United states tax collector

Chapter 199 Successfully elected

"So, there's nothing wrong with the source of David's funds, right?"

Seeing that Lahan and others were dejected and silent, Donald looked at Vertonghen again and said in a victor's tone: "Consultant Vertonghen, don't you need to take a look?"

At this time, Vertonghen's expression was not much better. Although he had not read the document, he could tell from the expressions of Lahan and others that there was definitely no point of attack in this document. .

Obadiah raised his watch and took a look at it, and then said: "Since there are no problems with the funding sources of these two candidates, let's wait until 12:30 to officially determine the candidates!"

After saying that, Vertonghen stood up and left without saying a word. Although Lahan and others were unwilling to do so, they had no choice but to leave one by one.

"Go get ready, Deputy Chief Donald."


After Donald responded, he stood up, quickly returned to his office, picked up the phone and dialed a number: "Walsh, there are only a few hours left. Keep an eye on Wall Street and Brown." Over there, don’t let them do anything.”

Since Brown can come up with this 50 million fund, there is no guarantee that he won't come up with another fund in the last few hours.

Donald didn't want to capsize at the last moment.

"Yes, Mr. Donald."

After finishing the call with the investigation team in New York, Donald dialed David's number: "The funds have been reviewed David, there is no problem with your funds, and there is no problem with Brown's funds, as long as If you stay on top of your tax performance in the next few hours, you will be elected!"

"Okay Deputy Chief Donald, I understand..."

At the Lake District Bureau, David put down the phone and narrowed his eyes.

He had known for a long time that after submitting his financial information, the senior management at the General Administration would not be able to find anything wrong with it.

But he was a little surprised that the Brown guy's funds also passed the review.

Either this is because the background of this general bureau is too strong, or this guy has done a very good job with the data and accounts of these funds, which makes Donald and others conclude that it cannot be an illegal operation.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, there is really no problem with the funds Brown has recorded.

But to be honest, David really didn't believe that there were no illegal operations on his funds.

Unless, the other party also has the same bug as himself.

But these are not important now. As Donald said, as long as he can maintain the lead in tax performance in the next few hours, the throne of Los Angeles Branch Chief belongs to him!

Thinking of this, David immediately called Simons Buckinson and others over, and asked them to continue to increase their efforts to urge the major prisons to pay the taxes on illegal income, so that he could be on the same level as Brown on the tax performance list. widen the gap.

After the General Administration held a meeting to determine the results, announcements about the financial status of David and Brown were quickly posted on the intranet.

Seeing such results, inspectors from all major branches across the country became excited again.

"My hair, both Brown and David have no problem with their funds?"

"If there is no problem with the funds of both of them, it must be formal tax funds, but this is tens of millions of tax funds, and there are several amounts. How did these two people receive it?"

"One of the two people will definitely lose in this god-making plan, but for us at the IRS, there will definitely be no losers."

Many auditors across the country were still speculating that David or Brown might have reached certain agreements with capital to obtain such huge amounts of campaign taxes.

But now that the announcement from the General Administration has been issued, it proves that these two people have definitely not reached an agreement with capital, and the funds are no problem.

So this makes many people puzzled as to how David and Brown obtained such a large amount of tax money.

Amid discussions from all branches across the country, the time also came to 12 o'clock, and the atmosphere began to gradually become tense.

During this period, David's urging was very effective. Personnel from the three major prisons successively paid their taxes. His tax performance increased by another 11 million yuan, and the total tax performance reached 219 million.

On Brown's side, it remains unchanged at 165 million.

New York, Manhattan Bureau.

"There is nothing we can do, Chief Tax Officer. The investigators at the General Administration Bureau are keeping a close eye on them. It is impossible for the Queens Branch Bureau to be willing to take such a big risk; they transferred the tax..."


In the office, after hearing Kelly's report, Brown dropped the coffee cup he had picked up on the ground, with a ferocious look on his face.

Not long ago, after hearing the news from the General Administration that there was no problem with David's funds, he almost fainted.

After finally adjusting, he came up with such a way to survive, but what he didn't expect was that this life-saving method for him was now ruthlessly strangled.

At this moment, he wanted to die.

Because for this election campaign, he sought help from many capitalists on Wall Street and promised various tax benefits after being elected.

But if he loses the election in the end, it would be strange if these people don't settle the score with him.

"Tax Commissioner, actually... it doesn't matter if the god-making project fails. As long as you have the support of Advisor Vertonghen and Deputy Director Lahan from the General Administration, it's just a matter of time before you can take over."

Listening to Kelly's comfort, Brown's mood did not improve at all.

The God-Building Project is a fucking opportunity to reach the sky in one fell swoop. If he misses this opportunity, no matter how many people support him, he will not be able to jump directly from the tax chief to the level of branch director, and it will still be the Los Angeles branch. Such a branch chief.

In short, this time I got into trouble with him!

Lake District Branch, in the conference room on the fifth floor.

At this moment, the place is packed, and all the inspectors, tax chiefs, deputy tax inspectors, tax inspectors, and the chief and deputy directors are already in place, and David is also among them.

At this time, everyone's eyes were looking at the big screen. What was displayed on the big screen was the IRS tax performance list.

Although anyone with a discerning eye can already see that the overall situation has been decided, as long as the time of entry has not expired, it means that there may be changes.

Therefore, the atmosphere in the field was still slightly tense at this time.

Under the gaze of everyone, the time finally came to 12.29 minutes, and the timetable seconds on the tax performance list also began to count down.

‘10, 9, 8, 7…3, 2, 1…terminate! ’

"Pah, pah, pah..."


"Very good!"

"Taxmaster David, congratulations..."

As the notice indicating the end of the current assessment period appeared on the tax performance list, applause, cheers, and congratulations to David erupted.

While David expressed his gratitude to everyone for their congratulations, his mood changed from nervousness to excitement, but soon became confused again.

Thinking back to a few months ago, he was just an inspector at the bottom of the IRS system, and now he has become a branch director at the level of a feudal official. This is like a person buying a lottery ticket and suddenly winning 5 million. , there will always be an unreal feeling.

"As you can see, the person elected for the God-making Project is Tax Chief David of our Lake District Branch... Oh no, we can no longer call Chief David now, we have to call him Director David. Let us call him Chief David again. Warm applause to congratulate Director David on his election!”

"Pah, pah, pah..."

William came to the stage, and as he finished his words, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

And because of the excitement of the applause, David, who originally thought it was a bit unreal, immediately came back to his senses.

This is not a dream, this is what really happened. He was really elected to the God-making Project and became the director of the Los Angeles Bureau!

After completely accepting this fact, David's mood suddenly changed.

This kind of change is like that of many people who suddenly gain power. They will have the feeling of looking down on all living beings and feeling like they are all ants!

And now that he is the chief of Los Angeles District 1, he has great power, so he naturally feels this way...

"Director, the General Administration has issued an election announcement!"

After hearing Gu Xin's reminder below, William on the stage immediately turned to the screen controller and shouted: "Open the announcement from the General Administration for everyone to see."

Soon, the General Administration's announcement appeared on the big screen.

The main contents first commended David for his tax revenue contribution to the IRS during this assessment period, and then confirmed David's plan to create a god for being elected and congratulated him. However, the last item caused an uproar at the scene.

This content shows that after being elected, David will be transferred to the western suburbs branch of Los Angeles.

And within the jurisdiction of the Western Suburbs Bureau, there is the world-famous Hollywood, and the General Administration actually wants to transfer David to this area. This seems to be a bit profound.

At this time, after David saw that he was going to be transferred to the western suburbs branch, his face also showed a look of thinking.

As we all know, there is a lot of money laundering and tax evasion in yin and yang contracts in the film and television industry. Could it be that the General Administration transferred him there because they wanted him to investigate these issues?

But having said that, Hollywood is the focus of the entire world, and there are various capital forces running rampant in it. If it is not serious, it will cause a global uproar.

If he really wanted to pursue these issues, he would have to be more cautious.

"Okay, let's ask Director David to come up and say a few words!"

William's voice interrupted everyone's thoughts.

David also came to his senses, stood up and straightened his sleeves and collar, then came to the microphone on the stage and said the speech he had prepared for his election: "It is an honor to be elected as the God-Creator. Plan, I would like to thank all my colleagues here for your support and help to me during this period. Without your support and help, I may not be elected..."

Below, the faces of the tax chiefs and inspectors who heard these words were a little hot.

During this period of time, it was clear that it was David who led them to "popular life", and how much help did they have in David's election to the god-making plan.

While David was expressing his thanks for being elected, the IRS system and major media were also hotly discussing David's election.

"It's amazing that David, with a platform like Lake District, can actually hit a super platform like Manhattan. This is simply unbelievable."

"I don't know what it means to rival gods with a mortal body, but David used a platform like the Lake Las Vegas branch to actually beat Brown from Manhattan, New York, with a total tax revenue of more than 200 million. This is definitely considered The most amazing among super gods!"

"Who would have thought that among the many competitors across the country, David from Las Vegas would be the winner. It's so magical..."

"That's the director of the Western Suburbs Bureau. This is really a meteoric rise. I can guarantee that David will have a seat at the top of the bureau in the future!"

At this time, inspectors from all major bureaus across the country not only admired David for being elected, but they also had mixed feelings in their hearts.

Because as they said, David was just an auditor at the same level as them two months ago, but now he has sat in the position of Los Angeles branch director. Such a huge change is difficult for an individual. Well balanced.

At the General Administration of Washington, the supporters of Donald and David were also celebrating this time. However, because there were still many things to do after being elected, they were only happy for a while, and then devoted themselves to the follow-up work.

Lake District Branch.

David's feelings about being elected have come to an end, and he finally said: "Okay, I want to wish you all the same success in the coming days, and have a bright future..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

And William came to David's side and reminded: "Now the major media outside are waiting for reports. Since you have been elected, go out and say a few words."

David nodded. Although he didn't like to deal with the media, the god-making plan was obviously to put him on the table and make him a 'tax evasion nemesis'.

Therefore, being in the spotlight is certainly inevitable.

Outside the Lake District branch.

The major media outlets that were still discussing immediately stopped talking when they saw David and others coming out, and rushed over with microphones in hand.

"Tax Commissioner David, now that the results have come out, it shows that you have been elected as the director of the western suburbs of Los Angeles. After you take office, will you make any arrangements for your jurisdiction?"

"Tax Commissioner David, within the jurisdiction of the Western Suburbs Bureau is the world-famous film and television center Hollywood. What arrangements will you make for Hollywood after you take office?"

"Director David, as far as I know, the previous director of the Western Suburbs Bureau did not take any big action against Hollywood. Will you take any action after you take office?"

"Tax Commissioner David, it is said that there is a lot of money laundering in Hollywood, and there are yin and yang contracts in big bowls. I wonder if you will launch a crackdown on this after you take office?"

At this time, the media's focus is no longer on the issue of David's election, but on the issue of Hollywood.

Because they knew very well that any news involving Hollywood would be a hot topic, not to mention that David, a ruthless tax chief, was about to be transferred to the government chief.

Whether any conflict will break out between the two, and whether David will adopt policies to target Hollywood taxation after taking office, are the focus of everyone's attention.

Something happened today, so I can only update 4,200 words. Sorry...

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