United states tax collector

Chapter 198 The overall situation is decided!

Washington D.C. General Administration.

After learning that Brown Soros had made a single transaction of 50 million, the senior executives were also in an uproar.

Donald even called his secretary with a livid face, and said in a deep voice: "Ask Walsh to investigate for me, not only to find out where the 50 million came from, but also to find out where the 20 million came from. origin!"

He has absolutely reason to believe that there are irregularities in Brown's funds.

Amid the buzz throughout the IRS system, the time came to four o'clock in the afternoon.

With another change in the tax performance list, auditors across the country have exploded again.

Because according to the tax performance list, David received another 40 million yuan, and the total tax performance directly reached 209 million.

"Oh, wait, isn't there a system error? Why did David receive another 40 million?"

"Crazy, crazy, I think the world is crazy. How can someone receive as much as 200 million in taxes in one assessment period?"

"Don't look any further. David must have found the capital to support his campaign. Only then can he obtain such a large amount of campaign funds."

"If he is looking for capital to support his candidacy, then this is a complete violation, and this is absolutely intolerable!"

"Strongly request the General Administration to investigate David in detail and give our IRS system an explanation!"

Three consecutive such exaggerated amounts were recorded in the accounts. Auditors across the country believed that this was definitely not a normal phenomenon and that it was likely to involve a game of capital.

In the entire United States, if there is any department or industry that capital cannot control, it must be the IRS.

So now that they realize that capital may have their hands in their IRS systems, auditors across the country are naturally filled with indignation.

New York, Manhattan Bureau.

Brown and Kelly were discussing how to deal with the arrival of the general bureau investigators. Suddenly the door was pushed open and an inspector hurriedly rushed in and said: "No, Chief Tax Officer, David has recorded another 40 million." !”

Upon hearing this, Brown was stunned, but he quickly came to his senses and suddenly came to the computer and clicked the mouse to refresh the tax performance list.

Sure enough, David's latest tax amount popped up on the tax list, which was 209 million.

"This is fucking impossible, why did he receive another 40 million?!"

Although Brown still didn't want to believe it, the conspicuous numbers on the screen were right in front of him, and it was his turn not to believe it.

But he couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he tried, how did David do it this time?

And every time he tried his best, and just as he was about to catch up, the other party suddenly gave him a heavy blow, which really messed with his mentality.

Kelly on the side was not in a daze. She immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed a number. After some inquiries, he put down the phone and said: "Tax Commissioner, this 40 million was remitted to him by GCO Company."

"Is it GCO again?"

Brown's eyes were on fire and he cursed: "Damn it, is this bastard company his own son? He can give him as much as he wants?"

Kelly thought for a moment and replied: "GCO is not a soft persimmon. Their background network is so complicated. I think it is unlikely that they will be exploited by David again and again. I think that there must be an agreement between them." Some agreements or cooperation have been reached!”

Brown seemed to wake up after hearing this.

That's true.

GCO is one of the three largest private prison companies in the United States and cooperates with so many agencies including the FBI, CIA, Department of Justice, and Immigration Services. You said that it would be fine if you surrendered to David once, but how could you be led by David three times in a row? Nose goes?

It seems reasonable if they reach some cooperation, for example, after David succeeds in the election, he will give the GCO company some benefits in the future.

And it is worth mentioning that according to the announcement of the General Administration’s God-making Plan, the elected candidate will be transferred to a branch somewhere in Los Angeles.

And Los Angeles is the headquarters of GCO Company.

If you think about it this way, the possibility of these two parties collaborating is even greater!

"Tax Commissioner, our IRS has always kept away from capital, and if David really gets involved with GCO, as long as this is confirmed, we will definitely kill him!"

In fact, no need to say Kelly, Brown also thinks so.

If David really joins forces with GCO, then for the IRS, it is not an exaggeration to say that this kind of behavior is inviting a wolf into the house!

Not to mention making the top management angry, this would even cause protests and dissatisfaction from all the inspectors across the country!

The more Brown thought about it, the more he thought about it, because this was definitely a great opportunity to turn defeat into victory. He immediately ordered in a high-spirited voice: "Go talk to the Wall Street Journal and let them 'fire' on this matter!"


Since all major branches across the country were worried about another account of David and asked the General Administration to conduct a thorough investigation, the senior management of the General Administration also convened an emergency meeting as soon as possible.

In the conference room, after everyone had arrived, Lahan was the first to attack. He said: "GCO gave David a sum of 80 million in funds. Well, I can count this as his ability, but now he continues to add more. I have paid two such large taxes, and I think there are definitely irregularities in this!"

"Director Lahan is right. I believe everyone here has read GCO's information. This company is not a vegetarian. They will never be squeezed by David three times in a row. There must be this problem! "

"Right now, auditors across the country are talking, saying that David may have colluded with GCO, and that GCO is funding his campaign. If this is the case, then I recommend that David be fired directly."


Under the leadership of Lahan, supporters of Brown and Bellamy also jumped out, and some even threatened to fire David. One can imagine the seriousness of this matter.

Donald couldn't sit still, and he immediately spoke out and retorted: "The matter is not clear yet, how can you conclude that David has colluded with GCO? He even got it to the point of being fired. He is armed and working for our national tax Not to mention that the bureau has regained its power and created so much tax revenue for us. Is this appropriate for you to treat a meritorious person?"

"Yes, who stipulated that the three funds given to David by GCO must be campaign funds? Why can't David receive them based on his own ability?"

"You want these people to understand that GCO's background is complicated, but it is not invincible. David's ability has been obvious to all for a while, and it is not unusual for him to be able to live and work in GCO!"


With Donald leading the charge, David's supporters also jumped out to fight back.


Seeing that the two sides were arguing, Obadiah immediately interrupted. Then he looked at Vertonghen and asked: "Consultant Vertonghen, what do you think about this?"

"David's three consecutive huge tax payments have now caused turmoil in the entire IRS system, but many people's suspicions are not unreasonable. After all, the place we selected for election is in Los Angeles, and there It is the territory of GCO Company..."

Vertonghen fell behind, and Lahan added: "Now there is a rumor among us that David and GCO have reached prison cooperation. In the future, those prisoners arrested for tax evasion in the jurisdiction will be detained." Detained in GCO’s prison, if this is really the case, it will shake the foundation of our IRS!”

After saying this, the David supporters headed by Donald frowned.

The reason why the IRS is able to dominate the United States is because it has supporting facilities such as armed forces, courts, judges, and prisons.

If the prisons are separated and opened today, then the judges, courts, and even the armed forces can be separated tomorrow.

And if this is the case, the foundation of their IRS will be stripped bare.

So regardless of whether David has really reached such a cooperation with GCO, now that this statement has come out, it must be a very serious accusation.

"Wait a minute..."

A senior executive who supported David seemed to have thought of something, and changed the topic: "Why are they saying that David has reached a cooperation with GCO, then why not talk about whether Brown has reached a cooperation with the group of capitalists on Wall Street? "

"Yes, Brown received a sum of 10 million yesterday, a sum of 10 million this morning, and a sum of 50 million not long ago. Where did he get these funds? Don't tell me. I received it from criminals!”

"Collected it from criminals? If he had this ability, he would have taken action early in the assessment period. Why wait until David overtook him before he suddenly got it!"

A group of David's supporters also suddenly realized this.

It’s hard to say whether David and GCO have reached a cooperation, but these funds from Brown are definitely not from normal sources.

And if the source of Brown's funds is the Wall Street group, the nature is much more serious than that of GCO.

After all, those on Wall Street are the real capitalists who eat people without spitting out their bones.

Compared with them, GCO can only be regarded as a baby!

Lahan and the others, who originally had the upper hand and were aggressive, became depressed and stayed after hearing these words. They were all speechless for a while.

The atmosphere at the scene was dull for a long time, and Obadiah said: "Since everyone thinks that both Brown and David have problems, it is actually very simple. Let them provide the data on the sources of these recent large taxes, Submit the information to our General Administration, and we will naturally be able to analyze and judge it!"

"What the director said makes sense. Give us the information and data for review, and we will know what the situation is."

"Indeed, if they can provide data and information, it will prove that they have not committed any irregularities. If they cannot provide it... then it will be as we guessed before. The taxes recorded are all related to Wall Street or GCO companies. Collaborative campaign funding.”

"I'm OK……"

Whether they are supporters of David, or supporters of Brown and Bellamy, most believe that this plan is the most appropriate.

"In that case, let them know and hand it in before 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. Let's adjourn the meeting."

After returning to his office, Donald immediately dialed David's number and asked: "Let me ask you David, is the source of these three large amounts of tax money of yours really like what we are internally rumored to do now? Is it the campaign funds you obtained from your cooperation with GCO?"

To be honest, although he believed in David's abilities and supported David, he really couldn't guarantee whether David would be tempted by the god-making plan and get carried away, thus actually reaching a cooperation agreement with GCO.

At the same time, in Virginia City, David was stunned when he heard this, and then said disdainfully: "Deputy Director Donald, I don't need to reach any cooperation with them. These three taxes are all taxes paid by them." payment!"

"are you sure?"

"I am very sure!"

"Well, our General Administration has held a meeting and discussed it. In order to ensure that these three taxes of yours are not illegal funds, and to give an explanation to the 140,000 auditors across the country, we need you to provide the source data of these three funds, Submit all the information for us to review before 8 a.m. tomorrow."

"That's no problem, but one thing I want to ask is that Brown Soros in New York has also recorded a large amount of tax payments from yesterday to today. Doesn't his case need to be reviewed?"

It's okay to ask him to hand over data, but Brown Soros's funds are obviously abnormal. You can't just focus on him, right?

"Don't worry, he will also hand over the data on these funds. After we review it, we will issue an internal announcement to explain to the auditors in all major branches across the country."

"Okay, if that's the case, then I have no problem."

"Then let's do this for now..."

After ending the call, Donald's anxious mind relaxed a little.

Because from the conversation just now, he has heard that David is confident. From this point of view, it may not be GCO that funds his campaign, but the actual taxes received!

IRS West Wing Branch, Virginia City.

Seeing David put down the phone, Nissen couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong, Commissioner of Taxation? What's the situation at the General Administration?"

"What else could it be? Auditors from many branches across the country now suspect that there is something wrong with these funds of ours, and the General Administration also asked me to hand over the data of these funds for them to do a review."

"Damn, these people can really cause trouble. Do we need to reach an agreement with GCO to cooperate or something?"

Nissen cursed angrily.

"Okay, let's call the city of Reno and tell them that the plan has changed. I won't go there yet."

There is also a GCO prison in Reno.

Originally, according to David's idea, he would go over and make a sum of money and wait until the end of the assessment period before injecting it to prevent the tower from being stolen.

But now the General Administration asked him to hand over the data of these funds, and the data of the funds of the three prisons were huge, and the time limit was before 8 o'clock tomorrow, how could he still free up the money.

The sun sets in the west, and it’s the end of the day in a blink of an eye.

This night is nothing to ordinary people, but for many people in the IRS system, it is a sleepless night.

Countless people are looking forward to what kind of investigation results the General Administration will give regarding Brown and David's funds.

After the investigation results come out, who will be officially elected to the God-making Project tomorrow and become the director of the Los Angeles Bureau.

Late at night, in a fund building on Wall Street, Brown was sitting on a chair, looking heavy and not knowing what he was thinking about.

Not far away from him, a group of accountants and legal staff were busy.

About ten minutes later, a man in a black suit came over and said, "According to the current progress, it should be done before eight o'clock tomorrow."

Brown nodded, and then waved his hand to indicate that the other party could continue to handle matters.

After the man left, Kelly looked solemnly and said: "Tax Commissioner, we can get the data on these funds, but if there is no problem with David's funds, then we can ...But just..."

Hearing this, Brown's face became heavier.

David's current tax performance has reached 209 million.

The tax performance on his side is 165 million, plus the 20 million prepared before, and if he finally injects it into the account, it will only be 185 million.

And now that the investigators have arrived in their jurisdiction, and the data on these funds will be submitted to the General Administration before 8 o'clock tomorrow, he has no chance to use other means to collect more taxes.

In other words, as long as the General Administration reviews David's capital data tomorrow and confirms that there are no problems with his funds, then he will be defeated no matter what he does.

Now, the only thing Brown can pray for is that David will have financial problems tomorrow!

The next day, as the sun rose, the hearts of everyone in the IRS slowly rose like the sun.

Because today is the deadline for this round of assessment period, who will be elected, David or Brown, will be known at 12.30 noon today!

"Hello everyone, this is the Washington Post. I have now arrived at the door of the branch where one of the biggest candidates for the IRS God-making Project is located. Please pay attention to our follow-up reports..."

"Hello everyone, this is the New York Times. The winner of the IRS God-making Project will be officially determined at 12.30 noon. Let's see if Tax Commissioner David here can be successfully elected."

"Good morning, every body……"

Because the IRS has been vigorously publicizing it in the past two days, a large group of media reporters came to the door of the Lake District branch early in the morning, thinking that if David was elected, they would get David's election speech as soon as possible. Wait for hot topics.

At this time, it is within the Lake District branch.

"The tax chief has been sorted out. This is from Rio City Prison, this is from Elko City, and this is from Virginia..."

In order to sort out the financial data of these three prisons, David returned to the Lake District Branch yesterday and was busy until this morning.

David took the information compiled by Nissen and others and read it carefully. After confirming that there was no problem, he replied: "It should be fine. You have been busy all night. You can go back and have a rest."

"Rest? How can I sleep here? The results of the god-making plan will be announced at noon. I can't sleep even if I take sleeping pills at this time."

"All right……"

David smiled and shrugged, pushed the information over, and said: "Send these information to the General Administration. In addition, urge the people in the major prisons to give me the taxes they have not paid before 12:30." It’s paid, we can’t delay it any longer!”


Bucky Nissen-Simmons and the other three turned and left.

Washington D.C. General Administration.

Secretary Donald walked in with the information that had just been faxed, and said, "Mr. Donald, this is from David."

Donald nodded, picked it up and looked at it carefully. Half an hour later, a thick smile appeared on his face.

According to the data, the source of David's three huge tax payments was generated through special cells and special consumption in the prison. There are also internal account books of the three prisons, which record the details of each payment without any fraud. and the possibility of violations.

It seems that as David said yesterday, there are no violations of these funds, or campaign funds obtained from any cooperation with GCO.

"Hmph, now I see what you guys have to say!"

Donald snorted coldly. Didn't Lahan's group suspect that David was colluding with the GCO prison yesterday? Now that this evidence is in front of them, they can't continue to make excuses, right?

And this time the candidate for the god-making project is none other than David!

Twenty minutes later, Obadiah announced the convening of a high-level meeting, and all the high-level officials walked towards the conference room with different thoughts.

The group of Brown supporters headed by Vertonghen Lakhan walked in first. Although their faces seemed calm at this time, if you look carefully, you can see that many of them looked calm under their calm appearance. It's very unnatural, as if it's fake.

Obviously, many of them also received the news from Brown and realized that if David's funds were OK, then the Brown they supported would be doomed.

Not long after they sat down, the David supporters headed by Donald also walked into the conference room. Seeing the arrogance of these people, Vertonghenlahan and others' hearts suddenly sank.

Could it be that……

So David’s funds are really okay?

While he was thinking, Director-General Obadiah also walked in. After taking his seat, he first looked around at everyone, and then said to Vertonghen: "Consultant Vertonghen, have Brown sent the funding documents? "

Vertonghen did not speak, but glanced at Lakhan, who immediately opened the folder he had opened, took out a piece of information, and then walked to Obadiah and put it in front of him. He stopped and said: "I have reviewed it and there is no problem with Brown's funds."

Obadiah nodded, and then he looked through it. After browsing, his face became a little silent, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Let me see the director."

Seeing Obadiah's appearance, in order to find out what happened, Donald directly pulled the document over to check, and the David supporters sitting nearby also gathered around to check.

But soon, after reading it, they also showed a similar attitude to Donald.

But not long after, one of David's supporters seemed to be unable to restrain himself. He directly said sarcastically: "Haha, this account is really beautiful. I think other than the legal, financial, and accounting personnel on Wall Street, it is also very difficult." Someone can do it!"

According to the above information, Brown's funds were not illegal funds collected from criminals, but just like David's funds, they were also taxed in vain.

But unlike David, the money that David collected from GCO Prison was the clear tax evasion funds of GCO Company over the years.

According to laws and regulations, Brown's current funds can be regarded as legal tax avoidance funds, but why have these legal funds now become Brown's campaign funds?

Could it be that the capitalists on Wall Street have discovered their conscience and want to make less money and contribute more tax to the country?

This is certainly impossible and does not exist!

Therefore, anyone with a discerning eye can see that several funds that could have been legally used to avoid taxes were handed over to Brown. There must be something fishy in this.

"What do you mean? Why is this called accounting? Tell me, which of the funds on this is not tax funds?"

"Yes, since it was stipulated that free tax can also be used as campaign capital for the god-making plan, then as long as the free tax funds are legal and compliant, there will be no problem..."

"The source of tax payment and the details of each of Brown's funds can be traced. This can't be considered a violation, right?"

The rebuttals of Lahan and others made Donald and others itch with hatred.

Yes, Brown’s accounting of these funds was completely in compliance with the regulations. This is just like the famous Simpson murder case. Everyone knew that Simpson killed the person, but his legal team used loopholes in the law to prevent him from being punished. .

Now Brown's funding information is the same. Everyone knows that this is not a tax obtained normally, but the source of the funds is the funds generated by taxation. This cannot be refuted.

"Okay, since it complies with the regulations, it's no problem. Deputy Director Donald, what are you waiting for? Show David's financial information for everyone to see!"

Obadiah knew that there was no point in continuing to argue about this. As long as he took out David's financial information and proved that the funds inside were not illegal, everything would be a foregone conclusion.

After hearing the reminder, Donald woke up from a dream. He immediately picked up the information he had brought, pushed it in front of Lahan, and sneered: "Deputy Director Lahan, this is David's financial information. Please pay attention." See if there's any problem."

When he said the words 'take a closer look', he deliberately emphasized his tone.

Lahan did not hesitate and immediately opened it to check, but soon, his complexion gradually became gloomy, and finally turned into an iron-blue color.

Seeing his appearance, Brown's supporters also secretly thought something was wrong, and immediately pulled the information over to take a look.

But as the content inside continued to come into view, these people were just like Lahan before, either with livid faces or gloomy faces.

But some people still didn't give up. They carefully checked the funding information again, trying to find loopholes or attack points that could be used to make a fuss.

But no matter how they looked or searched, they couldn't find anything to refute. In the end, all Brown's supporters gradually became ashen-faced.

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