United states tax collector

Chapter 134 The arms case is solved, the streets are ecstatic

Soon, all the second-generation ancestors had honestly completed their confessions.

Bucky walked into David's office with a thick confession material and made an OK gesture.

Aldrich felt that something was wrong with the situation. He stood up and said urgently: "Can I go see them now?"

David did not answer, but made a sign of approval.

Then, Aldrich didn't care anymore and rushed towards the inspector's office on the third floor like crazy.

When he arrived, he found that the second-generation ancestors were being taken away by their father.

Aldrich hurriedly scanned the crowd with his eyes until he saw a young man with a nose stud, then walked up and said, "What's going on Snow, what did you tell them?"

The man named Snow shrank his head and replied hesitantly: "I recorded a confession about the scene..."

"A confession at the scene? Wait...you mean, you told everything about what happened in the Red Rock Mountains?"

Snow's head drooped, a gesture of acquiescence.

"Fake, didn't I tell you not to talk nonsense before I come?"

Aldridge was so angry that he cursed.

The governor sent him here just to find an attack point on this matter that could target the IRS for illegal or excessive enforcement.

Now that these guys have all confessed, and the IRS has obtained their confessions, then he still needs to find a trade fair!

"I don't want to either..."

Snow glanced at his father next to him. He had wanted to refuse just now, but his father had already talked about severing the relationship between father and son, so what else could he do.


Aldrich cursed again. He had no choice but to turn around and walk out of the IRS door. After getting in his car, he dialed a number.

"I'm sorry, Governor, but David is too cunning. He called the parents of those young people and threatened them, and asked those young people to record their confessions at the scene. If he wants to make a fuss from here... I'm afraid it's impossible!"

Carson City, church somewhere.

When Stevenson heard this, his cell phone buzzed, and then he replied that he knew it, then turned to look at Eugene beside him, and asked: "How about the city halls? "

"Eighteen cities across the state have given clear answers, saying they will cooperate with the state government's instructions. Only Las Vegas..."

Eugene did not continue, but his meaning was already obvious.

Stevenson looked grim and said, "Las Vegas City Hall, you dare to ignore my words?"

"They are very afraid of the IRS... Oh no, to be precise, they are very afraid of David. According to the information they received, Deputy Mayor Gray of the city hall was almost killed by David because he interceded for the Indian tribe. Later, it was said that David was arrogant and let him go, so now other people in the city hall are also afraid of ending up like this..."

Stevenson was a little surprised when he heard this.

He knew that David was very capable and had brought many lawbreakers in Las Vegas into submission, but he really didn't know that even the City Hall had been taken care of.

"But it doesn't matter, Governor. As long as the tax revenue of these 18 cities drops, the pressure will definitely be on their state bureaus. When the time comes, they will definitely do something under pressure..."

Eugene added.

Stevenson thought for a moment and said: "This is not enough. Give the 18 city halls a hint and ask them to give eye drops to the IRS..."

"Governor Stevenson..."

Hearing the call of the pastor in the distance, Stevenson said no more, gave Eugene a sign to hurry up and take care of things, then turned around and walked up to prepare to pray for his son yesterday.

Lake District IRS.

David read the confessions carefully and found that they were all consistent. The second generation not only described the facts of their crimes, but also reconstructed what happened at the scene, proving that their IRS enforcement had not violated any regulations or was excessive. This was true for him. You can rest assured!

At the end of the confession, a list of information appeared.

This is information about the transaction list between the arms group and the second-generation ancestors. This is what David specifically ordered the inspectors to get from the mouths of those second-generation ancestors just now.

David took out another list he got from Zimmerman from the cabinet, then folded the two together, put it in his pocket and stood up, saying: "Call Nissen, let's go meet Gabor for a while. Reis!”

"Tax chief, the director... didn't say anything, right?"

On the way to the main street, Nissen still remained anxious.

He was naturally aware of the arrival of the state government's legal adviser just now. It can be seen that the governor will definitely not give up.

David replied expressionlessly: "You did nothing wrong, what can the director say?"

"Yes, Nissen, the tax chief is right. Our enforcement of the whole matter is in accordance with the procedures. There are no problems. The governor can't retaliate with power, right? Don't worry, it will be fine!"

Bucky, who was driving, also comforted him.

After being comforted by the two of them, Nissen finally relaxed a little.

In the area where the Las Vegas Strip meets the suburbs, there is a large warehouse.

This is also the largest stronghold of the Gables Arms Group.

According to the data, this warehouse is ostensibly used to store some industrial equipment, but in fact, after investigation, it is an arms transfer station for the group.

When David and others arrived here, they found that there were about dozens of workers here, loading and unloading the goods of several trucks.

Driven by curiosity, Bucky stepped forward and tore open the packaging film of a product. When he found that there were actually some equipment inside, he seemed a little disappointed.

At this moment, a manager wearing a safety helmet walked up and scolded: "What do you do? Why are you tearing apart our packaging?"

Nissen took out his tax badge and said: "Internal Revenue Service, we want to meet your boss Gabrielleis!"

The manager was surprised when he heard it was from the IRS, and then replied: "Mr. Gabrielis is not here."

David replied: "Who is responsible here now?"

"Mr. Kane is here."

"Kane? Okay, then go and inform him that we want to talk to him."

Kane had met David in person at the Indian reservation, and knew that he was the number two figure in the group.

Deep in the warehouse, in an office.

Kane was looking intently at the purchase lists, when there was a knock on the door, and he quickly said: "Please come in."

The next second, the warehouse manager wearing a hard hat walked in and said, "Mr. Kane, someone from the IRS is here and wants to see you."


Kane was stunned for a moment, but soon returned to normal.

It’s not just once or twice that the IRS comes to your door for inspection. I guess this time it’s just a routine inspection!

Thinking of this, he said: "Bring them here!"


A few minutes later, the office door was knocked again, and then the manager walked in with David and the other three.

Kane stood up and was about to say something, but after seeing David's face clearly, his pupils suddenly shrank.

He had met David at the entrance of the Indian tribe, but because he didn't know each other at the time, he didn't think anything of it.

Later, when he saw on the news that armed IRS troops were rushing into the reservation, he finally got to know David completely and learned that this tax chief was not easy to deal with.

"Mr. Kane, what, are you surprised to see me?"

David's words finally brought the frightened Kane back to his senses.

He tried to act normal, and then replied: "It's quite unexpected. After all, Chief David, your jurisdiction is in the Lake District, isn't it? Why did you come to our main block?"

"My jurisdiction is indeed in the Lake District, but the Main Street Branch asked me to handle some cases, so I came across the district."

When he heard that it was the Main Street Bureau that invited David here, Kane felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

The Main Street Bureau has investigated them many times, but they have resolved them all.

But I didn't expect that even if I didn't give up, I actually invited David over, which was a bit troublesome...

"I want to see your brother, Mr. Gabriels, and ask him to come over and talk!"

Kane frowned slightly and replied: "My eldest brother is busy with his affairs. If you have anything to do, just talk to me. I can decide everything here!"

David looked directly at him and said in a tone that could not be refused: "No, you can't make the decision. Besides, I said I want to talk to Mr. Gabrielis!"

Kane was a little angry in his heart. David's words were an insult to him, but thinking of David's ferocity in leading the armed forces into the Indian tribe, in the end he did not dare to refute anymore and picked up the The phone dialed a number.

About half an hour later.

A man who looked somewhat similar to Kane, but had a more calm temperament walked in. He was Gaboureys.

He first came to David, smiled and stretched out his hand: "David, Chief Tax Officer, I have long admired your name!"

"I have also heard about your name for a long time, Mr. Gabrielleis!"

[Name: Gabrielle Darnell. 】

[Occupation: arms dealer. 】

[Revenue: US$15.6 million. 】

[Income details: On December 7, he provided a batch of arms to the Mexican gang and received a profit of 800,000 US dollars. On December 19, he provided a batch of arms to the Main Street Mafia and received a profit of 600,000 US dollars. On December 28, , provided a batch of arms to African warlords and obtained a profit of 1 million...]

【More details:……】

[Amount of tax payable: USD 6,177,600]

While shaking hands, David was also reviewing the other party's information.

When he saw that the income of the guy in front of him was as high as more than 15 million US dollars, David was slightly shocked.

The original investigation result given to him by Keanu was that Gabrielle's monthly income was as high as 4 million US dollars.

But I didn’t expect that when I look at it through Golden Finger, I can see that it’s almost four times as much as 4 million US dollars!

But if you think about it carefully, this seems reasonable.

First of all, it has been almost two months since the black tax bill was passed. It is 15.6 million US dollars, which means that Gabrielle's monthly income is 7.3 million, which is more than 3 million higher than the estimated 4 million. That’s all.

After all, Zimmerman's income has reached more than 14 million. It is very normal for Gabrielleis, who is also in the arms profiteering business, to have such an income!

"Tax Commissioner David, the tax aspects of my warehouse are handled by a team of lawyers and an accounting team. There will be no problems. I wonder what the purpose of your visit today is...?"

After the face-to-face meeting, Gabrielleth went directly to the topic.

"The purpose of our Internal Revenue Service is, of course, to collect taxes. Mr. Gabriels, we are all smart people, so I won't go into nonsense. We know what you do, so you pay us the amount of tax you should pay." Well, we promise to turn around and leave without disturbing you again, and your business will continue to run smoothly, how about that?"

Gabrielle paused for a moment, then replied calmly: "Tax Commissioner David, I don't understand what you mean. I still say the same thing, our warehouse has no tax problems!"

David showed a disdainful smile, then took out the two lists from his pocket and placed them on the table.

Gabrielleth asked in confusion: "What is this?"

“You’ll know just by looking at it!”

Gabrielleth stared at David, looking at David's confident look. A bad thought flashed through his mind, but he still picked up the list and checked it.

As the contents of the list gradually came into view, Gabrielleth's originally calm face suddenly became surprised and then gloomy.

Kane on the side also saw something was wrong with his brother, and immediately took over the list to check, but soon changed to the same expression as his brother.

"How did you get..."

“We are in the equipment business, I don’t know what these items are on the list!”

Before Kane could finish speaking, Gabrielleth interrupted.

Regardless of how David obtained these, fortunately it was just two lists, plus some deposit and remittance accounts.

Although it is a bit troublesome, he is confident that he can rely on his team of lawyers and connections to smooth things over.

At worst, I won’t do business with these two groups in the future. Compared with having to pay taxes to the IRS every month, it’s worth it!

David was not in a hurry and said slowly: "Do you think we only have these two copies?"

Gabrielleis was startled, then asked: "What do you mean?"

"On December 19, you also provided a batch of arms to a black mafia in the main street, including 100 M1 series rifles, 10 boxes of grenades, and 100 M1911 pistols... The entire transaction was 3 million US dollars, and you personally accounted for it. Got $600,000!”

"On December 28, you provided a batch of arms to African warlords, including 50 RPGs, 1,000 AK47s, and 100 TM-62M anti-tank mines... The entire transaction was US$7 million, and you received 1 million. profit……"

"There's still January 14th..."

As David told the details of each transaction, Kane and Gabriels couldn't sit still.

At this time, they were both shocked and puzzled. They originally thought that the IRS only investigated these two transactions of theirs.

What I didn't expect was that these were just two transactions. In the past two months, almost all their transactions had been investigated.

At this time, both of them began to wonder, is there an insider inside them?

Otherwise, how could the IRS find out so much detailed information?

David didn't care what the two of them were thinking, and continued: "We have the details of each of your transactions, as well as every deposit account and transferred fund account. How about we freeze them all?" Already?"

After a long silence, Gabrielleth's face regained a trace of color, and he said with a hint of reluctance: "Do we still have a choice?"

David stood up and said: "Before noon tomorrow, take all of you and the taxes that need to be paid, and go to the main street to pay the taxes clearly. Don't think about concealing or falsely reporting the tax amount. If we find out, we can You won’t be as polite as you are now!”

David knew the other party and had no choice. After leaving these words, he turned around and pushed the door open to leave.

After he left, Kane asked with a look of unwillingness: "Brother, are we just going to let them take advantage of us? As far as I know, the tax rate under the Black Tax Act is very high. We have to pay at least 40% of our income." !”

Gabrielle's face turned over and over again before replying: "Do you think I am willing?"

If it were just those two lists, that would be fine.

But now it's not just two lists, all their transactions have been monitored by the IRS.

As long as they dare not obey or resist, the Indian tribe's yesterday may be their tomorrow!


Kane was speechless.

"Go tell them and ask them to prepare money. We have made enough over the years, so let's just treat it as a break to eliminate disasters!"

Gabrielleth sighed helplessly.

On the way back, David took out his cell phone and found Keanu's number and dialed it.

Soon, the call was connected, and Keanu's voice came: "How about Chief David?"

"The arms case has been settled. After collecting the money tomorrow, remember to row it over to our lake area!"

At the same time, in the main street branch office.

After hearing that the arms case was solved, Keanu was stunned for a moment, then suppressed the joy in his heart and confirmed again: "Chief David, are you telling the truth?"


After receiving confirmation again, Keanu became completely excited, but then he thought of something again and asked: "Okay, I will send it to you as soon as possible after receiving it tomorrow. By the way...Total received How many?"

"Gaboureys's amount is 6,177,600 U.S. dollars, and the number two figure in their group, Kane, is 2.3 million U.S. dollars. With the backbone of the group's people at all levels, there should be 10 million!"

"What, 10 million?"

Keanu was startled, and then quickly confirmed: "The more than 6 million you mentioned for Gabrielleth and the 2.3 million for Kane, are they their income, or do you mean the amount of taxes that need to be paid to us?"

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