appointed by the state government, but elected by the citizens of the city. Therefore, even the governor does not have the power to remove the mayor.

In other words, if they offend the state government, the worst they can do is wear out their shoes, but their jobs can definitely be saved.

But that’s not necessarily the case if you offend the IRS.

If their city hall really wants to be an enemy of them, who knows if David will have any leverage against them?

If so, as long as you mess with them, not to mention keeping your job, being ruined or ruined is a minor matter. If not, you might even end up in jail!

Everyone present is a smart person, and of course they can choose which one is more important!

Saroyan thought about it carefully and realized that this was indeed the case. If he had to choose between the state government and the IRS, then choosing the IRS seemed to be the best choice!

Then he made up his mind and said: "Okay, then regardless of the state government's instructions, we will do whatever we have to do!"

There are a total of 19 cities in Nevada. In addition to Las Vegas, at this moment, 18 other cities have also received instructions from the state government.

But unlike Las Vegas, after weighing the pros and cons, the remaining 18 cities made different choices.

They chose to implement the instructions of the state government!

The reason is also very simple, because there are no people as powerful as David in the Internal Revenue Service of other cities, and their city halls do not have deputy mayors like Gray who were caught by David.

Therefore, they are naturally fearless and choose to implement the instructions of the state government.

Of course, David, who was still in the Lake District Internal Revenue Service, didn't know about all this. He was talking to the fathers of the second generation ancestor in the office.

"I don't mean to embarrass you. Your son's bad things are not under the control of our IRS, and I don't want to. As long as you let your son cooperate and give us a confession, you can leave immediately. Otherwise, Not only your son, but also you can’t escape, do you understand?”

Listening to David's threat, all the fathers present fell silent.

The people present were all considered to be members of the upper class in Las Vegas, but they were not yet to the point where they could go against the IRS.

What's more, they have just learned that their son has not only committed numerous crimes such as abetting murder, purchasing and selling people, kidnapping, robbery, tax evasion, etc.

If this was committed in the hands of the police or other law enforcement agencies, they could try to smooth it over by relying on their connections.

But if it falls into the hands of the IRS, they certainly don't have the confidence to be able to deal with it.

What's more, they also know that the Tax Chief David in front of them is a ruthless character.

This is a ruthless man who can make even the Indian tribe submissive!

When the atmosphere was silent, Bucky opened the door and walked in, and said: "The tax chief, a legal advisor who is said to be the state government, came and said that he wanted to see the people brought back from the Red Rock Mountains."

"State legal counsel?"

David frowned slightly, it seemed that he must have been sent here by Governor Stevenson, and since he wanted to talk to those second-generation ancestors, he probably wanted them to stop talking nonsense.


We need to get the confession as soon as possible!

"Everyone, go and persuade your sons now to cooperate with us!"

After saying these words to these fathers, he turned to look at Bucky and said, "Bring that legal adviser here!"

Bucky nodded and turned to leave. After looking at each other, the fathers did not dare to disobey David and walked out of the office one after another.

About five minutes later.

Neeson walked in with a man wearing a dark gray suit and holding a briefcase.

[Name: Aldrich Oston. 】

[Occupation: Lawyer. 】

[Income: Legal income is 95,000 US dollars, illegal income is 120,365 US dollars. 】

[Income details: On December 16, he resolved a legal dispute for the state financial comptroller and received a private reward of US$20,000. On December 3, he resolved a legal dispute for the state treasurer and received a private reward of US$15,000. On January 4...]

[Tax payable: US$36,423. 】

"Tax Commissioner David, right? I am entrusted by the state government to come here to deal with matters related to the Red Rock Mountains. I hope you can make it convenient and let me meet those young people!"

The lawyer named Aldrich showed a hint of impatience, obviously wanting to talk to the second-generation ancestors quickly and get rid of them.

David said slowly: "Of course, as a lawyer, you can meet anyone you want, but not now, you have to wait for a while!"

"What's the meaning?"

"It's not interesting, they're just a little busy right now."

Upon hearing this, Aldrich became anxious. He knew that if those second-generation people really confessed honestly and had their confessions obtained by the IRS, they would be in trouble.

He immediately retorted: "Tax Commissioner David, according to procedures, our lawyers have the right to talk to them as soon as they arrive!"

"You understand, what we are bringing back now is not a suspect, but an ordinary citizen. According to the procedures, your power is invalid!"


Aldridge was choked.

Yes, he was used to the police and FBI's case-handling thinking. People from these two law enforcement agencies usually listed criminals as suspects before arresting them and taking them back.

Only when their lawyers are present do they have the right to dismiss the police and conduct immediate interviews and guidance.

But now it's with the IRS.

And David also said that those young people were not suspects, so according to the rules, that seemed to be the case.

Although he also knew that this was just a word game played by David, for a while, he really couldn't find any legal basis to refute it.

"Oh, right……"

David pretended to remember something, and said with a distressed look: "This is the Red Rock Mountain Incident, the governor's son's misfortune, I am deeply sorry for this, but there is nothing we can do, we are also enforcing the law, I hope he can understand……"

Aldrich replied: "The governor said that if the law enforcement is normal, then of course there is no problem, but if the law enforcement is irregular or does not comply with the rules and regulations...then he will have something to say!"

David heard the threat in the other party's words, and then replied: "Of course, our action this time complies with all rules and regulations. After tomorrow, I will send a detailed report on the case to the governor!"

Aldrich replied with a smile: "Of course that's the best."

While the two of them were talking.

Bursts of noise broke out in the various interrogation rooms in the inspector's office on the third floor.

"Father, if I tell everything, I will be in a lot of trouble and may even go to jail. The state government just called me and told me not to talk nonsense. They will teach me when they come. How to do it, I think it’s still…”

"Wait a damn, don't worry about the state government. Tax Commissioner David has already assured me that the IRS only collects taxes and doesn't care about anything else. As long as we record a detailed confession of what happened at that time, we can Go home!”


"Asshole, record it for me now, or I will sever the father-son relationship with you and you can carry on by yourself!"


Under the furious urging of all the fathers, the second-generation ancestors still couldn't bear it any longer.

After all, all they have to rely on is their family background, and now that their father has talked about severing the relationship between father and son, how can they dare to go on like this?

Immediately, they could only follow the instructions of Bucky Simmons and others to start recording a confession about the Red Rock Mountains.

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