United states tax collector

Chapter 175 Nevada is in trouble

Governor's Mansion.

After hearing this, Eugene and Stevenson, especially Stevenson, their expressions suddenly froze.

He knew very well what kind of old fox Lawson was, and now that the other party used the word "violation" to attack him, he must have a heavyweight in his hand.

what is it?

As the entire state of Nevada was in uproar, KNPR-FM television station was on hand.

At this time, the host Milton had calmed down and asked: "Mr. Lawson, what violations are you referring to by the governor?"

"Golden Ears Bridge!"

Hearing these five big words uttered by Lawson, the people watching throughout Nevada trembled again.

The two cities of Reno and Ouri in Nevada are originally at the border, but because they are located between mountains and rivers, the transportation between the two cities has always been very inconvenient.

Therefore, as early as seven or eight years ago, the local city hall proposed to the state government that a bridge be built across a local river. This would not only promote trade between the two places, but also facilitate the travel of citizens of the two cities.

But when the local city hall had already chosen the plan and even the name of the bridge, and submitted the proposal to the state government, it failed to get approval from the state government for many years.

It was not until November 2021 that the state government's approval was passed and the construction of the Golden Ears Bridge officially started.

But generally speaking, although the approval of this bridge has been delayed for many years, now that construction has begun, there is not much wrong with it.

So at this time, neither Milton nor the other viewers in Nevada who were watching, understood what Lawson meant by taking out the bridge.

But others don’t understand because they don’t understand.

At the Governor's Mansion, Eugene and Stevenson had secret thoughts about the bridge when they heard about it.

It is said that one's own family knows one's own affairs.

This bridge was passed under their hands, and of course they knew better than anyone else what was wrong with it.

Thinking of this, Stevenson looked at Eugene with a grim expression and asked, "What's going on? Have the details of this bridge been leaked?"

In his opinion, since Lawson said he had violated regulations before and now brought the bridge out, the problem must lie here.


What Eugene wanted to say in particular was, how would I know?

But when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say them out.

But there was no need for him to answer, because Milton on the TV began to speak again.

On the KNPR-FM TV station, Milton asked: "Mr. Lawson, do you know what's wrong with the Golden Ears Bridge?"

"The local city hall started proposing to build this bridge many years ago, but it has been repeatedly rejected by the state government... Oh no, to be precise, it has been repeatedly rejected by Governor Stevenson. You know why? ?"


Milton asked the question that all of Nevada now wants to know.

"It's very simple, because this bridge is the proposal of the local city hall. If it had been agreed at that time, the credit would only be attributed to the local city hall, not to Stevenson!"

"After that, Stevenson sent out his own inspection team and engineers to re-plan the bridge."

"This plan will be implemented a few years later. By this time, all the people in charge of this matter in the local city hall have changed."

"As you know what happened later, Stevenson personally stood up and issued a statement to the media, claiming that there were many hidden dangers in the local city hall's plan for the bridge, but after their state government's reconstruction, the bridge The bridge has completely eliminated hidden dangers, so in the end, the credit will naturally fall on him..."

Lawson's words were like a bombshell, shocking everyone watching.

If this is the case, then Governor Stevenson is simply shameless and plagiarized the achievements of the local city hall.

"Oh, by the way, in fact, this credit cannot be said to fall entirely on him. After the city hall officials who were originally responsible for the project left office, Stevenson deliberately replaced them with his own people. This credit naturally also Count them in!"

"Afterwards, in order to thank our Governor Stevenson, these officials specially sent a reward of 1 million US dollars. This is the most critical thing, and it is also the violation I mentioned!"


If Lawson's words just now only surprised the people present at the TV station and the audience, then after hearing the 1 million, they felt as if a bomb exploded in their ears.

The reason is simple.

Stevenson sent an inspection team and engineers to redesign the bridge. The most you can say is that he is greedy for credit.

However, accepting bribes is different.

This is a completely illegal act!

Governor's Mansion.

"Fake Squid, how did he know, how on earth did he know!"

After hearing 1 million, Stevenson immediately lost his composure and even cursed.

"Don't get excited about the governor yet. Although he knows the specific amount, his words are unfounded. Without evidence, we can send him a lawyer's letter now and accuse him of defamation!"

Eugene's words from the side actually calmed Stevenson down.

That's true.

The United States is a country that values ​​evidence. If there is no evidence, it will be meaningless to let the other party make wild claims.

KNPR-FM television station.

Milton recovered from the shock again and asked: "Mr. Lawson, Stevenson is the governor of Nevada. You said he accepted a million bribes from this bridge. Is that true?" Actual evidence?"

"Of course, there is no basis for what you say."

Lawson calmly picked up the document that David gave him, spread it out and said, "This is an investigation report about the bridge. It contains very detailed information on funds, personnel, etc." Record, please watch carefully!"

The scene suddenly became quiet.

The viewers watching in front of the TV all held their breath and watched the investigation report intently.

As the content inside continues to emerge, the average melon-eating public is lucky. They do not have professional knowledge and vision. For a while, they will not be able to tell the authenticity or weight of this document and report.

But some other people, such as lawyers, officials, and TV executives at the scene, instantly realized the weight of this document, and their expressions gradually turned to horror.

Governor's Mansion.

"Fuck, who the hell can tell me where he got this document, where did it come from?"

Stevenson lost his composure again.

In his position, if he could not see the weight and fatality of this document, then he would not need to be the governor.

Eugene on the side was also livid at this time, but because it was not the fault of the person involved, he did not lose his mind at this time, and said: "Don't think about it, Lawson can't get such a detailed document report, absolutely. It’s that David’s masterpiece!”


Stevenson was also awakened, and he gritted his teeth and said these two words.


Lawson is just a senatorial candidate. If he could have obtained this kind of information, he would have used it to fight back when he reprimanded him for his extravagance and waste. Why wait until now?

And the reason why it was brought out now, combined with the fact that David is currently in Carson City, and the meeting between the two people a few days ago, the result is self-evident.

Facts have proved that these two people are really working together!

"Governor, there is no point in worrying about this now. We must get this document, otherwise if the matter continues to ferment..."

Eugene did not continue.

But Stevenson was naturally aware of the danger. He suppressed the anger in his heart and ordered: "Call Aldington over. In addition, you should publicize this matter first, and then report it to the media. Sweetness, let’s get some other big news out and try to downplay this matter..."

He was angry, but Stevenson was definitely not simple-minded, and he thought of a countermeasure in an instant.

KNPR-FM television station.

Milton has also confirmed the authenticity and weight of this document and report, and said: "Mr. Lawson, you really caused a big earthquake in our area today. May I ask how you got this document?" ?”

"Since Governor Stevenson can investigate the information about our team's extravagance and waste, then we can naturally also investigate the information about his suspected violations!"

Lawson also kept David's words in mind, and this matter must not have anything to do with the IRS and David.

This was originally an act of using a gun, but now he feels that it is quite satisfying to use this gun, at least he can fight back hard against Stevenson without saying a word.

There is another important point.

He is the whistleblower and dragon-slaying warrior of the governor!

Maybe this time he can attract many voters and get him a lot of votes!

"Then... Mr. Lawson, is the Golden Ears Bridge incident the governor's violation? Are there others?"

"Of course there is, but the information is not complete yet. When it is complete, I will come to interview you again!"

Judging from what David told him today, this is just the beginning. If he wants to bring down Stevenson, David must have other 'killing moves'.

Milton's eyes lit up. The Golden Ears Bridge incident was undoubtedly an explosive event. The traffic of today's interview must have reached the highest peak in the past few months or even a year.

If Lawson can bring more exciting news next time, then the traffic of their TV station will undoubtedly hit a new high again.

Thinking of this, he immediately agreed: "Then Mr. Lawson is welcome to be a guest on our TV talk show at any time!"

"no problem."

After finishing the interview and returning to the backstage, Lawson's secretary immediately came to find him and said: "Mr. Lawson, after big data analysis and statistics, after your counterattack against Governor Stevenson, online public opinion has changed for you." The support rate has increased by 8 percentage points!”


“Big data can’t be wrong!”

"Very good!"

After receiving the confirmation, Lawson's face turned rosy instantly.

He worked hard to go to various cities to attend speeches and forums, but at most he could only get 2 to 3 percentage points of public support.

Unexpectedly, David took advantage of this and actually saw a one-time increase of 8 percentage points.

Now, not only did he not have any complaints about David, but he also felt grateful.

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