United states tax collector

Chapter 137 Heading to Sparks City

David looked at him and asked, "Will you? Really?"

Nissen still looked frustrated and helpless, but he still nodded firmly.

David naturally saw the reluctance in his heart. After thinking for a while, he said: "Nissen, we are all brothers. If you have any ideas, you can just say it. If you really don't want to, it doesn't matter. I will think about it." Method."

Nissen raised his head, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

To be honest, if he had a choice, he would be willing to leave the Lake District Branch even if he was beaten to death.

Oh no, to be precise, he was unwilling to leave David's command.

Now under David, he can get tax results of 100,000 to 80,000 yuan just by following any case.

If he were transferred to another place, he wouldn't be able to get 108,000 yuan for one case. With his level and ability, he would be lucky if he could get 108,000 yuan in one assessment period.

David continued to ask: "How to say?"

Nissen gritted his teeth and asked with lack of confidence: "What else can be done?"

The IRS doesn't care about the pressure from the state government.

But the key point is that the tax performance of 18 cities has been cut in half, and all the IRS in Nevada cannot withstand it.

He really couldn't think of anything David could do.

"You just need to answer that you are willing to transfer or stay, and leave the rest to me!"

After about 10 seconds of silence, Nissen gritted his teeth and said, "I want to stay here!"

David nodded to express his understanding, then stood up and walked out. Soon he came to the door of the director's office, knocked and walked in.

"How about it, what did Neeson say?"

Seeing David coming in, William stopped working, raised his head and asked.

David replied: "Neeson said he doesn't want to leave."

Upon hearing this, William became embarrassed, and then said: "David, this is Director Jon's instruction. If Neeson doesn't transfer, it will be very difficult..."

"What if I can get the cities to crack down hard and get the taxes in the cities back to normal?"

William was startled, not quite understanding the meaning of David's words, and then asked: "How to deal with the severe crackdown in various cities? How to do it?"

"Let me go to Sparks City!"

"Going to Sparks City?"

David nodded and said no more.

William stared at David and kept thinking. After a while, he seemed to have guessed something, and then replied: "If we can get rid of the severe crackdown in the 18 cities and get the tax work back to normal, the state bureau will not have such a headache. , it doesn’t matter whether Neeson is transferred or not, but the premise is that it can be done!”

David understood what William meant and stopped talking nonsense. He stood up and walked out, returning to his office.

Seeing David come back again, Nissen's heart was extremely anxious, because he knew that the words that would determine his fate were coming in the next second.

David picked up his coat, tax badge, and gun, and said, "You two, come with me to Sparks City."

Bucky and Neeson were a little confused, but David had said so, and they didn't dare to neglect. They immediately came to the office and picked up their gun tax badges and so on.

Then the three of them walked out of the door, got into Nissen's Volvo, and headed towards Sparks City.

On the way there, David said, "Bucky, do you know anyone from the IRS in Sparks?"


Bucky thought for a moment and said, "I know an inspector named Pope from the West Branch of this city."

"Call him, ask their tax chief to come out and talk, tell them to keep a low profile, and just say give them a benefit!"


Bucky immediately took out his phone and started flipping through his address book.

Shortly after.

In an office at the IRS in Sparks City West.

Pope walked in and said, "Tax Commissioner, David from the Lake Las Vegas branch came over and said he wanted to talk to you."

"David from Las Vegas?"

Richards was a little surprised, then frowned and asked: "He doesn't handle his case in his jurisdiction, why did he come to us?"

During this period of time, David has repeatedly topped the list of tax records and led armed deployments. Naturally, Richards has heard of David.

But what does this have to do with him?

Not only did their Chengxi Branch not get any benefits, but the Lake District Branch was implicated and unlucky because they had offended the state government.

And what upset him the most was.

According to the information he received, the IRS in 18 cities across Nevada was affected, but only in Las Vegas was there no problem.

The city hall there did not issue any strict crackdown instructions, and various branches were still collecting black taxes successfully.

The Lake District Bureau was responsible for the incident, and they took all the blame. It's no wonder that Richards felt so happy.

"He said he wanted to talk to you and asked you to make an appointment outside. He also said he would give you a favor!"

"Give me a favor?"

Richards was a little confused, but his interest was piqued, and he replied: "Okay, then let's ask them to meet at Ricks' place."

after an hour.

16 Center Avenue, West Sparks City, in front of Rex Cafe.

The Volvo coming from Las Vegas parked in the parking space on the roadside. David and the other two got out of the car and walked into the coffee shop.

"The tax chief, it's them."

Bucky pointed to where Pop and the others were not far away, then walked up first and said, "Brother Pop, long time no see, how are you?"

"The whole city is cracking down on criminals. Many of my cases have been ruined, but it's not much better."

Bucky was a little embarrassed, and then introduced: "This is our tax chief David."

"This is our Commissioner Richards."

When Pope introduced Richards, Richards had no intention of getting up. He crossed his legs without raising his head, picked up a cup of steaming coffee and kept blowing it.

"Tax Commissioner Richards, right? I'm David!"

After David walked up and introduced himself, Richards slowly put down his coffee and said coldly: "Tax Commissioner David, listen to my subordinates, do you want to give me a benefit?"

David sat down and replied, "Yes."

"What's the benefit?"

"Let you end the severe crackdown here, and in addition... I will give you an extra tax!"

Richards' expression moved, but it was quickly covered up, and he asked in disbelief: "This is an instruction from the city hall, how can you let them end it?"

David did not answer directly, but changed the topic: "Do you know why, out of 19 cities in the state, only Las Vegas has not implemented the state government's instructions to crack down?"

"Because Las Vegas is a big city, their city hall can compete with the state government. In addition... maybe they are also a little afraid of your existence!"

Although he was very unhappy with David, as he said, Richards had no doubts about David's ability.

"Yes, I came here this time to make the city hall here fear me!"

The reason why David came here was actually to take action against the Las Vegas City Hall.

Because he had already guessed that he must have taught Gray a lesson, which made the people in the Las Vegas City Hall fearful and did not dare to implement the state government's instructions like other cities.

And this time when he comes, as long as he knows that this is the city hall, the strict instructions will naturally be cancelled.

Richards was a little disdainful and replied: "Las Vegas is your jurisdiction. You may be able to deal with them, but you have to understand that this is Sparks, not your territory!"

"so what?"

Seeing David's confident look, and thinking of David's previous achievements, Richards still managed to endure, and asked: "Then how do you want to deal with them?"

"I don't need to tell you this, but I need your people to cooperate and check some things for me to arrange some things. Afterwards, I guarantee that you will get a tax result of no less than 500,000, how about it?"


Hearing such a huge number, Richards' heart also felt ripples. After trying to calm down, he questioned: "You said 500,000 is 500,000. What if I can't get it?"

"If you can't get it, I'll transfer it to you from my own tax results!"

"you sure?"

Richards couldn't sit still. Since David had promised so, no matter what method he used to get the tax money from Sparks, his inspection team was determined no matter what!

This morning's jewelry case cost their team more than 400,000 yuan in tax revenue. It would be great if they could make up for it here!

"I'm sure, if you don't believe it, just sign the agreement and anything will do!"

Richards was ecstatic in his heart, but he still pretended to be grand and replied: "There is no need for the agreement. You, Chief Tax Officer David, are considered a star figure in our IRS system. 500,000 is not enough to rely on. Okay." What do you need us to do?”

"First, I need information about the whereabouts of the Sparks Police Chief and the deputy mayor in charge of the system. Second, arrange the media..."

After hearing David's series of requests, Richards nodded and said, "These are no problem, are there any more?"

"That's all for now, I'll let you know about the rest!"

Richards took out a pen and paper, wrote a number, tore it off and handed it to David, saying, "This is my number. If you need anything, just let me know!"

After that, he took Popper and others out of the door and got into the car.

"Tax Commissioner, looking at him like this, he plans to punish the officials in the police department and city hall. His jurisdiction is only in Las Vegas. How can he be so confident that he can bring down these officials?"

Pope asked in confusion while driving the car.

Richards shrugged and replied nonchalantly: "Don't worry about it. Anyway, we can receive 500,000 yuan whether it succeeds or not. Why not? When we return to the bureau next time, we will find out what he needs as soon as possible, and then Send it to him!”

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