United states tax collector

Chapter 176: FBI arrests the governor?

After the excitement passed, Lawson immediately took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and said, "How about Chief David, are you satisfied with my performance?"

"Yes Mr. Lawson, you performed well!"

"Then... what should I do next?"

"Just wait until I notify you."


After the interview ended, things continued to ferment.

Especially in the two cities of Reno and Orui, the citizens and netizens here have begun to criticize Stevenson verbally and writtenly.

The reason is also very simple.

The proposal for the Golden Ears Bridge was submitted several years ago. If it had been approved at that time, the bridge would have been completed long ago for the convenience of the citizens of the two cities.

Why delay until now?

Therefore, the citizens of both cities felt that because Stevenson himself wanted to gain credit, it had affected their travel and trade for so many years, which naturally made them very angry.

Las Vegas, this side of the apartment building where Serena lives.

"okay, I get it……"

On the balcony, Serena hung up the phone with various expressions on her face including shock, confusion, and confusion.

After thinking for a few minutes, she picked up her phone and dialed a number.

"What's wrong Serena?"

"Father, something big happened in Nevada just now. I think it is necessary to report it to you."

"What's up?"

"The specifics are like this..."

Serena reported a series of things that happened on KNPR-FM TV station in detail.

The other end of the phone was silent for about a minute after hearing this, and then a voice came: "Governor Stevenson has been attacked like this, what is the background of this Senator Lawson candidate?"

"That's not the point. The point is that David already went to Carson City a few days ago, which is very intriguing."

"Then you mean that Lawson is just a 'spokesperson' and the real driving force behind the scenes may be David?"

"Based on the information from all sources, I think David is indeed the driving force behind the incident, and only he can get this kind of information about Stevenson."

"Then according to what you say, we may have underestimated him again. This David actually even got a handle on Stevenson!"

"Yes, but he is also very smart. He knows that if he personally attacks Stevenson in the name of the IRS, it may cause a huge backlash, so he found a 'gunman', and this gunman happened to be Stevenson’s rival.”

Regarding this, Selina felt that David was very smart and right.

After all, no matter what David is doing now, he is just a tax chief.

If he dares to attack Stevenson in a big way, let's not say whether the forces behind Stevenson will retaliate.

What would the governors of other states and the powerful people in Washington think?

You David, you dare to do something to someone as high as the governor. What if you do it to me?

In order to prevent this kind of trouble.

Then I definitely can't let you really grow up. Even if I can't kill you now, I must at least contain you!

And now that David has found a gunman like Lawson, he can hide his identity and prevent the real powerful people from targeting him so early!

This is a very smart approach!

"According to what you say, he is indeed smart. This man has both means and brains. He is indeed brave and resourceful."

On the other end of the phone, Serena's father also knew David's intention, and he also praised him without hesitation. Then he asked: "Then do you think he can really bring down Governor Stevenson?"

"This document report is very aggressive, but with the resources Stevenson has and the power behind him, it is not enough to bring him down..."

"It makes sense. In our American history, there are very few governors who have fallen due to impeachment or being involved in scandals, let alone a governor like Stevenson who has the support of the Mogan family."

"Things are not necessarily absolute, Father. Based on my familiarity with David these days, since he has taken action, he must be sure. Let us continue to see what will happen next."

It is certainly difficult to bring down a governor, but with Selina's recent understanding and familiarity with David, she feels that it is still possible.

The time came the next day.

After the Stevenson incident broke out last night, many people saw the fishiness in it, such as William from the Lake District Bureau.

Because he was very aware of the grievances between Stevenson and David, so as soon as Stevenson's incident broke out, he immediately understood that David was behind the scenes and called him immediately for verification.

Of course, there was no need for David to hide it, and he admitted it to William 100%.

The two of them chatted until late at night,

Because he went to bed late, David didn't wake up until 9 o'clock. Now he just got up and was brushing his teeth.

Suddenly, there was a rapid knock on the door.

He immediately rinsed his mouth quickly, then came to the door and opened it. The people who came were none other than Simon, Nissen, and Bucky.

"Tax Commissioner, look at this."

Bucky handed over several newspapers, and David picked them up and looked at them. The news on the front page was not about Stevenson and the Golden Ears Bridge.

It was a Hollywood male star who was arrested in Las Vegas on suspicion of soliciting prostitution, and the person he solicited was not a woman, but a man.

"This Stevenson is really good."

David was not angry, but smiled playfully.

Because he can be sure that the reason why this actor occupies the headlines is definitely manipulated by Stevenson.

Of course, the other party can take off the headlines that should belong to him, but David is not unable to continue to let him be on it.

He wanted to see how many times Stevenson could take it off.

"Tax chief, look at the next one!"

After hearing Bucky's words, David put away his thoughts, took out the second copy and checked it.

The second one was about a local newspaper in Reno.

Printed on it was the announcement issued by the city hall today. Anyway, it was all kinds of whitewashing of Stevenson, claiming that it had never reached any deal with the state government or Stevenson.

In the end, the local city hall even found the officials who proposed the bridge to testify. These officials did not know what method Stevenson used. They all claimed that they submitted the bridge proposal too hastily. There are many hidden dangers that remain unresolved.

Later, after the state government sent people to conduct detailed surveys and inspections, these hidden dangers were eliminated. There was absolutely no case of the state government grabbing credit.

"Okay, not only did a male star come out to steal the headlines, but in one night, he actually managed to win over two groups of relevant officials from the city hall. This reaction can definitely be said to be textbook level!"

David threw the newspaper aside, returned to the living room and sat on the sofa, took out his mobile phone and dialed Lawson's number, and said, "Mr. Lawson, come to my hotel room."

Now Stevenson must have known that he and Lawson had reached a cooperation, so there was no need to be secretive.

"Okay, I'll come right away!"

Yesterday, relying on the documents given by David, he gained a lot of support for beating Stevenson on the TV station. Lawson was excited. Now it seems that he has another task, and of course he is very happy to accept it.

After ending the call with Lawson, David dialed Gavin's number again: "This matter is such a big deal, it's time for the FBI to take action!"

The suspected tax issues were under the control of the Internal Revenue Service, but what is now involved is corruption and bribery, which is under the control of the FBI.


At the FBI office, Gavin put down the phone and immediately called Owen and ordered: "Take someone to the governor's mansion and make the noise louder."


Owen also immediately turned around and left.

Soon after, when word spread that the FBI brought people to the governor's mansion to investigate a bribery case, the entire Carson City was instantly shocked.

Although, the document released by Lawson last night did confirm Stevenson's serious corruption.

However, Stevenson is, after all, the governor of a state and the boss of Nevada. It is very disrespectful for the FBI to bring people to the governor's mansion like this, as if they want to arrest a prisoner.

"Fake, this damn Gavin!"

In the official residence, Stevenson felt numb when he heard that the FBI had brought people to the door, accompanied by many reporters.

At the same time, he was completely confirmed that Gavin was really in cahoots with David!

"I didn't expect that Gavin, David, and Lawson really colluded. Governor, the trouble is really big this time..."

Beside him, Eugene's eyes were red and swollen, and his face looked very haggard.

Because of the document on the Golden Ear Bridge, he didn't sleep all night last night and was processing a series of things like a machine.

Unexpectedly, this just extinguished public opinion; the public's attention was diverted, and the FBI immediately ignited it again.

"Gavin, Lawson..."

Stevenson gritted his teeth and read the names of these two people, and then said: "I will never spare these two people!"

"Let's talk about this later, Governor. Now the FBI has come to our door. If we ignore it, we won't be able to explain it to the public. Let's let them in."

Stevenson had not lost his mind yet, and of course he understood that what Eugene said was correct. Then he forced himself to calm down and replied: "Then let them in."

While the FBI and Stevenson were fighting.

At the hotel, Lawson had arrived in David's room and said with a smile: "Tax Commissioner David, even the FBI fell into your hands. I have to admire you!"

On the way here, he had heard that the FBI went to the governor's mansion with great fanfare.

Now he has digested it, but when he first heard the news, he was shocked for a long time.

It's okay for them to be manipulated by David.

But that's the FBI.

Although the FBI is not as powerful as the IRS, in terms of intelligence and data collection, this is the agency's strength.

However, even so, David was still able to grasp it.

This is a bit too incredible.

If the matter hadn't been put in front of him, he wouldn't have believed it even to death.

David did not accept his words, but directly picked up the file bag on the table and handed it to him.

Lawson didn't waste any more words and immediately took it and inspected it.

As the contents of the documents came into view, his expression was the same as when he saw the documents about the Golden Ears Bridge yesterday. He was shocked at first and then gradually turned into joy.

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