United states tax collector

Chapter 177 Do you want peace talks now? late!

"The Agricultural Export Bill is also a point on which I have criticized Stevenson before, but he was so clever and sophistical about it. But now that I have this document in hand, I can see how he can still make sophistry!"

"Then get ready to add more fire to him tonight!"


Lawson laughed evilly, then turned and left.

While the entire state was still discussing that the FBI had found Stevenson, the announcement from KNPR-FM TV station made the entire state excited again.

The announcement is also simple and straightforward.

That is, at 7 o'clock tonight, Lawson will once again come to the KNPR-FM TV talk show to make another big revelation about Stevenson.

"My goodness, our Governor Stevenson hasn't finished dealing with the Golden Ears Bridge issue yet. Is there something new about to break out?"

"The Golden Ears Bridge is already powerful enough. What is Senator Lawson planning to throw next?"

"Mr. Governor is already very anxious. If violent news comes out again, it won't cause him to resign, right?"

As soon as the news came out, all major social media in Nevada became lively.

Eating melons happens almost every day, but it is rare for people of the governor's level to eat melons.

For a time, many people across the state had prepared peanut and melon seed drinks, planning to wait for the arrival of this big news tonight.

Governor's Mansion.

"Farke, what is this damn bastard going to do again?"

Stevenson spent nine days and two tigers trying to deal with the FBI people. Just when he sat down to take a breath, the sudden news shocked him again.

Eugene pondered for a moment and replied: "No matter what he wants to do, it will definitely be detrimental to us..."

"Then why don't we do something now and just sit back and wait for death?"

"Governor, at this point, I have something I don't know whether to say or not."

"It's now time. If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"I think we can't go on like this. We are very passive now. Why don't we... talk to Lawson and see if this matter can be reduced from a major issue to a minor one."

Upon hearing this, Stevenson's face instantly became ferocious, but after some thought, he began to calm down again.

As a mature politician, he certainly knows that he cannot lose his mind now, and the peace talks that Eugene mentioned are indeed what should be done now.

After all, not only are they being beaten now, but they also don't know what moves the opponent is about to make, so they can only temporarily avoid their attacks. This is the best choice.

Thinking of this, he said: "But David must be behind this matter. What's the point of talking to Lawson?"

"Then since David is hiding behind the scenes and manipulating it, it proves that he doesn't want to involve the IRS in this matter. Therefore, even if we talk to him, he won't talk to him. We can only ask Lawson to pass the message on his behalf!"

Stevenson thought about it and thought it made sense. After 2 minutes of thinking, he gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, then contact him to talk!"

Ninglin Branch.

David has arrived at the temporary office and is answering the phone: "You want to talk now? It's too late!"

Stevenson has been plotting against him since he and his son died.

If you let the other party go this time, there is no guarantee that the other party will not come back again in the future, so the best way is to remove him from the position of governor.

"Okay, I'll do it."

Just after the call ended, there was a knock on the office door, and David said, "Come in."

Simmons walked in and said: "Tax Commissioner, Commissioner Jon's secretary, Menrosa, wants to see you."

"Director Jon's secretary?"

David thought for a while and it seemed that the state director had something to ask him or brought him a message. Then he said, "Then bring him here."

About five minutes later, a white man in his early thirties was brought in. He extended his hand toward David and introduced himself: "Hello, Commissioner David, I am Director Jon's secretary, Menrosa."

"Hello, Secretary Menrosa."

David also shook hands with the other party, and then asked: "I wonder if Secretary Menrosa is here today...?"

"It's like this. Mr. Jon is busy with his affairs, so he sent me here to ask Commissioner David. Is there anything about Governor Stevenson that we, the IRS, need to get involved in?"


David secretly thought to himself that this secretary was indeed sent here by Jon; he wanted to find out whether he was responsible for what happened to Stevenson.

Putting away his thoughts, he calmly replied: "If the matter had not come out, then our IRS could have intervened, but now that the matter has come out, and the FBI has intervened again, I think it is not in compliance with the regulations for our IRS to intervene!"

Menrosa nodded and asked again: "Tax Commissioner David, do you think there is a problem with Senator Lawson's candidate? He hasn't revealed any problems yet?"

"Mr. Menrosa, in fact, we are all members of the IRS. If you want to ask anything, just say it!"

David knew that the other party was still talking nonsense, but he was not a person who liked to beat around the bush, so he simply spoke frankly.

Menrosa was silent for a while and asked: "Director David, in fact Director Jon sent me here mainly to ask, does this matter have anything to do with our IRS?"

David smiled slightly and said meaningfully: "Does Director Jon really want to know?"

Menrosa was able to become Jon's secretary, and his ability to think and observe words and emotions was naturally extraordinary, so after seeing David's expression and these meaningful words, he instantly knew the answer.

Then he replied: "Director Jon asked me to remind you that your career has just started, so you must be cautious in everything."

"Thank Director Jon for the reminder."

David could already tell from the secretary's answer that it was similar to what he had thought before. Director Jon was very smart and he didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing.

But it didn't matter, he had no intention of involving the director.

The sun sets and the day comes to an end.

With the entire state of Nevada talking and anticipating, the time came to 6.50 minutes.

KNPR-FM television station.

"Mr. Robert, the ratings of our TV station have increased 10 times compared to yesterday!"

A staff member came to the person in charge of the TV station to remind him.

The person in charge, named Robert, was overjoyed after hearing this. He immediately came to Lawson who was still arranging his appearance backstage, and asked: "The audience is already looking forward to it, how about Lawson?" Mr. Xun, are you ready?"

Lawson lifted his tie and said, "OK."

"Okay, let's get started!"

While talking, the time came to seven o'clock.

The live broadcast site was ready. Milton walked up to the stage, first thanked the audience for watching, and then said: "Come, let us welcome Mr. Senator Candidate Lawson!"

Compared with yesterday, Lawson looked more rosy and energetic when he walked in front of the camera today.

Because he knew very well that yesterday's Golden Ears Bridge document, although extremely explosive, only concerned the citizens of the two cities.

And the farm bill that David broke the news to him today concerns everyone engaged in agriculture in the entire state of Nevada.

And if this document is exposed, Stevenson will definitely be criticized by thousands of people. As the dragon-slaying warrior who exposed all this, people related to agriculture will definitely vote for him. Support him!

Putting away his thoughts, Lawson said to the camera: "Hello everyone, I am Lawson. I am very happy to be here at KNPR-FM for an interview again today..."

After some opening remarks, the two of them sat down one after another.

Milton was the first to ask: "Mr. Lawson, I heard that you are going to break another bombshell for us today about Governor Stevenson. What is it?"

"Tell this slowly, don't rush."

Lawson adjusted his thoughts and said: "I don't know if you still remember the Nevada Agricultural Export Bill signed by the governor on December 11, 2021!"

As soon as they heard that this bill was involved, the heartstrings of everyone related to it in Nevada instantly lifted.

Over here at the Governor's Mansion.

Stevenson and Eugene were even more trembling in their hearts, because they knew very well what kind of inside story was involved in this bill.

At this time, they could only keep praying in their hearts, praying that Lawson had no practical evidence.

During the KNPR-FM TV live broadcast, Milton asked curiously: "Mr. Lawson, are there any problems with this bill?"

"Of course there is, and it's a big problem!"

"When this bill was drafted, I stood up and criticized it. This is an ugly bill that harms the interests of our agricultural people in Nevada in exchange for the interests of Stevenson."

"Now, I still say that, and I now have conclusive evidence!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire state of Nevada exploded.

When this farm bill was first drafted, it was strongly opposed by agricultural people across the state because it involved exploiting the interests of agricultural people.

However, Stevenson later found many agricultural representatives and various experts to vigorously advocate that the sharp decline in benefits was only short-lived.

As long as they export their products to foreign countries and seize the market, they will definitely be able to double their profits!

After all, there are so many agricultural products in the world. If you don’t seize the market with the advantage of price war, how can you compete with other regions and countries?

Most of those agricultural people had little education, and Stevenson's advocacy through various channels made it sound reasonable at first, so he agreed.

Eventually, the state bill passed.

But now that Lawson said this, these agricultural people suddenly felt like they had been deceived.

Could it be that, as Lawson said, Stevenson deceived them when he told them to double their earnings?

In fact, Stevenson is just for his own political achievements and interests?

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