United states tax collector

Chapter 135 Tens of millions of taxes are put into the treasury, and the two parties share the accou

"Pure tax!"

Keanu was startled again and asked: "What! This is pure tax, are you sure?"


"How...why are there so many?"

Although David confirmed it repeatedly, Keanu still couldn't believe it.

They had been investigating the arms case for two or three months, and the information they obtained showed that Nagabures' monthly income was around 3 million.

As for the 4 million that was discussed with David earlier, it was actually an exaggeration.

And it is worth mentioning that even the exaggerated 4 million is just pure personal income, not the amount of tax that needs to be paid to the IRS.

Originally, he planned that based on Gabrielleth's income of 4 million, it would be considered good if he could successfully receive a tax amount of 1.2 million.

But how could he have imagined that now David actually told him personally that the amount of tax Gabrielle needed to pay alone was already as high as more than 6 million.

David replied: "There are so many things. You don't even think about how long it has been since the Black Tax Act came into effect. It's been almost two months!"

"Two months..."

Only then did Keanu think of this. That's right. Now the Gableres Group can no longer be summarized by monthly taxes. It has to be summarized by two months of taxes.

But having said that.

Even after two months, the tax of more than 6 million is still considered terrifying.

In other words, the amount of tax Gabrielle needs to pay every month is as high as 3 million, and his own monthly income is as high as more than 7 million.

More than 7 million!

At first, he exaggerated and only dared to guess 4 million, but now it is more than half.

And there's one more thing.

When they took over the case, they originally planned to break away from Gabrielle and receive his own taxes.

As for uniformly receiving taxes from the backbone of their group, that is something that is unthinkable!

And David seems to have it all figured out now, otherwise he wouldn't have given the total tax amount of about 10 million!

This is too outrageous!

"Okay, okay, I understand Tax Chief David. After the tax money comes to us, we will transfer it to you as soon as possible. That's it for now!"

After hanging up the phone, Keanu rushed out, came to the door of the director's office, and barged in without even knocking.

Catherine was reviewing and approving documents in the bureau. She was startled when Keanu barged in so suddenly, and then said with a dark face: "What are you doing in a hurry!"

Keanu didn't care about apologizing or anything, and blurted out directly: "Director, there is news from Tax Commissioner David, saying that the arms case has been solved!"

"What did you say? Really?"

Catherine, who had a dark face at first, brightened up after hearing this, and then asked, "How much tax money did you receive?"

What she is most concerned about now is this issue.

"According to Tax Chief David, more than 6.1 million yuan has been received from Nagabures alone. Including the key members of their group, because it has been almost two months since the Black Tax Act came into effect, the total is approximately It’s around 10 million!”

"What did you say? 10 million?"

Catherine couldn't sit still anymore and stood up suddenly, with a look of disbelief on her face.

Even though she was the director and was busy with affairs every day, the arms case was a major case in their neighborhood, so she still had a rough idea of ​​the specific matters.

But receiving 10 million in taxes from the group was something she could not imagine or think about.

Keanu said: "I couldn't believe it when I first heard it, but I confirmed it with Tax Chief David several times. He didn't look like he was joking. It should be true!"

Catherine tried to calm down and sat down slowly.

Although 10 million is a bit exaggerated, if David was not absolutely sure about this kind of thing, he would definitely not dare to say such big words to them.

But when she thought that such a large amount of tax money would really be put into the treasury, her calm mood became excited again.

According to the agreement with David, if David wants to take 60%, that would be 6 million, and if their main street branch takes 40%, that would be 4 million!

4 million US dollars!

This is a lot more than the taxes they received during these assessment periods combined!

Once this tax is accounted for, the ranking of their Main Street Branch will rise like a rocket across the country. It may be an exaggeration, but it is certainly not an exaggeration to say it will rise like an airplane!

"Of course, Director, you were wiser at the beginning and didn't follow David's advice, otherwise we would have suffered big losses again!"

What Keanu was talking about was, of course, the two choices David gave.

The choice David gave at that time was either 37%.

Either it's a 55-50 share, but if Gabrielle's monthly income exceeds 5 million, the tax generated on the extra amount will go to him.

In the end, Catherine firmly chose the former, but later the 37-part split was discussed instead of 46.

But no matter what, luckily Catherine chose the former, otherwise she would be at a loss now.

At this time, after Catherine heard this, she was secretly grateful in her heart.

This is a net tax of 10 million. If she had chosen the 55 share, the tax income exceeding 5 million would be considered David.

So now, if they can get 2 million of the 10 million in pure tax, it would be good.

After all, if Gabriellez's monthly income is only 5 million, it would be 10 million in two months. According to the tax rate, he only needs to pay almost 4 million.

As for the 4 million, if you split it with David 55, you still won’t get 2 million!

"Director, it seems that the data of our Intelligence Section may have a very large deviation for these three major cases. Maybe the same is true for the other two cases. If so, then the tax revenue for the next two cases... said Maybe it will surprise us again!”

Keanu's words can be said to wake up the dreamer.

Catherine also instantly recovered from the huge tax bill of 10 million.


Since the arms case can receive 10 million, then the other two cases...maybe they can also receive such huge taxes.

And if all three cases have a tax revenue of 10 million, then if they are divided into 40%, that will be 12 million!

If it is 12 million, then the national tax performance ranking of their main street branch has not risen like a plane, but has really risen like a rocket this time!

Although it is still a lot lower than the Lake District Bureau, it is obviously incomparable because of the bug of David in the Lake District.

And their tax performance of 12 million yuan in the main street is displayed here, which is definitely an extraordinary performance. Whether it is the municipal bureau, state bureau, or even the general bureau, they will definitely praise them!

Catherine felt elated when she thought that she could have the same opportunity as in the Lake District and receive a personal call of praise from the senior management of the General Administration.

After a long time, she gradually calmed down and said: "It would be best if the other two major cases could also have such huge taxes, but it is still too early. Let's wait and see what happens tomorrow. Bar!"

Although Davina has confirmed it, there are still quite a few changes before the tax money is actually received, and she feels that she cannot be happy too early.

"The director is right, let's wait for the results tomorrow!"

After walking out of the director's office, in order to prepare for tomorrow's receipt work, Keanu personally went to the warehousing department and asked the person in charge here to prepare for tomorrow's large tax receipt work.

And people here were shocked when they heard that 10 million tax dollars might be coming in tomorrow.

And this news quickly spread throughout the entire Main Street Branch through the personnel of the warehousing department.

After hearing that the arms case seemed to have been solved and that the tax amount was as high as tens of millions, the inspectors in the entire block instantly went crazy.

Because they had been pursuing this case for a long time, but they didn't expect that even if it was solved now, there would still be tens of millions of taxes.

Many inspectors and even the tax chief began to inquire around, wanting to know which inspection team or inspector had cracked the case.

However, after probing for a long time, the ten inspector teams in the main block all looked confused and uninformed.

As a last resort, all the tax chiefs had to go to Keanu in person to ask.

When Keanu saw that the incident had spread, he had nothing to hide, so he directly told the whole story.

When they heard that this case was actually solved by David from the Lake District, everyone was stunned at first, but soon understood.

They said it was no wonder that this case, which had been investigated for several months with no progress, was suddenly solved, and how could it receive tens of millions in tax revenue.

But if it was David who took action, this could be explained.

After all, David's ability is obvious to all. Although tens of millions of taxes are a bit exaggerated, it is reasonable given his ability to collect it.

With the anticipation of the entire Main Street Bureau, time soon came to the next day.

The inspectors arrived at the bureau early in the morning. None of them had any intention of going out to investigate the case. They all stayed in the office, waiting to witness the arrival of the 'legendary' tens of millions of tax dollars.


More than a dozen cars suddenly arrived in front of the main street branch.

The car door opened, and the two brothers Gabrielleis and Kane, who were wearing sunglasses, got out first, and then everyone in the other vehicles also got out in unison.

They opened the trunk, took out suitcases and suitcases one by one, and then walked into the reception hall together.

Inspector's Office on the third floor.

"Here they come, the people from the Gables Group are really here!"

I don't know who shouted this at the scene, and then all the inspectors' spirits were lifted, and their eyes were focused on the elevator entrance and the stairs.

After receiving the news, Keanu and other senior officials came to the office as quickly as possible.

The elevator dinged and opened.

as expected.

The man named the leader who came out among them was known to almost every inspector present. He was the one they wanted to capture so much, Gabrielle!

Seeing the "eager" gazes of everyone in the audience, even Gabrielleis and others who were used to seeing strong winds and waves were shocked by this scene.

After all, what they were doing was illegal, and this was the territory of the law enforcement agencies. There was always a feeling of guilty conscience.

Seeing that something was wrong, Keanu quickly scolded the inspectors at the scene: "What are you looking at? Don't you have to do anything?"

The inspectors immediately sat down and pretended to start processing various documents, but their peripheral vision was still secretly staring at Gabrielleis and others, as well as the boxes they were carrying.

Here, Keanu suppressed the joy in his heart and stepped forward to greet him, saying, "Mr. Gabrielle, welcome to our IRS!"

This is the largest tax revenue their Main Street branch has received since the Black Tax Act came into effect, so Keanu's tone is also very polite.

After all, he is the God of Wealth!

Gabrielle looked a little unhappy and replied: "David promised me that as long as I paid my taxes, there would be no trouble, but now so many of you have made me the focus, this won't let me." Are you in trouble?"

Keanu promised: "Don't worry, Mr. Gabriels, Chief David's promise is the promise of our Main Street Branch. As long as it causes you trouble from our IRS, we will bear all the consequences for you." !”

Only then did Gabrielle's expression ease, and he said, "I've already brought the money."

"plz follow me!"

Keanu made a gesture of invitation, and then took Gabrielleis and others to the tax storage department.

Yesterday, Keanu had already made preparations for the warehousing department, so today all the warehousing personnel here are fully staffed and motivated.

In less than an hour, the tax statistics of Gabrielleth and the large number of key personnel he brought were almost completed.

During this period, Keanu never left, and the joy on his face became more and more intense.

Although he doesn’t know the specific number yet, based on observation, it’s not much different from the 10 million that David said!

At this moment, the person in charge of the tax treasury seemed to have calculated the figures, came to Keanu's side, and said: "After calculation, the total is 11.365 million US dollars."

"11.365 million!"

Keanu's expectation was only 10 million, but he didn't expect it to be 1.36 million higher. This was an unexpected surprise.

"Let's do it and transfer 60% of the tax to the Lake District branch later!"

After saying these words, Keanu immediately came to Catherine's office and shared this joy with her.

After hearing that 11.36 million was recorded this time, Catherine was very happy, and the last trace of worry in her heart was completely gone.

Then she asked: "Has the tax money been allocated to the Lake District?"

"Tax treasury personnel have been arranged to operate!"

"Okay then, give David a call and tell him, and also inquire about the progress of the other two cases to see if there is anything we can help with!"

The huge amount of taxes this time gave Catherine a taste of the sweetness. She wanted to quickly solve the other two cases in one go.

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