United states tax collector

Chapter 136 Taxes in 18 cities cut in half

Sparks is a city located in western Nevada, about 32 kilometers away from Las Vegas, on the northeastern edge of the Las Vegas Valley.

"That's right, Chief Tax Officer, I've already checked it out. Those guys were the ones who robbed Bulgari half a month ago!"

"Did the goods they grabbed come out?"

"It's already out. I heard from my informant that they got 1.1 million US dollars!"

"Okay, let Pop and the others know, and we'll go get them!"

Richards, the tax chief of the 2nd inspection team of the Sparks City West Internal Revenue Service Branch, led eight inspectors from his team towards a black community about 5 kilometers away from them.

Along the way, everyone was talking and laughing, and everyone was in a very happy mood.

Because this jewelry case was a case that their team had been diligently investigating for nearly a month.

And since the current amount has reached 1.1 million, according to the tax rate, they can collect more than 400,000 US dollars. Such a huge amount of tax is enough to make their team feel proud during this assessment period!

While joking, the group of people soon arrived at the gate of the community.

But when they arrived, they found that a dozen police cars had arrived at the door at some unknown time.

"Fake, how could they be caught by the police!"

Before they could react, an inspector's angry voice made Richards and others look towards the gate of the community.

At the gate, six black people were pressed out by the police.

And these 6 black men are none other than the targets they are planning to come to this time!

"Fake Squid!"

Richards punched the steering wheel with a ferocious look on his face.

Because of the Black Tax Act, the IRS has the authority to target any criminals for tax fraud.

But if the criminal falls into the hands of the police, they will no longer have the right to collect taxes.

In other words, the case they have worked hard on for so long has come to nothing!

That’s more than 400,000 yuan in taxes!

The inspectors of the 2nd Inspection Team of the Sparks City West Branch were all heartbroken at this time.

"Wait...no, what's going on?"

While Richards and others were still upset, an inspector named Pope seemed to have discovered something and made a surprised sound.

In a state of annoyance, Richards quickly put aside his thoughts and returned his attention to the door of the community.

After the six people just now, the police squeezed out more than ten or twenty people from inside.

And among these people, because many of them are criminals who have paid taxes to the IRS, they recognize many of them.

"Tax Commissioner, something is wrong. People like Pat and Anike are just petty thieves. There are also street girls like Michelle. Why did the police suddenly arrest them too?"

The inspector named Pope noticed something was wrong.

Sparks is not a city with strict laws, and the police in this city have never been very effective.

For example, the police here tracked down and solved the jewelry case involving millions of dollars, which is considered normal.

But now it’s okay for the police to take control of petty theft. Why do the police take control of a profession like street work that is almost considered not illegal by default?

When did the police become so idle?

After being told this, Richards also noticed something was wrong.

Immediately, he opened the car door and walked out, came to a police officer whom he had met several times, and asked: "Hello Martin."

"Chief Richards, what a coincidence?"

"Yes, Martin, what's going on? Why did you arrest so many people?"

"Harm, don't mention it. The city hall issued a notice to our bureau this morning, requiring our jurisdiction to crack down hard starting today. Any illegal crimes must be cleaned up. Each police chief has issued KPIs. If he fails to complete them, he will be punished. Got it!"

"The city hall issued a crackdown notice?"

Richards was stunned. He had been working in this city for seven or eight years, and he had never seen the city hall issue any notice to crack down on crime?

Moreover, the city has not always had enough police officers. If this were done, wouldn’t the police department need to deal with other cases?

What the hell is going on at City Hall?

"Tax Commissioner, if the city hall really wants to crack down on crime like this, then our tax revenue will be doomed!"

Pope's reminder made Richards suddenly come back to his senses.


If they want to complete the KPI of the Black Tax Act, they will need to collect a large number of criminals.

If the police really want to crack down like this, not only will they lose the tax revenue they have collected before, but what kind of tax revenue will they receive next?

"Go back quickly!"

Pope immediately returned to the car. He had to rush back to the bureau as soon as possible to report the incident to the director and see what should be done!

In addition to Sparks City, at the same time, the city halls of the remaining 17 cities in Nevada also notified their respective law enforcement agencies and requested them to immediately carry out severe operations in their cities.

For a time, inspectors in major cities were filled with complaints and panic.

Because as soon as this crackdown begins, it means that a large number of criminals will be arrested, which will cause extremely heavy losses to the IRS’s black tax revenue!

Just when the tax bureaus in major cities felt overwhelmed, a piece of gossip spread, causing the city branches to explode.

The rumor is that the Lake Las Vegas branch offended the governor for some reason, so the state government launched this crackdown to teach the IRS a lesson!

"Damn it, they Lake District offended the IRS, what does it have to do with us?"

"What the Lake District Bureau did is unethical. They have offended the state government. They can't let us take the blame too, right?"

"Oh Shet, it turns out that the Lake District Bureau is responsible for this. So we have lost so much tax revenue. How do we calculate this? The Lake District has to compensate us for the loss, right?"

The inspectors of 18 cities don’t care whether you are in the Lake District or not, whether you are in Davie or not.

They only know that if the law enforcement agencies within their jurisdiction start to crack down, their black tax revenue will suffer, and the KPI of the black tax bill will be even more difficult to complete.

Therefore, many inspectors have focused their blame and complaints on the Lake District Bureau.

Under pressure, the major branches in 18 cities could only keep calling the state bureaus to ask them to solve this problem as soon as possible.

As for the state bureau, they also knew that if the tax revenue of major cities encountered a huge waterloo, they would not be able to explain it to the general bureau, so they could only send representatives to the state government to talk to the governor.

But what he didn't expect was that he was turned down. This made the state director Jon so angry that he finally had no choice but to pick up the phone and call the Lake District to learn about the situation.

Lake District Bureau, Director's Office.

"Director Jon, our law enforcement in this matter is completely compliant, and we have complete and unified confessions from the second generation. This is completely Governor Stevenson's use of power to retaliate against us!"

At this time, William's face was also very gloomy. He did not expect that the governor would be so insidious, using taxes from 18 cities to put pressure on their Lake District branch.

"He is indeed seeking revenge, but William, this matter cannot be made too big. This is the tax revenue of the 18 cities. If this continues, the tax revenue lost every day will be incalculable. By then, you and I will not be able to explain to the General Administration..."

Hearing Jon's words on the other end of the phone, William felt a little lower.

Because he has heard that the state director does not care about the right or wrong of this matter now, but cares more about the tax performance and the impact on the General Administration.

"Well, William, let's transfer Nathan out of Nevada. This will give damn Stevenson a step down. If he still doesn't appreciate it... hmph, then I won't be so easy to talk to!"

Although this matter was led by David, Jon was not a fool. He knew very well how much tax revenue contribution David could bring to Nevada. He would kill such a hen that could lay golden eggs. He won't let go either.

Therefore, Nissen can only be wronged.

"Director Jon, Neeson is David's most trusted subordinate. If he is transferred, David may be dissatisfied..."

William knew about David's relationship with Neeson and was somewhat reluctant.

"Then what else can we do? That damn Stevenson has a dead son and is determined to go against us. You also know how much tax revenue our entire state will lose every day if this continues. Let's consider the overall situation first. William, please talk to Chief Tax Officer David, I hope he can understand."

"This... okay, let me go and talk to him.

"Okay, let's do this for now."

After hanging up the call, William dialed David's number and said, "Tax Commissioner David, come to my office. There is something that needs to be discussed!"

A few minutes later, David opened the door and walked in, saying, "Director, why do you want to see me?"

"Have you heard about what happened in City 18?"

"18th city?"

David was a little confused. He came to the bureau today and was preparing for the second case in the main block. He didn't know anything about the 18th city.

"The thing is like this, early this morning, our major cities in Nevada..."

William detailed the crackdowns in major cities.

After hearing what he said, even David was stunned on the spot.

If you want to say that one or two cities are implementing a strict crackdown policy, this is considered normal.

But 18 cities are implementing the crackdown policy together, which is a bit abnormal!


David seemed to have thought of something and blurted out: "I'm afraid this matter has something to do with the state government, right?"

In his opinion, only the interference from the state government would cause these 18 cities to behave like this.

This should be revenge from the governor.

"You guessed it right, if the 18 cities really want to carry out this severe crackdown, it will be a serious blow to our black tax revenue in the entire state of Nevada. Now the state bureau is very big, so …”

Seeing William's hesitant expression, David felt that something might be wrong.

But he wasn't worried about what the state bureau could do to him.

The tax results he has achieved for the Lake District and Nevada are here. Unless Director Jon of the state bureau is a fool, he will suppress him in order to appease the anger of the state bureau.

"What the state bureau wants to do is to transfer Nissen out of Nevada so that he can give that damn guy Stevenson a step down. What do you think?"

David was silent.

Neeson may not be very good at solving crimes, but his work ability, character, and skills are all pretty good.

So to be honest, David didn't really want him to be transferred.

"Don't worry, Nissen has made great contributions to our Lake District Branch. If he needs to be transferred, I will definitely help him apply for a good place!"

William's words actually imply that Nissen will not be transferred to a place like guarding a pond where he will eat and wait to die.

Of course David understood it and replied: "I need to talk to Neeson about this matter and ask him what he personally means."

First of all, Neeson had saved his life after all. It would be a bit disrespectful for him to hastily decide where he would go.

Secondly, Marcus's death was also caused under his leadership, so Neeson cannot bear all the blame.

Therefore, both rationally and emotionally, as a boss, I should let others have the right to choose.

"Okay, then go talk to him!"

It's not easy for William to directly talk to him. After all, David is not an ordinary tax chief, so he still has to give him face.

After walking out, David returned to his office. Because Nissen, Bucky and others were here just now to report information about the second case on the street to him, so they are still here at this time, ready to continue. Continue reporting.

David sat back in his seat, looked at Nissen, and asked, "Nissen, have you ever thought of transferring out of Nevada?"

Nissen, who originally planned to continue reporting the case, was a little stunned when he heard this.

Not to mention Neeson, Bucky Simmons and others at the scene were also stunned.

After a while, Nissen finally reacted. He asked in a daze, "Is it the pressure from the governor on the director?"

He was not stupid, and he guessed the reason instantly.

"The director told me that just this morning, we were in the 18th city of Nevada..."

David also told everyone about the severe crackdown in 18 cities.

After hearing this, Nissenbaki and others were stunned for a while, and then they all looked angry one after another.

Bucky said angrily: "This damn Stevenson is such a sinister villain. How could he target our IRS like this just for revenge?"

"Farke, this Stevenson is such a bastard..."

Simmons also cursed angrily.

But unlike the two of them, Nissen didn't have much anger at this time, but more helplessness.

If 18 cities really continue to crack down like this, the tax revenue losses from black taxes will be immeasurable, and each city will definitely hate him to death if he gets the inspector.

After some thought, he said with frustration: "If the superiors really want to transfer me out of Nevada, then I am willing to accept it..."

He knew that he was now the victim of trying to calm down all parties, but he had no choice but to know that it was indeed him who killed Markas.

Only by transferring him out of Nevada and giving Stevenson a step down can this matter be settled.

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